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时间: 刘惠2 高考英语




  第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


  Top UK Summer Camps Oxford Summer Academy, Oxford

  The Oxford Summer Academy is a specialized program for 16 - 19 - year - olds who want a taste of life at one of the world, s most well - known universities. Activities range from morning tutorials (辅导)to afternoon electives that are designed to broaden students’ understanding of what they' 11 be studying and how to be excellent in their chosen fields.

  Ardmay House, Long Loch, Scotland

  Ardmay House is the sort of adventure camp that makes adults jealous. Campers are presented with Lord of The Rings type settings to feel and try new things. With activities like climbing,beach art, fashion shows and quiz nights, kids are brought closer to nature and their peers in a fun and safe environment.

  Uppingham Summer School,Uppingham

  The Uppingham Summer School offers an impressive variety of summer courses from arts and crafts to theatre, cookery and sports. It was their Creativity Technologies Powerhouse that caught our eye when researching camps for this article. The course covers everything from iPhone app and design to computer game design, film-making, robot design and music technology. It’s basically a course that takes them through the most exciting technology among the modern media. It' s an amazing environment for kids to learn and grow in.

  Learn and Experience, Yorkshire

  Leam and Experience focuses on giving kids from the UK and abroad a chance to interact and have a good time with one another, an experience that makes them grow as individuals. With half the campers coming from abroad, it’ s a golden opportunity for curious kids to put their geography classes into practice without having to leave the country.

  21. Who will be most interested in Oxford Summer Academy?

  A. Those who are entering Oxford.

  B. Those who have to improve their studies.

  C. Those who want to practice their oral English.

  D. Those who want to experience the life of Oxford.

  22. The Uppingham Summer School attracts kids mainly because of_.

  A. its art courses B. its amazing environment

  C. its creative technology courses D. its good condition

  23. A student who wants to put his geography knowledge to practical use will go to_.

  A. Oxford Summer Academy, Oxford

  B. Ardmay House, Long Loch, Scotland

  C. Uppingham Summer School, Uppingham

  D. Leam and Experience, Yorkshire


  Children often suffer pain and insecurity when their parents separate. When my ex-husband and I split up after 10 years of marriage, our daughter was 5 years old and my son only 3. We decided to consult a psychologist about the best way to explain this new situation to the children. She shared with us this special story about a land turtle and a sea turtle, which we then used to help them better comprehend.

  Once upon a time,a land turtle ( Mommy) met a sea turtle ( Daddy) close to a beautiful shore. Soon they fell deeply in love and decided to get married. For a time, they continued to live at the water’ s edge so that Mommy could sit on the sand and keep dry and warm, while Daddy sat in the shallow water to keep cool. A few years later two baby turtles arrived ( you both!). They were very special indeed and looked a little like each of their parents.

  But as the years went by, Daddy sea turtle started spending more and more time in the ocean as he traveled deeper and deeper to look for pearls. Mommy land turtle also started wandering up into the sands to hunt for food in the woods. Little by little, Daddy and Mommy turtle started to drift further and further apart. Finally one day,Mommy and Daddy turtle decided they didn' t want to live together anymore. The little turtles continued to spend time with each of their parents. They made lots of friends with all the fish,dolphins and whales in the ocean and also many friends with the rabbits, deer, and foxes in the woods. In fact they grew up to be a new kind of turtle that could live both in the ocean and on the land.

  Over the years, this tale of the land and sea turtle has helped my children cope with and accept the fact that my marriage to their father was over. They know that we once loved each other very much and they were bom out of true love.

  24. The underlined “They” in the second paragraph refers to_.

  A. the two baby turtles

  B. the land turtle and the sea turtle

  C. the author and her ex-husband

  D. the author’s children

  25 . When the parents divorce,their children often feel_.

  A. relieved B. unsafe C. pleased D. annoyed

  26. In the third paragraph, the underlined phrase “drift apart" probably means_.

  A. make sense B. become disconnected

  C. break down D. get excited

  27. We can probably find the passage in the column

  A. Culture B. Career C. Parenting D. Education


  Proper diet and regular exercise seem to be the only methods for losing weight. However, the importance of water should be added in the process. While medical science has proven the positive effects of water, most people still do not drink enough each day.

  The reason why water is so important for weight loss has something to do with metabolism (新陈代谢)of fat. The liver(肝脏)is in charge of this process when it comes to turning stored fat into energy. However, the liver is also responsible for helping the kidneys (肾脏)that need enough water in order to function properly. The liver has to perform all the functions of the kidneys on its own when they are short of water. This means the liver doesn't have enough energy to metabolize fat. So, drinking water allows the kidneys to focus on their job and the liver to focus on its job.

  Also, studies have shown that water can make us feel full when drunk before meals. Without even making an effort, most people who drink a glass of water before a meal will eat 33% less. This is due in part to the fact that they simply get fuller quicker because the water is taking up space. The other reason is that the food will expand as soon as it hits the water-filled stomach.

  Water is important for every aspect of the health of the human body. By drinking more water and improving the health of the body, weight loss goals can be achieved with greater ease.

  28. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage as a way to lose weight?

  A. Regular exercise. B. Drinking water. C. Balanced diet. D. Medical care.

  29. The liver has to take over the job of the kidneys when_.

  A. the kidneys are lacking in water

  B. there is something wrong with the kidneys

  C. the liver doesn’ t supply energy for the kidneys

  D. there is no fat for the liver to metabolize

  30. Why can we lose weight by drinking water before meals?

  A. Because we don’ t feel thirsty any longer.

  B. Because we eat much less than normal.

  C. Because the water takes up too much space.

  D. Because the food becomes larger and larger.

  31. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

  A. The Liver Is Important to the Kidneys.

  B. How the Digestive System Works.

  C. Water for a Healthy Life and Losing Weight.

  D. Several Tips for Losing Weight.


  The Humane Society of Utah,a non-profit organization, is the largest shelter in the state because it takes every animal that can be lawfully accepted. The shelter employed photographer Guinevere Shuster, from New York, who came up with a creative way to find new homes for the dogs. She took lively photos for them.

  The 31 - year - old created sets of four pictures showing the playful and serious sides of each animal. Guinevere Shuster tried her best to show these dogs the way they, d really look if you allowed them into your life. She said, “I’ m always trying to imagine better ways to make the poor animals attractive to the public. The photos show their great personalities and are a much better way than presenting them as the sad dogs waiting to be taken home. I' m lucky because I get to connect the two things I love most, animals and photography."

  Guinevere says she finds it easy to work with dogs. She said, “ It's just me and the dog in the office so they can pay their attention to the photo - taking. I use a lot of treats and some funny noises I’ ve learned to get the dogs’ attention. A fun method is to throw treats at the dogs 一 it’ s useful for getting unusual looks from them."

  Since starting the project, a number of dogs have been taken home by dog lovers after they saw Guinevere’ s pictures on the Humane Society of Utah’ s Facebook page. In the last three years, she has photographed more than 4,000 animals. This year, the shelter has placed nearly 9,000 homeless pets into their permanent homes.

  32. The Humane Society of Utah is_.

  A. a shelter center only for little dogs B. a profit-making organization

  C. a home for the old citizens in Utah D. an organization to help homeless animals

  33. What can we know about Guinevere Shuster?

  A. She is a photographer featuring on animals and plants.

  B. She shows great interest in photographing animals.

  C. She grew up in New York and learned photography there.

  D. The photos of the dogs she took were displayed at her gallery.

  34. Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?

  A. The organization only accepts animals from the state of Utah.

  B. Guinevere worked for the Humane Society of Utah voluntarily.

  C. Many dogs have been adopted after Guinevere's photos were posted.

  D. Guinevere takes the pictures of the dogs at her own home.

  35. What is the author,s attitude towards this project?

  A. Objective. B. Subjective. C. Doubtful. D. Critical.



  Do you ever wonder if you' re doing what you' re supposed to be doing with your life? What if you have potential talents that could lead you to a new path and change everything for the better?

  36 The following tips will help you discover your potential strength.

  . Do what you love.

  One sure way to get yourself moving in the right direction is to do more of the things that make you feel good. 37 That might lead to writing a book or a movie or a career in writing. If baking treats for friends and neighbors gives you great pleasure, take it one step further. Upgrade your packaging and look into selling your goodies at a local market.

  . Complete some assessment activities.

  38 While none of them is perfect, each of them can help you realize the types of your strengths.

  . 39

  It' s not always easy to self - identify what we' re good at. So go and ask your friends what they think your strengths are. You might be surprised at what they have to say. Are you creative, organized, or socially outgoing? Sometimes your friends are more aware of your strengths than you.

  . Find a guide.

  If you have an idea of where your potential strengths lie,it may help to find a person who has achieved success in a related area. Chances are that your guide would be happy to share tips and motivations to help you. Use this relationship to get hands - on experience. 40 Ask the owner of a shop you admire if you can work part time or volunteer in order to leam the business and see if it suits you.

  A. Ask your friends.

  B. Turn to your teachers for help.

  C. Stop wondering and start doing.

  D. If you love to write, start a blog now.

  E. Setting a goal helps you identify a potential strength.

  F. There are many free self - evaluation tools on the Internet.

  G. Do you think you might want to open a bookstore or cafe?




  In March 2007, I was recovering from an operation for breast cancer and going through a terrible time. I spent my days at home 41 everything to myself. Then one of my colleagues suggested __42_, “Why don’t you pick a couple of days and go to Ireland and escape?” I 43 the tip.

  The trip was fun, but when I got on the 44 to go home,I wasn' t feeling well. My plan was to sleep for the 45 journey, but the guy next to me looked good - hearted for a conversation 46 he had kind eyes.

  “ I had an operation,” I said 47 “ I had breast cancer. ” He paused for a moment and said,“ What' s wrong with that? Breast cancer is just a small 48 of you, like going to college or getting married."

  I could feel my eyes 49 up with tears.

  “Don’t think too much of your problem," he said. “Instead, think about how many people you could help."

  I had tears coming down my face, and said, “I can't 50 I'm crying in front of you, I don't 51 know you.,’

  “Look, you have a 52 in life,” he said. “You can either 53 your things deep in your pockets and take them to your grave, or you can help someone. ”

  I' ve always been a very 54 person,and aside from the few people who needed to know, I' d kept my illness secret. I didn' t want to be 55 by my weakness.

  But this man, whose name was Ken Duane, showed me that my illness gave me 56 -because it gave me the ability to 57 someone else’s load. I decided at that moment that I was going to try to help others by sharing my story 58 ,in hopes of inspiring those who were in the same or similar situation. Later that year, I talked about my illness and my 59 with Ken on air.

  I am forever 60 that I never took a nap on that flight over the Atlantic.

  41. A. devoting B. explaining C. keeping D. storing

  42. A. seriously B. hurriedly C. kindly D. confidently

  43. A. overlooked B. dismissed C. doubted D. accepted

  44. A. bus B. plane C. train D. ship

  45. A. whole B. last C. exact D. normal

  46. A. if B. because C. while D. though

  47. A. willingly B. quickly C. cheerfully D. weakly

  48. A. part B. centre C. pain D. symbol

  49. A. coming B. filling C. taking D. ending

  50. A. bear B. realize C. believe D. deny

  51. A. still B. already C. then D. even

  52. A. decision B. choice C. goal D. belief

  53. A. clear B. sort C. put D. mix

  54. A. private B. outspoken C. clumsy D. polite

  55. A. defeated B. blamed C. affected D. defined

  56. A. surprise B. strength C. advice D. reference

  57. A. broaden B. worsen C. lighten D. brighten

  58. A. publicly B. officially C. clearly D. sharply

  59. A. expectation B. exploration C. appointment D. conversation

  60. A. grateful B. conscious C. pitiful D. regretful



  Many couples are quite puzzled about this question. How can lovers be devoted to each other for long? Actually, they just complain about their marriage to their partners all the time, not 61 ( know) how to deal with the marriage crisis.

  “Before we were 62 (marry) , my husband was a caring man," a wife once told me. “It seemed that he would love me till the end of the world. Since we got married, he 63 (become) a lazy bone. He watches ball games more than he watches me. He has changed so much that I can 64 (hard) bear him."

  "Very funny," answered the husband. “But have you looked at yourself lately? Several years ago, you were very beautiful. Now you wear that old dress. If I' ve changed from 65 energetic man to a lazy one, then you' ve changed yourself from a 66 ( beauty) lady to an ugly one."

  This hurtful but childish 67 ( argue ) shows how couples, instead of looking for love, may look for all the 68 (fault)that his/her partner has in their daily life.

  Honestly speaking, how we see our partners often depends more 69 how we are than how they are. It is a way of seeing. Husbands and wives are not audience 70 participant observers in each other’s life. Remember that the law of lasting love is to look at your lover with love.







  注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

  Our class paid a visit to a senior’s home last Sunday. As soon as we got to there, we first did a thorough cleaning. Some swept and mopping the floor. Some cleaned the windows or others did some washing. An hour late, the rooms looked clean and tidy and took on a newly look. Then we were divided into two group. One group gave a wonderful performance who the elderly enjoyed very much; the other group taught those interested in English some daily expressions. All the elderly had good time with them. When lunch time came, we had to say goodbye for them.

  第二节书面表达(满分25分) 假如你是李华。某英文报社正在举行主题为“周六关闭智能手机”的活动,你很感兴趣。









  Dear Sir/Madam,

  I am pleased to leam about your appeal to spend a Saturday without using smart phones.


  Li Hua



  21—25 DCDAB 26—30 BCDAB 31—35 CDBCA 36—40 CDFAG



  41—45 CCDBA 46—50 BDABC 51—55 DBCAD 56—60 BCADA


  61. knowing 62. married 63. has become 64. hardly 65. an 66. beautiful 67. argument 68. faults 69. on 70. but



  Our class paid a visit to a senior’s home last Sunday. As soon as we got to there, we first did a


  thorough cleaning. Some swept and mopping the floor. Some cleaned the windows or others did some

  mopped and/while

  washing. An hour late, the rooms looked clean and tidy and took on a newly look. Then we were divided

  later new

  into two group. One group gave a wonderful performance who the elderly enjoyed very much; the other

  groups that/which/去掉 who

  group taught those interested in English some daily expressions. All the elderly had 八 good time with


  them. When lunch time came, we had to say goodbye for them.

  us to


  One possible version:

  Dear Sir or Madam,

  I am pleased to learn about your appeal to spend a Saturday without using smart phones. I,m very glad to join in the activity. Smart phones are playing an important role nowadays, making it easier for us to communicate and deal with work. But at the same time, we seem to be losing the skills of face-to-face communication.

  I will present my plans for this Saturday here. After getting up, I would like to invite my friends to go for a morning run in the park. It is a good idea to help my parents prepare a big meal at noon, after which my family will spend the whole afternoon enjoying the latest movie together. In the evening, we will stay home, reading books.

  It is really a meaningful activity, so I am eager to share it with my classmates.


  Li Hua