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时间: 刘惠2 高考英语



  第I卷(选择题 共100分)

  第一部分 听力(共两节,共20题,每题1.5分,满分30分)



  1. What does the man ask for?

  A. Hot coffee. B. Iced coffee. C. Cold soda.

  2. What does the woman want to find?

  A. A cell phone. B. A map. C. A park.

  3. Why won’t the woman’s boyfriend attend the concert?

  A. He doesn’t want to go. B. He couldn’t get a ticket. C. He has other plans.

  4. Why will the woman stay home?

  A. To wait for a call.

  B. To watch a ball game on TV.

  C. To have dinner with a friend.

  5. What does the woman suggest the man do?

  A. Apply for a different job.

  B. Wait for an application form.

  C. Fill out an online application.




  6. What is the party for?

  A. A birthday. B. A graduation. C. A wedding.

  7. Where does the man’s cousin live now?

  A. In Houston. B. In New York. C. In Dallas.


  8. Where does the running group meet?

  A. At the river. B. At the university. C. At the park.

  9. How far does the woman normally run?

  A. One mile. B. Two miles. C. Three miles.


  10. What day of the week is it?

  A. Friday. B. Saturday. C. Sunday.

  11. Where was the man’s girlfriend planning to go tonight?

  A. To the movies. B. To a restaurant. C. To her sister’s house.

  12. What is the relationship between the speakers?

  A. Chef and assistant B. Brother and sister C. Roommates.


  13. Who is the man planning to visit?

  A. His sister. B. His aunt. C. His cousin.

  14. What is the man concerned about?

  A. The cost of flights.

  B. The cost to travel in Paris.

  C. Finding a hotel in Madrid.

  15. When does the man plan to leave?

  A. In two weeks. B. In one month. C. In two months.

  16. What advice does the woman give?

  A. Buy tickets early. B. Travel on a Sunday. C. Avoid summer vacation.


  17. What will be painted?

  A. Some cars.

  B. Some lines.

  C. The apartment building.

  18. Which street must be cleaned?

  A. Delaware Avenue.

  B. Kentucky Road.

  C. New Jersey Street.

  19. What time does street cleaning begin on Thursday?

  A. At 9:00 in the morning.

  B. At 5:00 in the morning.

  C. At 11:30 in the morning.

  20. When will the painting be complete?

  A. On Saturday. B. On Thursday. C. On Friday.第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节, 满分40分)

  第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分)

  阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项。


  Summer has finally arrived, which means kids are bound for the outdoors. It can be exciting for kids and parents to have a great opportunity to go swimming, picnicking or on adventures. This time of year is also a dangerous time of year as almost half of all injury-related deaths in children occur between May and August. Whether it be in the pool, on bike, out in the sun or in the backyard is always important. Here are some tips to keep the family safe over the summer.

  Water Safety

  At this time of year, drowning deaths among children skyrocket(飞涨) compared to the rest of the year. Never leave your child alone in the water, even in shallow water. A child can drown in as little as one inch of water. Enroll your children in swimming lessons. Some swim schools offer class for children as young as 6 months.

  Sun Safety

  We are fortunate enough to live in the Sunshine State, where sun shines year-round. But with all the time you and the kids will be spending outdoors this summer, it’s important to protect yourself. Make sure to use a widely-used sunscreen(防晒霜) that blocks both UVA and UVB sunlight. Cotton clothing has an estimated SPF of only 6, so even if your kids are going out wearing T-shirts and shorts, make sure they are covered up.

  Bike Safety

  Nothing says summer like a nice neighborhood bike ride. But bikes are not toys and can certainly cause injury. Don’t forget to always wear a helmet. Head injuries are reduced by 85 Percent when riders wear a helmet and other safety equipment like knee and wrist pads. It’s estimated that 75 percent of bicycle-related deaths could have been prevented with bicycle helmets. When riding on the street, make sure kids understand all riding hand signals, ride with the traffic flow and stay as far right as possible.

  21. Summer is called a dangerous time because children .

  A. are easily injured B. enjoy staying in the sun

  C. want to learn swimming D. refuse to accept advice

  22. It can be learned from the second paragraph that .

  A. swimming is a dangerous activity

  B. shallow water is harmless to children

  C. some swim schools offer class for free

  D. deaths from drowning increase suddenly

  23. In order to avoid getting sunburned, you should .

  A. keep your kids indoors B. use a broad-spectrum sunscreen

  C. buy expensive clothes D. wear T-shirts and shortsB

  Recently, I experienced a wonderful lesson in how little things still mean a lot. My brother, mother and I live in Hawaii. Our farm is at least a dozen miles from even the most basic of services. Therefore, I take weekly trips to the shop to get supplies. About a month ago, I finished loading up the car and was about to leave, when a piece of paper on the ground caught my eye. I picked it up and read it carefully.

  It was a receipt (收据) from the State Motor Vehicle Division, recording the owner's payment of her Vehicle's Registration fees. At first I thought that I could find the owner. So I waited there for about an hour. Although the receipt had been swept by the wind, where would I find the owner in the busy, crowded parking lot? I looked over the receipt for contact or any personal data, perhaps a license tag (牌照) or telephone number. I checked the date, the fees paid, noted the name of the owner and pocketed the paper. I concluded that the best and easiest step to take was to put the receipt in an envelope and send it to the owner first the next morning.

  By the end of the week, I received a beautiful "thank you" letter from a very grateful and happy woman containing a handwritten message and a card. In the letter, the woman explained how the wind snatched (夺去) her receipt from a pocket in her car's passenger door. She had searched everywhere for quite some time before giving up.

  It felt great to know I had helped someone avoid a loss by doing something which at first glance (一瞥) seemed little and unimportant.

  24. What can we learn about the author?

  A. He lives downtown in Hawaii.

  B. He is patient and willing to help others.

  C. He is too poor to have basic supplies for his family.

  D. He goes to the shop to get supplies once a week on foot.

  25. The underlined word "it" in Paragraph 2 most probably refers to______________.

  A. the receipt B. the license tag

  C. the telephone number D. the personal data

  26. How did the woman feel when receiving the author's envelope?

  A. proud. B. disappointed. C. appreciated. D. angry.

  27. What can be the best title for the text?

  A.A Lesson I Will Never Forget B. Never Lose Heart or Give up

  C. Little Things Still Mean a Lot D. Think Carefully Before You ActC

  As you are growing and changing, you have more responsibilities and also more freedom to spend time with other people. While you may feel ready to make your own decisions about where and when to go, your parents will put limits on you. So you may find you are arguing with your parents more than you used to. The reason why your parents do this is that they care about you and want to protect you from danger.

  Here are some tips for how to avoid and handle arguments with your parents:

  •Discuss the rules ahead of time and not at the last minute. This way you will be able to tell what they will say yes or no to before you make plans. Your parents can also explain to you why each rule is in place. Ask them to give you the chance to explain how the rules make you feel and suggest what you think are right rules. Your parents may be willing to listen to your ideas and use them when making rules that you both agree on.

  •Try to remain calm when your parents say no to something. You will show your parents that you are responsible and mature by talking instead of shouting.

  •Spend time with your family. Some teens argue with their parents over the amount of time they spend with their friends. Communicate with each other and make some special family time so that you can all enjoy the time you spend at home. Suggest activities that your whole family will enjoy together such as going on a hike, taking a bike ride, or going to the beach.

  28. We can learn from the passage that the right rules are those _______.

  A. you have to obey B. you and your parents have discussed

  C. your parents make D. you and your parents can both accept

  29. When your parents prevent you from doing something, you should ________ .

  A. argue with them B. control yourself

  C. fight for your freedom D. not listen to them

  30. What’s the purpose of the family activities in the last paragraph?

  A. To build up their bodies.

  B. To make parents happy.

  C. To visit more places of interest.

  D. To make children and their parents get along better.

  31. What does the passage mainly talk about?

  A. Stupid rules parents make.

  B. How to say no to parents’ rules.

  C. Responsibilities and freedom for teens.

  D. How to avoid arguments with your parents.D

  Teenagers are damaging their health by not getting enough sleep because they are distracted(分散) by electronic products in their bedrooms, according to a survey.

  UK advice body The Sleep Council said "junk sleep" could rival(比得上) the consumption of unhealthy junk food as a major lifestyle issue for parents of teenage children. It brings no less harm than junk food to one’s health. Its survey of 1,000 teenagers aged 12 to 16 found that 30 percent managed just 4 to 7 hours sleep as opposed to(形成对照)the recommended 8 or 9 hours by the experts. Almost a quarter said they fell asleep more than once a week while watching TV, listening to music or using other electronic products.

  “This is an extremely worrying situation,” said Dr Chris Idzikowski of the Edinburgh Sleep Centre. “What we are seeing is the appearance of Junk Sleep ---that is sleep which is of neither the length nor quality that it should be in order to feed the brain with the rest it needs to perform properly at school.”

  Nearly all the teenagers had a phone, music system or TV in their bedroom, with around two-thirds possessing all three. Almost one in five of the teenage boys said the quality of their sleep had been impacted by leaving their TV or computer on. The survey also found that 40 percent of teenagers felt tired each day, with girls aged 15 to 16 doing the worst. However just 11 percent said they were bothered by the lack or quality of sleep.

  “I'm surprised that so few teenagers make the link between getting enough good quality sleep and how they feel during the day,” Idzikowski said. “Teenagers need to wake up to the fact to feel well, perform well and look well; they need to do something about their sleep.”

  32. According to the experts, how many hours should teenagers sleep every night?

  A. 4 to 7 hours B. 8 or 9 hours C. 6 or 7 hours D. 7 or 8 hours

  33. Which of the following is NOT true about “junk sleep”?

  A. It’s a kind of sleep with poor quality.

  B. It’s kind of sleep with shorter hours.

  C. It’s not as harmful as junk food to one’s health.

  D. It’s mainly caused by the electronic products in the bedroom.

  34. The underlined word “impacted” Paragraph 4 can probably be replaced by “ .”

  A. improved B. destroyed C. affected D. inspired

  35. It can be inferred from the passage that Dr. Chris Idzikowski is very _____________about present situation.

  A. worried B. satisfied C. angry D. disappointed第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2分, 满分10 分)

  根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

  Is Dieting OK for Kids?

  You may know some adults and kids who worry about their weight and say they are going on a diet. You might wonder if you should be on a diet, too. 36 Why? Let’s find out.

  Dieting to Lose Weight

  37 When someone diets to lose weight, the person is trying to eat fewer calories than the body uses. By doing this, the person may lose body fat and decrease his or her weight. Similarly, if a person eats more calories than the body uses, the person may gain weight.

  Kids usually do not need to diet in this way. 38 During this time, kids need many kinds of healthy foods to keep their bodies growing properly. Some kids are overweight, but even overweight kids often can improve their health simply by eating nutritious foods and being more active.

  39 But kids may hurt their health even more by doing something drastic(极端的), like skipping meals or deciding to eat only vegetables.

  Who Needs to Diet?

  Though some people may feel they weigh too much or too little, there is no perfect body shape. Some people have bigger bones and will always look bigger and heavier than people with smaller bones.


  Your doctor can examine you and check your body mass index (身体质量指数). That’s a way of estimating how much body fat you have. If the doctor is concerned about your weight, he or she can recommend a couple of goals.

  For some kids, the doctor may recommend losing some weight, but this should be done with the doctor’s help. Kids who need to lose weight may visit with a dietitian who can explain how to reduce calories safely while still getting all the necessary nutrients.

  A. It is important to form a good eating habit.

  B. Being overweight can cause health problems.

  C. Not eating properly can be very harmful to kids.

  D. Unlike adults, kids are still growing and developing.

  E. Talk to your doctor if you have questions about your weight.

  F. All foods and many drinks contain calories, a kind of energy.

  G. But most of kids do not need to — and should not — diet this way.第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节, 满分45分)

  第一节 完形填空 (共20小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分30分)

  阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

  Mom’s heart rate grew slower and weaker. We were all at her bedside, 41 . She could not speak but looked at me kindly.

  “No, mom, no! Don’t leave me! I’m not 42 to shoulder this responsibility. You are so wise and we need you for strength and 43 !”

  Her 44 locked onto mine one final time and I knew she was 45 me the keys to her kingdom. A small stream of tears escaped her eyes and I knew I had become queen. My 46 fell apart “Mom!” I cried out.

  Mom was the 47 of our family. It has been two years since the crown(王冠) was passed to me. There have been many times I proved 48 of the honor. My children turned to me for guidance and I found myself looking for the queen. But, I was the queen, and the 49 were mine to make.

  I 50 hard to carry on. I wanted to 51 , but I had no time for tears. Each of us is given 52 and we need to reach deep within to find our strengths. Memories of Mom would rush in and 53 me to go on. My mother had been the 54 one and I was her daughter. Time and time again I was asked to 55 the responsibilities and time and time again they became 56 . I came to 57 that I had learned a lot from the queen and now it was my 58 to teach.

  Perhaps, one day, when I hand the crown over to my daughter, she will have learned from my teachings. She may 59 for a while, but finally she will become a strong queen. She will face the world 60 because in this kingdom there is no time for tears.

  41.A. calm B. helpless C. ashamed D. careless

  42.A. ready B. afraid C. free D. lucky

  43.A. command B. reward C. guidance D. trust

  44.A. eyes B. tears C. heart D. mind

  45.A. showing B. returning C. throwing D. handing

  46.A. world B. view C. goal D. fear

  47.A. king B. queen C. future D. mystery

  48.A. fond B. proud C. unworthy D. unaware

  49.A. suggestions B. comments C. descriptions D. decisions

  50.A. pushed B. fought C. competed D. begged

  51.A. hide B. escape C. cry D. quarrel

  52.A. power B. hope C. choices D. challenges

  53.A. encourage B. warn C. allow D. expect.

  54.A. sensitive B. patient C. strong D. generous

  55.A. give up B. take on C. give in D. take away

  56.A. simpler B. heavier C. clearer D. easier

  57.A. remember B. regret C. realize D. accept

  58.A. turn B. faith C. right D .idea

  59.A. recover B. struggle C. pretend D. watch

  60.A. gratefully B. honestly C. bravely D. selflessly第II卷(共50分)

  第二节 (共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)


  In my opinion, we should try our best to reach our goals even though there is little hope. The efforts seem to be the lights in the darkness, 61 lead the way to hope and success.

  I used to be 62 shy girl in my primary school. I was weak in English at that time, especially 63 (speak) English. So I was afraid to answer the teacher’s questions during English classes. After I entered my dream middle school, something 64 (change). I started to read many interesting English stories and my English teacher helped me a lot 65 patience. I studied hard in class and practiced by 66 (watch) English films and listening to English songs in my free time. Little by little, I found 67 more and more enjoyable to learn English. I could even talk with my classmates 68 (fluent) in English and I was not shy any 69 (much). At last, I got high grades in English and I had 70 (confident) to do it better in the future.

  61 ____________ 62_____________ 63 ____________64 _____________ 65 ____________

  66 ____________ 67_____________ 68 _____________69 ____________ 70 ____________








  I went shopping in a store a few days before. At the cash desk, the men in front of me found

  that he was forgot to have his wallet with him. He became so upset. See this, I paid for him.

  His bill was only 20 yuan but he was extreme thankful. I didn’t pay more attention to my act

  of kind until this morning. The man , who is businessman, came to our school and told the

  school what I have done. She also donated 20,000yuan for our school, which surprised all of

  us. I felt so happy.

  第二节 书面表达(满分25分)





  3.积极参加校园社团活动(campus community)。

  Dear Paul,

  Is everything going well?_______________________________________________







  Li Hua


  第一部分 听力 (共两节, 满分30分)


  第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节, 满分40分)

  第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分)


  第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2分, 满分10 分) 36-40 GFDBE

  第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节, 满分45分)

  第一节 完形填空 (共20小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分30分)


  第二节 (共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)

  61. which 62. a 63. spoken 64. changed 65. with

  66. watching 67. it 68. fluently 69. more 70. confidence


  第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

  71.before改为ago 72. men改为 man 73.去掉was

  74. See 改为Seeing 75. extreme改为extremely 76. kind 改为kindness

  77. businessman前加上a 78. have改为had 79. She 改为He 80. for为to