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时间: 刘惠2 高考英语


  Learn To Speak French With Rocket French!

  Who Wants to Learn to Speak French Fluently in the Shortest Possible Time? If You Answered “I Do!” Then Please Read on to Try My FREE 6-Day French Course.

  Why do you want to learn to speak French?

  ★ Do you live in a French-speaking country and want to communicate better?

  ★ Are you traveling to a French-speaking country?

  ★ Are you a home-schooled student or a parent who wants your children to learn more quickly and easily?

  ★ Are you a student who wants to get an A in French?

  ★ Have you learned French before and want a fun refresher course?

  Or, perhaps you just have an interest in learning the language of love!

  I’ve designed Rocket French Premium to be the easiest to follow, fastest system for learning how to speak French available. Rocket French Premium is an interactive course that makes you want to study. Also, it’s practical. You are going to be able to speak at a restaurant, at an airport, and with new friends!

  It’s a great experience to be able to speak with others in a different language. You will be able to enter into a different culture, a different world! Being bilingual is a very special ability, and it’s a gift that we want to give to you.

  So are you ready to get to know the secret of learning a new language? You’re looking right at it.

  Try our free six-day course. If you don’t, you’ll be missing a valuable opportunity to see just how much Rocket French Premium can improve your language level. Thousands of people worldwide have used our unique multimedia course to fast-track their French learning, while having piles of fun in the process. Will you be next?

  Your e-mail address is required for you to receive the FREE course. You can unsubscribe any time and your e-mail address will never be given to any third party.

  70. Who are target learners of Rocket French Premium?

  A. Students of French language.

  B. Language experts doing research into French.

  C. Teachers who are eager to improve their students’ French.

  D. Parents who want their children to learn French more quickly and easily.

  71. Rocket French Premium describes itself as ______.

  A. free and funny B. practical and interactive

  C. slow but efficient D. suitable for everyone

  72. The underlined word” fast-track” probably means _______ .

  A. speed up B. pick up C. influence D. change

  73. According to the text, which of the following statements is TRUE?

  A. A complete Rocket French course lasts for 6 days.

  B. Thousands of people worldwide have benefited from Rocket French Premium.

  C. People will enroll in Rocket French Premium for different reasons, but everyone will be given a gift eventually.

  D. Rocket French Premium mainly aims to introduce second-language learners to French culture.


  What we know of prenatal development makes all this attempt made by a mother to mold the character of her unborn child by studying poetry, art, or mathematics during pregnancy seem totally impossible. How could such extremely complex influences pass from the mother to the child? There is no connection between their nervous systems. Even the blood vessels of mother and child do not join directly. An emotional shock to the mother will affect her child, because it changes the activity of her glands (腺体) and so the chemistry of her blood. Any chemical change in the mother's blood will affect the child for better or worse. But we can not see how a looking for mathematics or poetic genius can be dissolved in blood and produce a similar liking or genius in the child.

  In our discussion of instincts we saw that there was reason to believe that whatever we inherit must be of some very simple sort rather than any complicated or very definite kind of behavior. It is certain that no one inherits a knowledge of mathematics. It may be, however, that children inherit more or less of a rather general ability that we may call intelligence. If very intelligent children become deeply interested in mathematics, they will probably make a success of that study.

  As for musical ability, it may be that what is inherited is an especially sensitive ear, a peculiar structure of the hands or the vocal organs connections between nerves and muscles that make it comparatively easy to learn the movements a musician must execute, and particularly vigorous emotions. If these factors are all organized around music, the child may become a musician. The same factors, in other circumstance might be organized about some other center of interest. The rich emotional equipment might find expression in poetry. The capable fingers might develop skill in surgery. It is not the knowledge of music that is inherited, then nor even the love of it, but a certain bodily structure that makes it comparatively easy to acquire musical knowledge and skill. Whether that ability shall be directed toward music or some other undertaking may be decided entirely by forces in the environment in which a child grows up.

  74.Which of the following statements is not true?

  A. Some mothers try to influence their unborn children by studying art and other subjects

  during their pregnancy.

  B. It is totally impossible for us to learn anything about prenatal development.

  C. The blood vessels of mother and child do not join directly.

  D. There are no connection between mother's nervous systems and her unborn child's.

  75.A mother will affect her unborn baby on the condition that ________.

  A. she is emotionally shocked

  B. she has a good knowledge of inheritance

  C. she takes part in all kind of activities

  D. she sticks to studying

  76.According to the passage, a child may inherit _______.

  A. everything from his mother

  B. a knowledge of mathematics

  C. a rather general ability that we call intelligence

  D. her mother’s musical ability

  77.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

  A. Role of Inheritance

  B. An Unborn Child

  C. Function of instincts

  D. Inherited Talents

  Section C

  Directions: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.

  Whether it is “women and children first” or “every man for himself” in a shipwreck may depend on how long it takes the ship to sink, researchers said recently.

  When the Lusitania was torpedoed (用鱼雷袭击) by a German ship in 1915, it sank in 18 minutes and the majority of the survivors were young men and women who responded immediately to their powerful survival instincts.

  But when the Titanic struck an iceberg in 1912, it took three hours to go down, allowing time for more civilized behavior to take control--and the majority of the survivors were women, children and people with young children.

  Economist Benno Torgler of the Queensland University of Technology in Australia and his colleagues studied the two sinkings in order to explore the economic theory that people generally behave in a “rational” and selfish manner.The two tragedies provided a “natural experiment” for testing the idea, because the passengers on the two ships were quite similar in terms of gender and wealth.

  The major difference was how long it took the ships to sink.They suggested that when people have little time to react, instincts may rule.When more time is available, social influences play a bigger role.But psychologists noted that many factors other than following social norms (社会规范)could come into play in a disaster, including an evolutionary urge to save the species, attachments that are formed between individuals during the event and the leadership of authority figures.

  The extent of altruism(利他主义)and how it occurs “is a very controversial issue,” said Anthony R.Mawson, a professor of preventive medicine at the University of Mississippi Medical Center.He thinks the dominant response was attachment behavior.

  Psychologist Daniel Kruger of the University of Michigan, US thinks that the answer lies less in social norms and more in our evolutionary heritage.Human beings have a deep instinct to preserve our kind, he said, and that means “people are more likely to save those who have higher reproductive value, namely the young and women in child-bearing years”.

  Kruger also stressed the importance of leadership during a disaster, noting that the Titanic’s captain appeared to have greater control than the Lusitania’s.

  (Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN 12 WORDS)

  78.According to Benno Torgler, what led to the different results between the two shipwrecks?


  79.Besides social norms and leadership, what other factors play a part in disaster behavior?


  80.According to Daniel Kruger, Why do the young and women of child-bearing age take the priority to survive?


  81.What does the passage mainly tell us?



  I. Translation

  Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

  1、这家超市的特色是24小时服务。 (feature v.)

  2、趁一切还来得及,去赞美你爱着、关心着的人吧。 (before)

  3、直到那位母亲确信她的儿子已安然无恙地到家,她才松了一口气。(Not until…)

  4、是不是正是老师的鼓励才使你下定决心去报考你心仪的大学? (强调句)



  II. Guided Writing

  Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

  “面朝大海,春暖花开。”海子的诗曾给人无限的温暖和遐想。在这春花烂漫的人间四月, 你最想做些什么,是什么原因拨动了你想这样做的心弦?



  I. Listening:

  Section A

  1-5 DDBDC 6-10 ADADD

  Section B

  11-13 DBA 14-16 DAB

  Section C

  17. Secretary 18. Manager 19. Ambitious 20. Italian

  21. A high salary/ Being well paid 22. Lots of travel/ Traveling a lot

  23.working hours 24. confident and aggressive

  Section A:

  25. was released 26.with 27. what 28. It

  29. can 30.best-known 31. filled 32. haven’t seen

  33. attending 34. when 35. earning 36. when

  37. to describe 38. winning 39. facing 40. whose

  Section B:

  41-45 FEKIJ 46-50 HADBC

  III. Reading

  Section A

  51-55 BCADA 56-60 DACBC 61-65 CABCA

  Section B

  66-69 CDBC 70-73 ABAB 74-77 BACA

  Section C

  78.The time it took the ships to sink

  79.The evolutionary urge to save the species and the emotional/interpersonal attachments

  80.Because they are more important to the survival of the species/Because they make a contribution to human continuity/Because they have higher reproductive value to human beings

  81.The reasons why people behave differently in a disaster

  The factors that lead people to behave differently in a disaster.

  The factors that play a part in disaster behavior.


  I. Translation: (4’+4’+4’+5’+5’)

  1. This supermarket features round-the-clock service.

  Round-the-clock service features the supermarket.

  2. Compliment (Pay compliments to) those you love and care for/about before it is too late.

  3. Not until the mother made sure that her son had got home, safe and sound did she feel relieved.

  4. Was it the teacher’s encouragement that enabled you to make up your mind to apply for your dreaming university?

  Was it because of the teacher’s encouragement that you made up your mind to apply for your dreaming university?

  5. Because people hold a firm belief that food is vital for/to man’s health, good cooks are always making efforts to maintain balance between grains, meats and vegetables.

  II. Guided writing(25分)