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时间: 刘惠2 高考英语



  第Ⅰ卷 选择题

  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)

  第一节(共 5 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分。)


  1. When did the woman speaker go home?

  A. At one o’clock. B. At two o’clock. C. At five o’clock.

  2. What does the woman ask the man to do?

  A. Call the doctor. B. Send the doctor an email. C. Wait for her to return.

  3. What are the speakers talking about?

  A. What to cook. B. What the man is eating. C. Where to have dinner.

  4. Why does the woman have an umbrella?

  A. She thinks it will rain.

  B. She only wants to be fashionable.

  C. She doesn’t want to get sunburned.

  5. Where does the conversation take place?

  A. At a restaurant. B. At a dance club. C. At a theater.




  6. Where are the speakers?

  A. On the street. B. In a shop. C. In a garage.

  7. Why is the woman selling her things?

  A. She wants to buy new stuff.

  B. She wants to be more organized.

  C. She is moving away.


  8. What does the woman mostly use her phone for?

  A. Sending text messages.

  B. Surfing the Internet.

  C. Making phone calls.

  9. What will the woman probably do next?

  A. Fix her phone.

  B. Use the man’s computer.

  C. Borrow the man’s phone.


  10. What does the woman want to do?

  A. Take a holiday.

  B. Find another job.

  C. Get something to eat.

  11. According to the man, what is the main point of the song?

  A. Money isn’t the most important thing.

  B. You should live in the real world.

  C. Don’t make life too complicated.

  12. What does the man do every day?

  A. He listens to music.

  B. He exercises.

  C. He goes to bed early.


  13. When does Fleet Week take place?

  A. During the month of September.

  B. During a weekend in October.

  C. Over an entire week in October.

  14. What is an important part of Fleet Week?

  A. Activities related to military history.

  B. Dance performances.

  C. Tours of navy boats.

  15. What are the Blue Angels?

  A. A famous musical group.

  B. A special group of sailors.

  C. A group of aircraft.

  16. What is probably true about the man?

  A. He likes to go to bars and restaurants.

  B. He is not from San Francisco.

  C. He won’t be around for Fleet Week next year.


  17. What does the speaker say about the event?

  A. All jobs will be filled today.

  B. Not everyone will be offered a job.

  C. Over one thousand companies are here today.

  18. Where are the copy machines located?

  A. In the main hall.

  B. On the second floor.

  C. Near the restrooms.

  19. What is the speaker’s final advice?

  A. Look your best.

  B. Be confident.

  C. Ask a lot of questions.

  20. When will the event begin?

  A. In five minutes.

  B. In fifteen minutes.

  C. In fifty minutes.





  Fiji’s tourism industry stakeholders have smiles on their faces as Fiji has been ranked amongst the world’s top honeymoon destinations by popular wedding magazine Bride, local media reported Wednesday.

  Bride, which has over 6.5 million readers per issue and is published 12 times a year, is the most widely read wedding magazine in the world.

  According to the report, Fiji has been ranked number three behind Hawaii in top spot and French Polynesia at number two, after beating other top destinations like Italy, Bali, Bermuda, Costa Rica, Greece, Bahama’s and France.

  The Bride survey was conducted through the Signature Travel Network, a group of more than 6,000 top travel agents in North America. The A-list agents at the network have partnered to name the world’s hottest islands, resorts, cities, hotels, and hideaways, making Fiji a hot spot destination.

  Two of Fiji’s resorts have made the top ten Bargain Hotels in the South Pacific, based on the Travellers Choice Hotel Awards 2011. They are Yasawa-based Nanuya Island Resort which has simply being termed “Paradise” and Nakia Resort & Dive on Fiji’s garden island of Taveuni, which has been described as “absolutely Eco- friendly and amazing”.

  The winners are determined from ratings by over 20 million travelers from around the world. These ratings would leave a mark on Fiji being a place not to miss when tourists rush to the Pacific region for a holiday.

  Meanwhile, Fiji’s Intercontinental Golf Resort & Spa has been recognized as the South Pacific’s most luxurious resort. The honour came as part of Destin Asian’s 2010 Luxe List, further strengthening the resort’s reputation for delivering top of the line service and luxury.

  21. According to the latest rank amongst the world’s top honeymoon destinations, which of the following is RIGHT ?

  A. Hawaii, Fiji, Polynesia, Bermuda B. Bali, Hawaii, Fiji, Polynesia

  C. Fiji, Polynesia, Hawaii, Costa Rica D. Hawaii, Polynesia, Fiji, Italy

  22. Which of the following is WRONG about Fiji?

  A. Fiji is made a hot spot destination.

  B. Yasawa-based Nanuya Island Resort and Nakia Resort & Dive have made the top ten Bargain Hotels in the South Pacific.

  C. Fiji’s Intercontinental Golf Resort & Spa has been recognized as the South Pacific’s least luxurious resort.

  D. It is a place not to miss when tourists rush to the Pacific region for a holiday.

  23. The passage intends to .

  A. to inform the readers of some information

  B. to attract the tourists to travel in Fiji

  C. to introduce the honeymoon destination— Fiji

  D. to give some travelling information to the guide


  I had my doubts about hiring Stevie at my truckstop diner. He had Down syndrome(唐氏综合症), and I wasn’t sure how my truker customers would react to him.

  I shouldn’t have worried. Stevie took pride in doing his job exactly right, and you had to love how hard he tried to please each person he met. The truckers loved him.

  Over time, we learned that he lived with his mother, a widow(寡妇) who was disabled after repeated surgeries(手术) for cancer. They didn’t have much money to live on.

  Then for the first morning in three years, Steve missed work. He was getting a new valve(心脏瓣膜) or something put in his heart. His social worker said that this wasn’t unexpected, and there was a good chance he would come through the surgery and be back at work in a few months.

  The staff were excited later that morning when they heard he was out of surgery, in recovery and doing fine. Frannie, my head waitress, did a little dance.

  Belle Ringer, one of our regular trucker customers, grinned(咧嘴而笑). “OK, Frannie, what was that all about?” he asked. “We just got word that Stevie is out of surgery and going to be okay,” she replied. “But I don’t know how he and his mom are going to pay all the bills.” Belle Ringer nodded thoughtfully,and Frannie hurried off to wait on the rest of her tables.

  Stevie was thinner and paler when he came back to work, but couldn’t stop grinning as he came in. I led him and his mother toward the back of the room.

  We stopped in front of a bit table. Its surface was covered with coffee cups, saucers and dinner plates, all sitting on folded paper napkins (餐巾).

  “First thing you have to do , Steve, is clean up this mess,” I said. I tried to sound stern.

  Stevie looked at me. And then at his mother, then pulled out one of the napkins. It had “something for Stevie” printed on the outside. As he picked it up, two $10 bills fell onto the table. Stevie stared at all the napkins beneath the tableware, each with his name on it.

  I turned to his mother. “There’s more than $10,000 in cash and checks on that table, all from truckers and trucking companies that heard about your problems.”

  While everybody else was busy shaking hands and hugging each other, Stevie, with a big smile on his face, was busy clearing all the cups and dishes from the table. Best worker I ever hired.

  24. How did the author feel when he first hired Stevie?

  A. He was afraid that Stevie would not work hard.

  B. He was confident that his customers would love Stevie.

  C. He wasn’t sure if Stevie would get on well with the truckers.

  D. He was worried that Stevie would often have to ask for leave for physical checkups.

  25. When Frannie learned that Stevie was out of surgery and going to be okay, she ________.

  A. passed on the good news to all the truckers in the diner

  B. felt excited but also worried if he could afford the bills

  C. wanted to invite the other staff to visit him in the hospital

  D. tried to persuade Belle Ringer to donate some money for Stevie

  26. The first day Stevie came back to work, ________.

  A. the author asked him to clean up all the mess at the truckstop

  B. the staff prepared a great surprise for him

  C. he was still weak and not in a good mood

  D. many truckers came to welcome him back

  27. The underlined word “stern” in Paragraph 9 is closest in meaning to ________.

  A. strict B. angry C. cheerful D. surprised


  When did you first want to drive? Imani Coker dreamed of getting her license in middle school. “I can’t wait till I’m 15, ” she told her friends.

  When she turned 15, however, Imani had a change of heart. “If I get my license, my parents will take the fun out of driving by sending me places … not to mention, insurance is expensive. The streets are filled with crazy drivers, and I don’t want to become one of them,” said Coker, now 16.

  Coker, a girl from Richmond Heights, Florida in the United States, is one of a growing number of US teenagers who are losing interest in driving.

  Learning to drive has long been a tradition for US teens – they can get a learner’s permit at 15 and a full driving license at 16. According to a study by the University of Michigan’s Transportation Research Institute, however, the number of US teens getting their license is dropping more and more each year. Twenty years ago, 70 percent of 18-year-olds had their license. Today, only 54 percent do.

  So why are US teens not getting behind the steering wheel (方向盘)?As Coker put it: Too many problems , not enough benefits.

  High gas and insurance prices mean that many US parents are stopping their teens from driving.

  And now that they can text and use social media, fewer teens need to drive to a friend’s house. A survey by ZipCar found that out of 294 18-34 year olds interviewed, 68 percent said they would rather spend time with friends online instead of driving to see them.

  “The problem with today’s youth isn’t that texting is interfering(妨碍) with their driving, it’s that having to drive is interfering with their texting,” said Michael Sivak, research professor at the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute.

  However, it’s not all bad news - there are positives to having an extra driver in the house.

  “Whenever my mom is running late to pick up my brother from practice, I’m the one who has to go get him,” said Sara Mathhews, 17, from Miami, Florida. “Having my own car is a huge help to my parents sometimes because I can go to doctor appointments and do other tasks by myself.”

  28. What is the author’s main purpose in writing the text?

  A. To explain the driving culture in the US.

  B. To tell us what changed Coker’s attitude toward driving.

  C. To analyze why US teenagers are now driving less.

  D. To explain how US teenagers socialize with their friends.

  29. What discouraged Coker from learning to drive according to the text?

  a. Wild drivers in the streets.

  b. The increasing difficulty of getting a driver’s license.

  c. Economic factors, such as the price of insurance.

  d. Her dislike of being given tasks by her parents if she has a car.

  e. Her concern that having to drive interferes with texting.

  A. a , b , c B. a , c , d C. b , c , e D. b , d , e

  30. According to the text, with the popularity of texting and social media, US teenagers ________.

  A. find there is no need to learn to drive any more

  B. are becoming less connected with each other than they used to be

  C. become uninterested in driving because they think texting interferes with their driving

  D. prefer to chat with their friends online or via texting rather than drive to meet them

  31. By mentioning Sara Matthews in the last paragraph, the author intends to ________.

  A. show that she is an independent and helpful girl

  B. advise parents to allow their kids to learn to drive

  C. show that there are benefits for teens who learn to drive

  D. prove driving is an important skill that teens must learn


  One of the most popular pets in the world, the Australian tree frog, is originally a native of Australia, though the pet trade has transported it far and wide. It has successfully adapted to New Zealand and the United States. It’s one of the largest members of its species and can reach up to 10 centimetres in length. Their life spans (寿命) are also longer than most of their frog cousins and can reach between 6 to 20 years in captivity. In the wild, their lives are smaller due to their natural enemies.

  Their skin color ranges between light green and dark green, depending on the temperature of the place where they live and the color of the environment around where they live, as it’s supposed to make them difficult to be seen by their natural enemies. They come out only at night to hunt, feed and mate. During the day, they find dark, wet areas to sleep in. They aren’t seen at all during the winter.

  As the Australian tree frog isn’t equipped with teeth, it cannot tear apart its prey (猎物). It needs to feed on food that can fit in its mouth. Therefore its diet consists of insects, such as spiders, and flies, and small animals, such as other frogs, bats and sometimes even mice. For the smaller prey, they use their sticky tongues to shoot at the close range prey. For larger prey, they attack the prey and force it into their mouths with their hands. They also have some natural enemies that feed on them.

  The Australian law protects the tree frog by giving it a protected status The IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), however, gives it a “least concern” status. The broad range of habitats (栖息地) that the frog can survive in and its long life ensure that this frog won’t lose population.

  This creature is really a very popular pet If you get an Australian green tree frog as a pet, do remember to feed it in proper amounts and let it loose for exercise.

  32. What can be the main idea of the passage?

  A. How to keep frogs as pets? B. Facts about the Australian tree frog.

  C. Animals unique to Australia. D. Why frogs can make good pets?

  33. What can we know about the skin color of Australian tree frogs?

  A. It changes at different times of the day.

  B. It helps them with their hunting for food.

  C. It offers them a certain degree of protection.

  D. It shows what development stage they are in.

  34. Paragraph 3 mainly talks about the Australian tree frog’s .

  A. feeding and hunting habits B. natural enemies

  C. living environments and inhabitats D. survival skills

  35 .What can we know about the Australian tree frog from the passage?

  A. There is no law protecting it yet.

  B. Its teeth help tear its prey into pieces.

  C. It has been declared an endangered species by the IUCN.

  D. It sleeps in the daytime and hunts at night.



  You have some great ideas. But they don’t come out because of what your friends say or because you think that only a few people can be creative genius (天才). And, you, of course, think that you couldn’t be one of them. 36

  Anyone who is a creative genius will tell you that creativity is very much like a muscle that needs to be developed. 37 On the other hand, keep working at it, and this skill will soon be ready for action whenever you need it. So how do you develop your own personal style of creative thinking?

  You should realize that your brain has a greater capacity (容量) and a higher speed than the world’s biggest and fastest computer. 38 Read, watch and listen to everything around you —good and bad. The more you know, the more you’ll want to know, and the more your brain will be exercised.

  Try something new every day. 39 You need to step out of your comfort zone (舒适地带) more and more each day.

  Follow these suggestions, and begin thinking beyond your “limits” from today. 40 Who knows, your idea might be the next great idea to change the world.

  A. You’ll soon have a life full of interesting and exciting adventures.

  B. Let your experiences show you more about the world and people around you.

  C. So it’s important to get as much information as you can every day.

  D. But actually, this is not true at all.

  E. A good social environment can influence your creative thinking positively.

  F. Your constructive ideas should be accepted by others.

  G. If you don’t learn how to develop creative thinking, this skill, just like a muscle, will become poor and useless.




  I was nervous about making dumplings (jiaozi) for the first time. Since arriving in Beijing, I have eaten lots of delicious jiaozi, and became 41 with this Chinese dish. I was interested in its 42 place in Chinese culture, 43 in Chinese New Year. What if my dumplings didn’t meet these high standards?

  44 , I had a good teacher. My friend William grew up in China and had learned to make dumplings from his grandmother. We had another 45 . We bought ready-made dough (饺子皮) from a local market. I thought that trying to make dough would be too difficult, so we 46 .

  We were making dumplings for a group of 47 . Some of my friends are vegetarian (as am I ), so our filling 48 be fish or meat. We brought tofu, beans, scallions and cabbage. We steamed the beans before chopping 49 into tiny cubes. Then we stirred in a 50 of soy sauce, seame oil, vinegar and chili to make it more 51 .

  Next was my favorite part – the wrapping(包). William 52 me how to make a “cup” out of the dumpling wrapper in my hand. I then spooned some mixture into the “cup” and 53 the edges together to make the half-moon dumpling 54 . My first few tries didn’t 55 too well, the dumplings wouldn’t stand up! 56 I soon learned how.

  Our hard work 57 because the dumplings tasted great. I thought they were even better than the ones I’d eaten in restaurants, but I’m 58 biased(有偏见). Now I can’t 59 to make jiaozi again. Perhaps next time I’ll try to make my own 60 !

  41. A. careful B. fascinated C. concerned D. bored

  42. A. important B. practical C. different D. strange

  43. A. actually B. generally C. eventually D. especially

  44. A. Gradually B. Luckily C. Particularly D. Naturally

  45. A. advantage B. teacher C. schedule D. trouble

  46. A. agreed B. cheated C. failed D. passed

  47. A. students B. visitors C. friends D. strangers

  48. A. hasn’t B. couldn’t C. needn’t D. wouldn’t

  49. A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything

  50. A. comparison B. balance C. mixture D. separation

  51. A. colorful B. spicy C. sweet D. tasty

  52. A. asked B. taught C. warned D. watched

  53. A. connected B. opened C. pulled D. pressed

  54. A. shape B. model C. type D. size

  55. A. develop B. begin C. play D. work

  56. A. But B. So C. Otherwise D. Therefore

  57. A. went on B. got through C. paid off D. ended up

  58. A. certainly B. normally C. probably D. rarely

  59. A. afford B. manage C. refuse D. wait

  60. A. dish B. dough C. fillings D. wrapping

  第Ⅱ卷 非选择题

  第二节 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分。)


  Galileo Galilei was one of the world’s greatest scientists. He was born in 1564 in Pisa, Italy. His father made him study medicine. Later, however, Galileo became so 61._________(interest)in mathematics and science 62._________ he gave up medicine to study the former two.

  Later, Galileo carried out a famous experiment. From the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, he dropped two different 63._________(weigh). Before that, everyone 64._________(believe)that heavy objects fell quickly and light ones fell 65._________(slow). The two weights that Galileo dropped reached the ground at the same time. He tried the experiment again and again. Every time he got the same results. At last, he decided that he had found the truth about 66._________(fall)objects.

  Galileo heard that someone in Holland had invented an instrument which made small objects seem 67._________(big). He worked hard to develop this idea of the telescope. He could then use 68._________telescope to study the stars. He found that the sun was the center of the solar system. He collected facts that proved the earth and all the other planets move 69._________the sun.

  Today we praise Galileo and call 70._________one of the founders of modern science.





  删除:把多余的词用斜线〔 \ 〕划掉。




  A few days before, Miss Liu was going home by bike. While riding in the street, she suddenly saw a man with a knife in his hand and with his face covering with a piece of black cloth running towards her. The man had pulled her handbag out of the basket of her bike and ran away after she could find a person to turn for help. Luckily, she had a mobile phone in her pockets. She took it out, dialing 110 and told the police to which direction the man had run. She also told the police that the man was like. The police came five minutes later, and catch the man soon.

  第二节 书面表达(满分25分)






  Dear Peter,

  In your letter you mentioned how to fit in the dormitory life in my school.

  Best wishes and good luck!


  Li Hua


  第 Ⅰ 卷


  1—5 ACBCA 6—10 CBCBA 11—15 CBBAC 16—20 ABABA

  第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)

  第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)

  A篇 21—23 DCA

  B篇 24—27 CBBA

  C篇 28—31 CBDC

  D篇 32—35 BCAD


  36—40 DGCBA

  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

  41-45BADBA 46-50BCBDC 51-55DBDAD 56-60ACCDB

  第 Ⅱ 卷


  61.interested 62.that 63.weights 64.had believed或believed 65.slowly

  66.falling 67.bigger 68.the 69.around 70.him

  第四部分 写作(共两节;满分35分)


  71.before→ago 72.covering →covered 73.had 74.after→ before

  75. turn 后加to 76. pockets→pocket 77. dialing→dialled或dialed

  78.to→in 79.that→what 80.catch→caught



  Dear Peter,

  In your letter you mentioned how to fit in the dormitory life in my school. Here I’d like to share my opinion with you .

  As is known to all, a harmonious dormitory life is of great importance to us students and benefits all the members. On the one hand, we can have a good rest and put our heart into study. On the other hand, we will have a good mood and enjoy being together. And there are several ways to create and maintain a harmonious dormitory life. Firstly, you have to evaluate your lifestyle and try to get rid of your dirty habits if there are any. Secondly, when an annoying situation arises, you’ll just have to learn to tolerate each other . Thirdly, you’ll have to share with each other and make good friends. In conclusion, we should try our best to build a harmonious dormitory life for the sake of good study and good life.

  Best wishes and good luck!


  Li Hua