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时间: 刘惠2 高考英语



  I. Listening Comprehension(30分)

  Section A

  Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

  1.A. David B. James C. Peter D. John

  2.A. Bank clerk. B. Secretary. C. Shop assistant. D. Customs officer.

  3.A. Father and child. B. Brother and sister.

  C. Travel agent and customer. D. Colleagues.

  4. A. $20. B. $35. C. $55. D. $75.

  5. A. The man caused a serious car accident.

  B. A woman was hurt in a car crash.

  C. A passenger was knocked down by a car.

  D. The man offered the victim medical help.

  6. A. Things in Europe are mostly rather expensive.

  B. Germany offers goods of better quality to foreign visitors.

  C. Things in Italy are the cheapest of the three countries.

  D. Germany is not worth visiting compared with Italy.

  7. A. People now can enjoy online entertainment resources free of charge.

  B. Most people rent movie discs for the weekend enjoyment.

  C. Online movies and music are available to users at low price.

  D. Enjoying online movies and music is not popular with people.

  8. A. Badminton is the second favourite activity for the man.

  B. The man used to suffer from headache much.

  C. The doctor advised the man to play badminton.

  D. All sports activities make the man energetic.

  9. A. The woman is good at investment but poor at maths.

  B. The woman is sure to fail the maths test next time.

  C. The woman is poor at maths because of poor IQ.

  D. The woman has spent too little time studying maths.

  10. A. The woman should decide right now where to eat.

  B. The woman should put on thick clothes against the cold.

  C. They can enjoy meals at both restaurants as both are good.

  D. They can wait until the woman decides on a better restaurant.

  Section B

  Directions: In section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

  Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

  11. A. She changed residence.

  B. She joined a country club.

  C. She found a job.

  D. She wrote a book.

  12. A Because Steven worked in an airline company.

  B. Because she flew across the country to live with Steve.

  C. Because Steven flew weekly with airline companies.

  D. Because her boyfriend flew during every snow storm.

  13. A.The growth of a woman writer after divorce.

  B. The love that has lasted for 30 years.

  C. The important things broken women can do.

  D. A woman’s rediscovery of happiness and love.

  Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.

  14. A. That men are more intelligent than women.

  B. That students aged 17 and 18 are cleverer than other age groups.

  C. That race could affect people’s IQ.

  D. That women have received fair treatment at work in general.

  15. A. Because women have to take care of families more.

  B. Because women suffer from discrimination at work.

  C. Because women are given less opportunities at work.

  D. Because women are less intelligent than men.

  16. A. That girls are more intelligent than boys in middle schools.

  B. That girls are more suitable to learn certain subjects.

  C. That girls grow faster than boys on the stage of middle school.

  D. That girls perform as well as boys in middle schools.

  Section C

  Directions: In section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you hear.

  Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation:

  Complete the form. WRITE NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

  Youth Club membership inquiry:

  Name: Kataline Johnson.

  Yearly membership fees: ___17___.

  Member benefits: ___18___ introducing youth information.

  Local youth activities.

  ___19___ for Christmas sales.

  Application: Providing ___20___.

  Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation:

  Complete the form. WRITE NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

  What date is the World Sleep Day? ___21___ of March.

  What does the World Sleep Day want the public to pay attention to? ___22___.

  What is the World Sleep Day’s focus against sleep loss? ___23___.

  What does the World Sleep Day promote? ___24___.

  II. Grammar and Vocabulary

  Section A

  Directions: Read the following two passages. Fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word. For the other blanks, fill in each blank with one proper word. Make sure that your answers are grammatically correct.


  In 1885, Karl Benz, a German, invented the first motorcar. Today, the use of motorcar has become an important form of transport. There are currently about 200 million cars on the roads all over the world. Some are designed for speed and others are produced with special technology (25)______ ______ fuel can be saved.

  Although cars are a comfortable and convenient form of transport, (26)______(own) a car bears disadvantages as well. Cars may cause accidents and emit carbon monoxide which gives rise to pollution, not (27)______ (mention) the high maintenance cost and the anxiety you feel when looking for a parking lot in downtown areas. Fortunately today’s car manufacturers (28)______ (realize) the problems and they are trying every means to produce (29)______ they call“safer, cleaner and cheaper” auto.

  An even bigger hit came from the world’s recent craze toward self-driving car. Different manufacturers showed their concept cars (30)______after another trying to attract public attention in order to get an edge in the field. The (31)______(late) model in this trend comes from General Motors, which showed off a self-driving car at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. In all, people really don’t know and are eager to see (32)_____ new technologies will lead the car industry. Let’s take a deep breath and watch.


  Tokyo train companies are providing pregnant women with badges(徽章)(33)______ the hope of encouraging other passengers on the Japanese capital's crowded trains to offer them seats.

  The pink and blue badges reading: "There is a baby in my belly" are being handed out at stations around the region. No proof of pregnancy (34)_____(require).

  "Especially in the early stages, it is difficult to tell from someone's appearance (35)______ she is pregnant," said an official at the Health Ministry which came up with the idea. "But these early stages are rather unstable and it is important to take care."

  The move comes as Japan struggles for ways to persuade women to have more babies. The country (36)______population of the elderly people has reached a dangerous level, is among the world’s most developed countries. However, Japan is now facing a serious aging problem, (37)______(regard) as a big burden on its economy. It is now trying to create(38)______ environment that is pleasant for pregnant women.

  The move was welcomed by many."People(39)______provide care and help for pregnant women. But when I was three months pregnant and got on a train, no one would really notice me and I found (40)______ embarrassing to ask them to give me a seat," said Yoshiko Kato, a self-employed 38-year-old who is five months pregnant. "So these badges, I hope, will make me more noticeable," she said.

  Section B

  Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

  A sore B. containing C. conditions D. interpret E. conscious

  F. data G. enhancing H. resist I. definitely J. producing K. character

  In an experiment that exposed healthy volunteers to a cold or flu virus, researchers found that people with a generally sunny temper were less likely to fall ill.

  The findings were built on evidence that a "positive emotional style" can help to ___41___the common cold and other illnesses.

  Researchers believe the reasons may be both objective as in happiness ___42___ immune function and subjective as in happy people being less disturbed by a ___43___ throat or running nose.

  "People with a positive emotional style may have active immune responses to the virus," explained lead study author Dr. Sheldon Cohen of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. "And when they do get a cold, they may ___44___ their illness as being less severe."

  Based on the previous study results, Cohen and his colleagues have been ___45___certain that pleasant people are, for most cases, less likely to catch a cold, but some questions remained as to whether a person’s___46___itself brings about the effect.

  For the new study, the researchers had 193 healthy adults complete standard measures of personality tendency, self-___47___ health and emotional "style." Those who tended to be happy, energetic and easy-going were judged as having a positive emotional style, while those who were often unhappy, tense and opposed had a negative style.

  The researchers gave them nasal(鼻子的) drops ___48___ either a cold virus or a particular flu virus. Over the next six days, the volunteers reported on any aches, pains, or other symptoms they experienced, while the researchers collected ___49___, like daily mucus(唾液) production. Cohen and his colleagues found that based on objective analysis of nose___50___, happy people were less likely to develop a cold.

  III. Reading Comprehension

  Section A

  Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

  Have you ever shouted, “The rent is too damn high”? Shaking wall and hidden disgusting bugs? You’re not alone. The ancient Romans experienced the same ___51___ with their apartments. From mean landlords to sanitation(卫生) problems, pests to smells, Roman urban living was no walk in the park.

  Even in the very early days of Rome, people were crowded together in uncomfortable quarters. This collection of animals of every kind mixed together, made life ___52___ for common citizens. And the close contact ___53___ diseases.

  Roman rented residence were called insulae, or islands, because they occupied whole blocks,with the roads flowing around them like water around an island. The insulae, often ___54___ six to eight apartment blocks built around a staircase and central courtyard, housed poor workers who couldn’t afford a traditional domus, or private house.

  By the fourth century A.D., there were around 45,000 insulae in Rome, as ___55___ to fewer than 2,000 private homes.Many people were ___56___ into their quarters. Apartments on the lower floor would be the easiest for entry and exit – and therefore belong to the ___57___ renters – while unfortunate individuals were thrown on higher floors in tiny rooms.

  Though made of concrete brick, insulae were usually weakly built, ___58___ poor craftsmanship andlittle fund.They usually collapsed and killed passers-by. As a result, emperors ___59___ how high landlords could construct insulae.The maximum building height was 60 feet.

  According to law then, builders were supposed to make walls at least an inch and a half thick, so as to ensure the ___60___ of the building. However, it didn’t work so well, especially since building codes were ___61___ by the landlords in order to save on the construction cost, and most renters were too poor to charge landlords. Therefore, the life-threatening accidents usually happened. Even if insulae didn’t fall down, they could be so ___62___ as to be washed away in a flood. That's about the only time their inhabitants would ___63___ clean natural water, since there was rarely in-home plumbing(水管)in an apartment.

  What’s more, the insulae caught fire frequently leaving Rome with a vicious(恶意的)___64___ of houses burning down and collapsing, sales, then immediate reconstruction and fire once more time. Indeed, rather than being at the nature’s hands,some collapses were ___65___since the greedy landlords keep on tearing down the existing insulae and replacing them with higher and larger monsters in pursuit of more rents.

  51. A. annoyance B. complaint C. history D. consequence

  52. A. unlimited B. miserable C. realistic D. expensive

  53. A. spread B. tested C. organized D. reserved

  54. A. consisting of B. taking advantage of C equipping with D. relying on

  55. A. exposed B. opposed C. switched D. related

  56. A. mixed B. filled C. squeezed D. invited

  57. A. general B. legal C. wealthy D. sociable

  58 A. instead of B. thanks to C. regardless of D. except for

  59. A. restricted B. solved C. threatened D. evaluated

  60. A. privacy B. temperature C. outlook D. safety

  61. A. strengthened B. ignored C. designed D. measured

  62. A. cheap B. vacant C. insignificant D. shaky

  63. A. give credit to B. bring life to C. have access to D. take control of

  64. A. cycle B. punishment C. treatment D. fate

  65. A. unexpected B. intentional C. restless D. thorough

  Section B

  Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


  For anyone growing up in Singapore in the 1940s during the war, the idea of keeping a dog would never be a consideration. So, when my daughter, then 11 years old, asked me if we could have a dog when we were based in New York. The answer was no. I knew that she would tire of the animal soon and I would be responsible for looking after it. As this was not a reason which could be convincing to an 11 year old, I had to refuse on the grounds that the streets of New York were too dangerous for a child her age to walk a dog.

  When we returned to Singapore in the mid 1970s, this reason was no longer credible. As such, there was a half-hearted agreement to look for a suitable Labrador retriever. One day we went to a pet shop nearby. There was no intention to buy anything. It was just an attempt to mollify a young girl and to put off to a future date any idea of buying a dog.

  Needless to say, it did not work out as I had planned. After several minutes of looking around, we came across a little collie(柯利牧羊狗) that would not stop licking and nibbling our fingers. We fell in love with him instantly. My wife Penny was more firm. She came up with all the practical reasons a collie, with long and thick hairs, would be unsuitable in the country’s hot weather. But it was one against three and before we knew it, I was at the counter paying for the puppy and all the other stuff needed to look after it.

  Back home, the work of raising a puppy began in earnest. My daughter came up with the name “Shakespeare” for the puppy, which would amuse everyone. We tried without too much trouble in the initial weeks to home-train him, and soon there was a fixed location in the garden for the dogshit.

  Shakespeare is one of the most gentle, friendly and attentive dogs around. His gentle nature has over the years convinced many friends to have a dog as pet. He is attentive to people and can make them feel welcome. We love him so much that even the falling of two of his milk teeth would get us to wake up the vet at midnight.

  All these years, he has been a constant and faithful companion to me. If I have hardly any complaints about my health, this is largely due to the long walks which we take in the morning without fail.

  66. Why didn’t the author allow his daughter to have a dog in New York?

  A. Because they couldn’t take good care of the dog during war.

  B. Because New York street was unsafe for a girl to walk a dog.

  C. Because he was afraid the dog would soon become his charge.

  D. Because he knew his daughter was convinced by others to have a dog.

  67. What made the family go to a pet shop one day?

  A. To buy a dog to realize the daughter’s all-time dream.

  B. To comfort his daughter for not giving her a dog.

  C. To find some stuff suitable for raising a dog.

  D. To sign an agreement with the pet shop for a dog.

  68. The underlined word “three” in the third paragraph refers to ______.

  A. the author, his daughter and the dog

  B. the author, penny and his daughter

  C. penny, his daughter and the dog.

  D. the author, penny and the dog.

  69. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

  A. The family didn’t train the dog well without professional guidance.

  B. Many friends of the family offered to raise Shakespeare.

  C. The family blamed the vet for the falling of Shakespeare’s milk teeth.

  D. Shakespeare accompanies the author for morning walk every day.


  Our magazine is bringing to you gourmet markets of the year:

  St. Lawrence, Toronto, Canada

  This farmers market has operated since 1803, when it cohabited with Toronto’s city hall. Redeveloped between the 1970s and 1990s after long neglect, the area’s mix of homes and businesses shows urban regeneration. More than 120 retailers display everything from seafood to coffee.

  The market is in Toronto’s old town; Saturday is market day.

  Union Square Greenmarket, New York City

  Once a Manhattan focal point, by the 1970s Union Square had become deserted. Then Barry Benepe founded a farmers market in 1976, aiding struggling Hudson Valley farmers and reintroducing New Yorkers to seasonal food in one stroke. The market's huge variety in this now revitalized area surprised many supermarket shoppers.

  The market is open on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, year-round.

  Kreta Ayer Wet Market, Singapore

  Like most things Singaporean, this Chinatown market is spotlessly clean. Its floor is hosed(水管浇) down regularly for hygiene, hence winning the market the term “wet market.” But in general the food is anything but germ-free: offerings range from turtles, frogs, and snakes (often still alive) to medicinal dried animal parts. The upstairs food center offers local breakfast fare, like spicy noodle soup.

  Visit around 6 a.m. ahead of the crowds. The market closes around 1 p.m.

  Borough Market, London, England

  London’s oldest food market—here for more than 200 years—is unique among ordinary food bazaars for its sticking to wholesale business mode on weekdays. But for weekends it joins other common peers to delight individual customers with its retailed fine foods throughout the U.K. and beyond, from the choicest olive oils and cheeses to ostrich burgers and wild boar sausages.

  In good weather, take a picnic into the gardens of Southwark Cathedral, next to the market.

  La Vucciria, Palermo, Italy

  In a sandy part of Palermo, and reflecting Sicily’s heady cultural syncretism, the brisk atmosphere of La Vucciria is not only European, but also Asian or even African. Musicians bang drums and sing Arabiansongs; circus artists perform ancient Asian magics. All these are infused in the smell of barbecued sausages and kebabs.

  La Vucciria is off Piazza San Domenico. Take a local guide.

  70. Compared with other world food markets, Borough Market is different because ______.

  A. it’s the oldest food market in the world

  B. it offers food unique for British people

  C. it serves individual buyers only on weekends

  D. it sells the world’s best olive oils and cheeses

  71. The underlined word “syncretism”in the passage is closest in meaning to ______.

  A. advantage B. combination C. sympathy D. requirement

  72. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

  A. St Lawrence market was founded between the 1970s and 1990s

  B. Union Square Greenmarket was built specially for supermarket shoppers

  C. Kreta Ayer Wet Market was famous for the cleanness of its food

  D. There are not many visitors in Kreta Ayer Market at around 6 a.m.

  73. In which of the following magazine does the passage most probably appear?

  A. Food Joy B. Universe Outlook

  C. Economy Weekly D. Architecture Pioneer


  One of the common arguments of homeschooling opponents is that homeschooled kids aren’t prepared for life in the real world. The idea is that homeschoolers are sheltered with limited interaction outside of their immediate family.

  However, contrary to the imagined picture of homeschooled kids crowded around the dining room table for hours on end with only their brothers and sisters for companionship, homeschooled kids tend to be communicating with a variety of people in a wide range of ages. Most homeschooled children regularly accompany their parents on outings and errands, providing them the opportunity to be exposed to a variety of settings.

  They learn to graciously answer the elderly gentlemen why they aren’t in school today or the nosy cashier who wants to quiz them on their maths levels.

  And it is quite common for homeschooled kids to be part of cooperation, to take classes outside the home with other homeschooled kids, or to participate in sports, providing them with plenty of occasions to interact with children and adults outside their immediate family.

  Parents of children are responsible for guiding their children while homeschool parents are in a position to do so on a much more regular basis. Many people consider this sheltering, but actually it falls more under the heading of mentoring.

  Because they are being mentored by adults, rather than same-aged peers, homeschooled kids often have the opportunity to learn better coping and interpersonal skills at an earlier age. But being able to guide our children doesn’t mean taking them as our appendent commanding them about. It doesn’t mean covering up for them or jumping in to fight their battles. It does mean that we must offer them a more mature horizon on developing skills to deal with difficult situations than their same age peers might offer.

  Many traditionally-schooled teens graduate with the expectation of entering college to pursue their future career without having much time to explore their passions. While the high school years do offer many opportunities for teens in a traditional school setting, homeschooling often provides more time and opportunity to delve into areas of interest more fully. This is due to the fact that a homeschooled teen’s education can be highly tailored to their skills and interests.

  In essence, coupling a well-designed education with the time management skills that homeschooling can provide often results in teens more prepared and better equipped forreal world experiences than public perception may expect.

  74. Homeschooled kids have enough interpersonal experience by ______.

  A. learning communicating abilities from their brothers and sisters.

  B. maintaining close relationship with their parents at home

  C. dealing with embarrassing questions raised by people of various backgrounds

  D. establishing close link with former classmates from different schools.

  75. What should parents do while guiding homeschooled kids?

  A. Parents should judge for kids what people to have contact with.

  B. Parents should help kids to form a developed attitude toward conflicts

  C. Parents should participate more in various activities with kids.

  D. Parents should monitor how kids command their affairs.

  76. Homeschooled kids are more suitable for real world life because of ______.

  A. more work introduction they get during the age of high school

  B. enough work training they receive during home schooling

  C. well-planned education and good time management ability

  D. more interests and good habits they have developed

  77. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

  A. Homeschooling: its pros and cons.

  B. Homeschooling: its history and future.

  C. Questions you may ask about homeschooling.

  D. Homeschooling: a well-working form of educationSection C

  Directions: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.

  At the most macro level, jobs within the financial services industryfall into two very broad categories, producers and support. Within a given firm, the producer universe typically has the most attractive salary package, the most prestige and the most political influence. As their names suggest, producers are viewed as the driving force within a financial services company, the people who generate the revenue and profits.Accordingly, their performance evaluations and http://financecareers.about.com/od/compensation/a/compensation.htm salary normally are closely linked to measures of the profits directly traceable to their efforts

  Meanwhile, support personnel are viewed as having assisting roles, their utility, in the final analysis, being determined by how well they support and enhance the efforts of producers.

  For an employee, in evaluating a potential financial services employer, whatever your specific field of work might be, investigate the acceptance within its corporate culture to career changes across the producer and support, in each direction. Prepare for the possibility that, in the future, your career goals and interests will be different. You might make possibly dramatic shifts in career direction.Moreover, making such a shift normally should be much easier within your current employer, where you have an established track record and hopefully also have cultivated the right internal contacts, than with an entirely new firm.

  In some firms outside the financial services industry, producers actually are paid, on average, less than support staff. It thus takes more efforts to analyze and determine if this is indeed the case, based on the company’s financial reports available to the public. If so, one should be especially careful when accepting a producer position at a company with such a reversed set of rewards.

  In general in financial industry, it is much easier for a producer to transit into a support role, than for the opposite to occur. This is seen, for example, when a financial advisor gives up his or her client accounts and moves into a managerial or supervisory position. On the other hand, a data programmer would find it particularly hard, or for some cases, impossible to become an investment banker.Investment bankers and securities analysts, typically start out young in the field, fresh from MBA programs or, right out of undergraduate studies.

  (Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)

  78.Within financial industry, what decides a producer’s income?

  79. For an employee in financial industry, a potential employer’s ______ should be particularly considered.

  80. Employees can judge the position of the producers in a company with the help of ______.

  81. According to the passage, what type of job is the Investment banker?


  I. Translation(22分)

  Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.


  2.不管多累,她每天都会抽出一些时间与女儿一起阅读。(no matter)




  II Guided Writing(25分)

  Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions.




  3. 你想采访该名人的问题。



  1-5 CDBBB 6-10 CCBDA

  11-13 BCD 14-16 CDC

  17. 28 pounds 18. Weekly magazine 19. Discount card 20. Mailing address

  21. The second Friday 22. Sleep problems 23. Prevention 24. Quality sleep.

  25. so that 26. owning 27. to mention 28. have realized 29. what 30. one 31. latest 32. where

  33. in/with 34. is required 35. whether 36. whose 37. regarded 38. an 39. should 40. it

  41-45 H G A D I 46-50 K E B F C

  51-55 ABAAB 56-60 CCBAD 61-65 BDCAB

  66-69 CBAD 70-73 CBDA 74-77 CBCD

  78. Measures of the profits directly traceable to his efforts

  79.acceptance for career changes across the producer and support.

  80. the company’s financial reports available to the public

  81. Producer

  1. Eating fish helps to improve one’s memory and it also can provide energy.

  2. No matter how tired she is, she will spare some time every day to read with her daughter together.

  3. After discovering his talent for music, Jack’s parents tried every means to send him to a music college of high reputation.

  4. Some charity organizations always focus on how to get the helped to get rid of poverty and ignore the mental needs of the helped.

  5. Rarely do brides and bridegrooms realize that what is the most impressive is the strong love between them rather than the luxurious wedding gowns or the grand wedding ceremonies.