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时间: 刘惠2 高考英语




  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




  例:How much is the shirt?

  A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.


  1. What will the woman do this Saturday ?

  A. Go to see her sister.

  B. Look after her brother’s son.

  C. Go to the concert.

  2. How many pills should the woman take at a time?

  A. 2. B. 3. C.5.

  3. What does Laura need at the moment?

  A. Encouragement. B. Blame. C. Help with her chemistry.

  4. What does the man want to do?

  A. Buy a light. B. Go to the supermarket. C. Get to the nearest light.

  5. What is the man’s suggestion about serious pollution?

  A. The government should take action.

  B. Don’t breathe the poisonous air.

  C. The government should protect the environment.




  6. Where probably is the man’s mother now?

  A. At home. B. In the hospital. C. In the office.

  7. How long does the man need before going back to work?

  A. A month. B. A day. C. A week.


  8. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

  A. Husband and wife. B. Employer and employee. C. Neighbors.

  9. Why does the man feel nervous?

  A. He wants to breathe in some fresh air.

  B. He’s been waiting so long for a call.

  C. He has heard his neighbor’s phone.


  10. Where does the conversation take place?

  A. In an office. B. In a hotel. C. In a restaurant.

  11. How will the man eat his steak?

  A. Medium. B. Well-done. C. Rare.

  12. What does the man start his meal with?

  A. An iced tea with a lemon.

  B. Some baked potatoes. C. A cream and onion soup.


  13. What does the man want to do?

  A. To reserve a car. B. To rent a car. C. To reserve a room.

  14. What size of car does the man want?

  A. Large. B. Small. C. Middle.

  15. How much should the man pay for the rented car for the weekend?

  A. $89. B. $80. C. $120.

  16. Where can the man find his rented car?

  A. In the Hotel. B. In the parking lot. C. On Peter Street.


  17. What happened to the Cuyahoga River in 1969?

  A. It was seriously polluted. B. It was cleaned up.

  C. It became the most outstanding river.

  18. How long did it take for the river to become clean again?

  A. Several years. B. A few days. C. A few months.

  19. What can make the river clean according to the speaker?

  A. Something imaginable. B. Hard work.

  C. The control of using your credit card.

  20. What shall we do when facing an impossible situation?

  A. Wait for something to change.

  B. Just be patient and do something.

  C. Imagine something outstanding.

  第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




  Ice skating at Rockefeller Center is a memorable New York City winter experience. The rink(溜冰场)at Rock Center first opened on Christmas Day in 1936. It can admit about 150 skaters at a time and the rink is 122 feet long and 59 feet wide.

  Advice for Ice Skating at Rock Center: While ice skating at Rockefeller Center is an experience that many New York City visitors desire, keep in mind that you’re paying a price to be able to say “I skated at Rockefeller Center”, despite the small skating surface and the often crowded atmosphere.

  When It’s Least Crowded: Early morning during holiday periods and weekdays before 4 p. m. tend to be the least crowded times to skate in Rock Center. It’s also less crowded earlier and later in the season, compared to peak season, which runs from Thanksgiving through New Year.

  When It’s Open: The rink at Rockefeller Center typically opens at Columbus Day weekend and stays open through early April.

  Skating Sessions: Skate rentals and admissions are charged per session. Time your visit appropriately to get the most skating for your money.

  Admission: Adult admission is $27 ($30 during “peak” dates Dec. 5, 6, 12, 13 and Dec. 19 ~Jan. 4) and children under 11 and seniors are $15.

  Ice Skating Lessons: Half-hour private lessons are $50 per person and include one hour of skate time in addition to the lesson. Appointments can be reserved by calling 212-332-7655.

  21. What do we know about the rink at Rock Center?

  A. It’s a newly-built center. B. It operates all the year round.

  C. It covers only a small area. D. It’s mainly for training skaters.

  22. Which of the following may be a suggested time to skate?

  A. 3 p. m on a Thursday. B. Weekends in December.

  C. 5 p. m. on a Wednesday. D. On the afternoon of Thanksgiving Day.

  23. To skate in Rock Center, a couple with their kid aged 7 will pay ________.

  A. $45 at most B. $69 at least

  C. $81 in total D. $75 at least


  Two weeks before my 12th birthday, my teacher asked me to conduct an experiment. When I mixed some powder together, they exploded. Molten lava hit me in the face, but I felt no pain.

  I vividly remember standing there in a state of calmness. I thought I was in a dream, but however hard I struggled to swim to the surface of consciousness, I couldn’t wake up. I didn’t understand how terrifying it was until I heard people saying, “Who’s that?” That’s when I knew I was unrecognisable.

  I was taken to hospital, but the doctors didn’t know what to do with me. Later I was flown to Houston for surgery. Between the ages of 13 and 16, I had 40 operations. As each operation came and went, my vision would come back and then fade again. Eventually, it faded completely and I had what was left of my eyes removed for cosmetic(整形)reasons.

  Since then, I have lived in total darkness. Most blind people, even if they don’t have any sight they’re aware of, are still able to perceive light. That gives them a sense of day and night. But not me. I absolutely lost that sense of time passing.

  For many years, I felt my sight loss darkening my life like the loss of my parents from which I would never recover. But when I was in my 40s, I realised I had to find a way to live. I trained to become a counsellor, and that has helped me see my experiences in a different way. I can’t fix people’s broken lives—just like I can’t fix my sight—but I can help them find a way to manage.

  Sometimes it feels as if all the struggles and negative experiences I’ve lived through were in fact a kind of preparation for helping others to make their own way towards the light.

  24. When the explosion happened, the author felt ________.

  A. cool B. terrified C. upset D. anxious

  25. What can we know from the passage?

  A. The author lost her sight but her eyes remained.

  B. The author recovered from her sight loss soon afterwards.

  C. The author suffered a lot in her teens.

  D. The author still has difficulty waking up from her dream.

  26. What does the underlined word “perceive” in Paragraph 4 mean?

  A. Predict. B. Sense. C. Watch. D. Distinguish.

  27. What is the author’s purpose of writing this passage?

  A. To describe how hard a life the blind are living.

  B. To suggest an attitude towards life through her story.

  C. To encourage the disabled to be brave.

  D. To blame the teacher for his irresponsibility.


  In Ridley Scott’s science fiction drama The Martian, Matt Damon’s character plays a botanist who discovers how to grow potatoes on the Red Planet. Now, scientists are conducting an experiment that will bring them a step closer to making that a reality.

  NASA and the Peru-based International Potato Centre (CIP) will start growing potatoes in Mars-like conditions on Earth, with the hope of eventually building a controlled dome(穹顶)on Mars capable of farming the ancient crop. The team will replicate Martian atmospheric conditions in a laboratory, using soil from a desert in Peru—reportedly (复制)nearly identical to that found on the Red Planet. “The increased levels of carbon dioxide will benefit the crop, whose yield is two to four times that of a regular grain crop under normal Earth conditions. The Martian atmosphere is near 95 percent carbon dioxide, ”CIP explained in a recent report.

  By understanding atmospheric changes on the surface of Mars, the team hopes it will help build more research centers on Earth. If successful, the experiment could see NASA pioneer space fanning for future manned missions to not just Mars, but other planets and moons in the solar system. “The extraordinary efforts of the team have set the bar for space farming. The idea of growing food for human colonies in space could be a reality very soon. ”said Chris McKay, a scientist from the NASA Ames Research Center.

  A second goal of the project is to highlight the role of potatoes in improving global food security. “How better to learn about climate change than by growing crops on a planet that died two billion years ago?” said Joel Ranck, CIP’s Head of Communications. “We need people to understand that if we can grow potatoes in extreme conditions like those on Mars, we can save lives on Earth.”

  The earliest known record of potatoes dates back to around 2500 BC when the Aymara Indians in modern-day Peru and Bolivia were growing the vegetable.

  28. Why is Matt Damon mentioned in the first paragraph?

  A. To give an example. B. To make a comparison.

  C. To introduce the topic. D. To recommend a movie.

  29. Which factor on Mars benefits the growth of potatoes?

  A. Soil. B. Atmosphere. C. Gravity. D. Weather.

  30. What’s Chris McKay’s attitude towards space farming?

  A. Uninterested. B. Doubtful. C. Opposed. D. Confident.

  31. With his words in Para. 4, Joel Ranck is ________.

  A. complaining about food security

  B. explaining the effects of climate change

  C. stressing the importance of the project

  D. questioning the possibility of space fanning


  Three-year-old Mica and her little sister got a tree house from their parents. It took them $28,000 to build it. The house is roughly three meters above ground, and the platform was built into two large trees. One of the things Mica’s parents also wanted was a little door within the big door. If they want to go up, there is a door handle for them, which is their height. And there is an adult size door as well. So we can make it more like a secret hideout to kids.

  Balm Sundar and his wife Lakshmi came to America 20 years ago. Different from the Keenans, who built a tree house for their daughters, the Sundars had different thought. They said, “With beds, tables and windows, it’s a welcoming, comfortable space to spend a summer night. So, it was more of what I wanted the space to be than for the kids.”

  Both of these amazing tree houses were created by Dan Wright. To help many Americans achieve their dreams is his dream, so he founded Tree Top Builders Inc. He has built more than 400 tree houses since he started the company in 2003. Dan Wright said, “The tree house is the right place where they can come and relax. Meanwhile kids are up, looking down and getting a new perspective on life. That’s why I think Americans particularly like tree houses most.”

  Sandy Kiefer is a cello instructor. Her dream is to build three tree houses and use them for a bed and breakfast. “I am 63, almost 64. And people say: ‘Are you crazy to start on a dream now?’ And I am saying: ‘Are you crazy not to start on a dream now?’”

  But there is a problem too. As the tree grows, sometimes people need to move parts of the structure or cut parts of it away to give the tree room to grow each year. In spite of the problem, most Americans still want to own a tree house, because it is their American dream.

  32. Unlike the Keenans, the Sundars ________.

  A. sent their daughters a tree house B. built a tree house for themselves

  C. spent their summer night outdoors D. wasn’t concerned about their kids

  33. What is the purpose of Dan Wright in setting up Tree Top Builders Inc. ?

  A. To make many Americans’ dream come true.

  B. To make himself become a famous designer.

  C. To get the tree houses liked by Americans.

  D. To give more kids a relaxing place to rest.

  34. Which of the following can best express Sandy Kiefer’s opinion?

  A. It’s unreasonable for the old to have a dream.

  B. Not all people can have a dream.

  C. It’s never too late to change a dream.

  D. It’s urgent for the old to realize their dreams.

  35. What is the best title of the text?

  A. Tree Houses—A Branch of American Dream

  B. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Tree Houses

  C. The Way to Enjoy More Freedom and Independence

  D. Dan Wright—the Founder of Tree Top Builders Inc.