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时间: 刘惠2 高考英语






  Habits, whether good or bad, are gradually formed. When a person does a certain thing again, he is driven by some unseen force to do the same thing repeatedly, then a habit is formed. Once a habit is formed, it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to get rid of. It is therefore very important that we should pay great attention to the formation of habits. Children often form bad habits, some of which remain with them as long as they live. Older persons also form bad habits lasting as long as they live, and sometimes become ruined by them.

There are other habits which, when formed in early life, are of great help. Many successful men say that much of their success has something to do with certain habits in early life, such as early rising, honesty and so on.

  Among the habits which children should not form are laziness, lying, stealing and so on. These are all easily formed habits. Unfortunately older persons often form habits which could have been avoided .

  We should keep away from all these bad habits, and try to form such habits as will be good for ourselves and others.

  1. ________ are formed little by little.

  A. Good habits

  B. Bad habits

  C. Both good habits and bad habits

  D. Either good habits or bad habits

  2. The underlined word "them" in the first paragraph refers to ________.

  A. bad habits B. good habits

  C. children D. other persons.

  3. Why should we pay much attention to the formation of habits?

  A. Because habits are of great help to every one of us.

  B. Because a man can never get rid of a habit.

  C. Because it's hard and sometimes even impossible to throw away bad habits.

  D. Because we are forced to do them again and again.

  4. According to the passage, early rising ________.

  A. has something to do with success

  B. is an easily formed habit

  C. is such a habit as should have been avoided

  D. is such a habit as will be kept



  1.根据第二段中whether good or bad, are gradually formed一句可知好习惯和坏习惯都是逐渐形成的,故选C。


  2.根据第一段中Older persons also form bad habits lasting as long as they live, and sometimes become ruined by them 可推知指的是坏的习惯,故选A。



  3.根据第一段中Once a habit is formed, it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to get rid of.It is therefore very important that we should pay great attention to the formation of habit可知改掉坏的习惯很难,故选C。


  4.根据Many successful men say that much of their success has something to do with certain habits in early life, such as early rising, honesty and so on.及We should keep away from all these bad habits, and try to form such habits as will be good for ourselves and others一句可知想“早起”这样的好习惯应保持。



  【答案】1.C 2.A 3.C 4.D


  The child of today owes much of its pleasant school life to the work of Maria Montessori and others who felt as she did.

  Maria Montessori was born in 1870 in northern Italy. Both her parents were well educated.

  While Maria was a student, she took great interest in the study of the particular nature of the child's mind. It came to her that small children should have freedom to learn.

  Maria became a doctor and a professor at Rome University. In 1907, after working with backward students, she was given a chance to try out her ideas on children. There were sixty children, aged three to six, in the Children's House. The rooms were bright and colorful. Maria let the children make their own choice of what they wanted to do and work with their own speed. They became busy, peaceful and happy.

  Maria Montessori was one of the world's great teachers. She traveled in Europe, America and Far East. She thought that true education, providing(提供) for the real needs of the child, would produce wise and happy grown-ups and therefore a peaceful world. Her original way of education has changed our whole idea of what childhood is.

  Maria Montessori died in Holland at the age of eighty-two.

  5. The short passage is mainly about .

  A. the education of backward students

  B. a new idea of education

  C. the importance of proper education

  D. the life of Maria Montessori

  6. Maria traveled a lot in the world to .

  A. teach the backward students B. enjoy her life in real nature

  C. spread her ideas of teaching D. study the situation of education

  7. In what way did Maria teach the children in the Children's House?

  A. She taught them the best way of learning well.

  B. She let them learn in a very pleasant way.

  C. She taught them by showing them how to do things.

  D. She just let them choose the most interesting subjects.

  8. We learn from the passage that ________.

  A. Maria left her homeland in order to study abroad

  B. Maria didn't get married

  C. Maria's own parents were her teachers

  D. Maria fully understood the child's mind


  【试题解析】本文主要介绍了著名的教育家及教师Maria Montessori,她一生都致力于让孩子接受良好的教育。

  5.通览全文可知,本文主要介绍了著名的教育家及教师Maria Montessori,她一生都致力于让孩子接受良好的教育。可知答案选D。


  6.根据第五段中She thought that true education, providing(提供) for the real needs of the child, would produce wise and happy grown-ups and therefore a peaceful world.Her original way of education has changed our whole idea of what childhood is一句可知其环游世界在于推广自己的教育理念。


  7.根据第四段中Maria let the children make their own choice of what they wanted to do and work with their own speed.They became busy, peaceful and happy一句可知Maria让孩子们在快乐中学习。故答案B正确。


  8.通读全文可知,特别是第三段she took great interest in the study of the particular nature of the child's mind.It came to her that small children should have freedom to learn一句可知Maria非常了解孩子的心思。故答案D正确。


  【答案】5.D 6.C 7.B 8.D


  (A) For Sale

  Chinese-made bicycle Good condition

  Zhang Ying 306, dormitory 4

  (B) Needed

  25-year-old woman 900 yuan a month speak good English

  Lan Fleming 422-389506

  (C) Roommate Wanted

  Male(男)---English native speaker wanted to share A 2-bedroom apartment near campus ,washer, dryer, kitchen

  Call Li Ming, 228-940605

  Any evening after 5

  (D) Lost

  Black briefcase (公文包) with 3 books on physics

  Call: John Smith 843-316065

  (E)Wanted to Rent

  One-bedroom apartment from Feb.1 through June ,better near campus(校园)

  Call Robert Waller 843-429065

  (F) Found

  Brown briefcase with some money

  See: Joseph Hofman in Chemistry Dept (系)

  9. You can call Zhang Ying if you want to _________________ .

  A. sell a bike B. buy a bike

  C. have your bike repaired D. borrow a bike

  10. If you want to find a job, and you can speak English, you can call ____________

  A. 843-429065 B. 228-940605 C. 843-316065 D. 422-389506

  11. One of the reasons why Li Ming wants someone to share his room is that __________.

  A. he wants to live near the campus

  B. he wants to improve his English

  C. he wants his washer, dryer and kitchen to be used

  D. he wants someone to use his kitchen

  12. Robert Waller wishes to rent a room__________________ .

  A. near the school B. far away from the school

  C. inside the school D. outside the city







  11.根据Male(男)---English native speaker wanted to share A 2-bedroom apartment near campus ,washer, dryer, kitchen 可知李明想让一些人分享他的房子,原因之一就是他想提高他的英语水平,故选B。


  12.根据One-bedroom apartment from Feb.1 through June ,better near campus可知Robert Waller想要在学校附近租一间房子,故选A。


  【答案】9.B 10.D 11.B 12.A


  In 1826, a Frenchman named Niepce needed pictures for his business .But he was not a good artist .So he invented a very simple camera .He put it in a window of his house and took a picture of his garden .That was the first photo.

  The next important date in the history of photography (摄影术) was in 1837. That year, Daguere, another Frenchman ,took a picture of his reading room .He used a new kind of camera in a different way. In his picture you could see everything very clearly, even the smallest thing. This kind of photo was called a Daguerreotype.

  Soon, other people began to use Daguerre’s way. Travelers brought back wonderful photos from all around the world .people took pictures of famous buildings, cities and mountains.

  In about 1840, photography was developed .Then photographers could take picture of people and moving things .That was not simple .The photographers had to carry a lot of films and other machines. But this did not stop them ,for example, some in the United States worked so hard.

  Mathew Brady was a famous American photographer. He took many pictures of great people .The picture were unusual because they were very lifelike(栩栩如生的)

  Photographers also became one kind of art by the end of the 19th century .Some photos were not just copies of the real world .They showed feelings, like other kinds of art.

  13. The first photo taken by Niepce was a picture of ____________

  A. his business  B. his house C. his garden  D. his window

  14. The Daguerrotype was____________.

  A. a Frenchman B. a photographer

  C. a kind of camera D. a kind of picture

  15. If a photographer wanted to take pictures of moving things in the year of 1840, he had to_________.

  A. watch lots of films B. buy an expensive camera

  C. stop in most cities D. take many films and something else with him.



  13.根据第一段He put it in a window of his house and took a picture of his garden .That was the first photo一句可知 Niepce拍的第一张照片是他的花园。选C。


  14.根据第二段This kind of photo was called a Daguerreotype一句可知Daguerreotype.是一种照片。选D。


  15.根据第四段中The photographers had to carry a lot of film(胶片) and other machines一句可知在1840年,摄影师要是拍摄移动的东西,要带很多胶卷和机器,从而可知正确答案为D。


  【答案】13.C 14.D 15.D



  16 . We are taught how to hold a knife and fork and not to talk with our mouths full. We are taught how to shake hands and when to stand and when to sit and the way to introduce people.

  17 . Almost everywhere eating together means that people are very friendly to each other. But in parts of Polynesia(波利尼西亚)it is bad manners to be seen eating beside each other. So they politely turn their backs to each other when they are taking food.

  Some East Africans spit(吐痰) four times as a kind of blessing(祝福).They do it to show that they want a sick person to get well,or to bless a new-born baby. 18 . It usually shows an unhealthy habit. In many countries,it may mean that you hate someone.

  When we go to visit someone we say“Hello!”or” How are you?" or things like that. But if you are visiting an East African village,everyone will be very careful not to pay attention to you. The polite thing there will be for you to go quietly,without speaking to anyone, and sit beside your friend. 19 .

  In a village in Arab,a visitor will walk behind all the tents until he gets to the one he wants to visit. If he passes in front,he will be invited into each tent and asked to eat. 20 .

  A. It is rude to refuse

  B. It’s a big country with different customs.

  C. In most other places,spitting means something completely different

  D. Eating quickly is a bad habit.

  E. From the time we were babies we have been taught manners

  F.You should wait until he has finished what he is doing and then he will begin talking to you

  G. Sometimes good manners in one place are very bad manners somewhere else



  16.后文主要介绍了我小时候被教给的一些礼仪知识。故本段第一句应为From the time we were babies we have been taught manners,句意:从小时候我们就被教给礼仪知识。故选E。

  17.后句But in parts of Polynesia(波利尼西亚)it is bad manners to be seen eating beside each other提到在各地作为礼节之一的聚餐,在波利尼西亚却被认为是不礼貌的。故选G。

  18.上文提到在一些东非国家吐痰是一种祝福,但是下文却提到吐痰是一种不健康的习惯, 故可知C项正确。句意:在大部分地方,吐痰意味着完全不同的含义。





Tom was crossing the road the other day when he saw a red car coming in the distance. He thought the car would ___21__, as the lights had turned red. ___22__, the car was going too ___23_ and Tom soon ___24__ that it couldn’t stop in time. He ___25__ to move out of its ___26__ but it was too late. Tom was __27__ down by the red car and lay ___28__ dead on the road. Passers-by ___29___ went to him and an ambulance(救护车)was ___30__for. The driver of the red car didn’t stop, __31__one of the men had written down the ___32__ of the car, which he ___33__ to the police who arrived at the site(现场).

  At the same time, Tom was taken to the ___34__ and his parents were called for. They were very ___35__ to hear of the accident and quickly rushed to his __36_. For three days Tom was not able to feel or think and his parents were worried that he ___37__ die. But on the fourth day Tom __38__ and spoke softly. His parents were ___39__. The police by then had ___40__ the owner of the car and caught hold of him at last.

  21. A. start B. stop C. move D. break

  22. A. Unfortunately B. Obviously C. Besides D. However

  23. A. fast B. slow C. far D. late

  24. A. understood B. realized C. knew D. recognized

  25. A. tried B. managed C. failed D. was able

  26. A. road B. path C. door D. way

  27. A. put B. knocked C. laid D. thrown

  28. A. almost B. already C. still D. obviously

  29. A. slowly B. calmly C. quickly D. carefully

  30.A. looked B. called C. sent D. asked

  31.A. but B. and C. or D. so

  32.A. type B. name C. number D. address

  33.A. took B. gave C. posted D. sent

  34.A. station B. school C. hospital D. home

  35.A. angry B. sad C. surprised D. disappointed

  36.A. head B. side C. body D. hospital

  37.A. must B. might C. could D. should

  38.A. felt sick B. got up C. fell asleep D. woke up

  39.A. surprised B. calm C. glad D. puzzled

  40.A. noticed B. grasped C. heard D. followed



  21.根据后句as the lights had turned red可知红灯亮了,故车应该停下来,故答案选B。


  22.根据后句Tom soon ___24__ that it couldn’t stop in time可知虽然红灯亮了,但是车停不下来,前后句意义构成转折。unfortunately不幸地;obviously显然地;besides 此外;however然而。故答案选D。






  25.他尝试着不挡道,但是太晚了。try to do试图;;manage to do设法作到; fail to do没能; be able to do能够。根据语境可知,答案选A。


  26. out of one's (the) way是固定搭配,意为“不挡道”。根据语境可知,答案选D。


  27.Tom被一辆红车撞倒了。be knocked down“被撞倒”。根据语境可知,答案选B。


  28.根据后文可知,汤姆并未死,而是“差一点”死了。almost 几乎;already已经;still仍然;obviously显然地。根据语境可知,答案选A。




  30.look for寻找;call for叫来; send for派人去…请; ask for请求。根据语境可知,答案选B。


  31.但是其中一个人记下了车牌号。 根据语境可知,答案选A。










  36.head头部;side身边;body身体;hospital 医院。根据语境可知父母应该是来到孩子的身边,答案选B。




  38.wake up意为“苏醒”,与For three days Tom was not able to feel or think...形成对比。feel sick 感到恶心;get up起床;fall asleep入睡。 根据语境可知,答案选D。






  【答案】21-25.BDABA 26-300.DBACB 31-35.ACBCC 36-40.BBDCD


  Dear Tom,

  How are you doing? You 41 (ask) me in your last letter about my plan for the coming summer vacation.

I am sorry that I didn’t 42 _ delay. How I wish I 43 (read) and reply your email as soon as I received it. 44 , I was busy preparing for my final exam at that time, 45 is vital for me. As a result, I had no choice but 46 (focus) on my study completely. I believe that if you 47 (be) me, you would make the same choice。

  By the way, I have a busy schedule for my summer vacation. First and foremost, I would do a part time job, so that my interpersonal skills 48 (improve). Additionally, I will take a short trip to Beijing to take a summer course in the New Oriental School. Last but not 49 (little), maybe I will work as a volunteer for the school as a teaching assistant.

  These are my plan for the summer vacation. What’s yours? I am looking 50__to your earliest reply.

  41. 42. 43. 44. 45.

  46. 47. 48. 49. 50.



  41.asked 根据后句in your last letter about my plan for the coming summer vacation可知在上封信中应该用一般过去时,故填asked。


  42.without 很抱歉,我没能立刻给你答复。without delay立刻,马上故填without。


  43.would read 我多么希望一收到你的信就读并回信啊。wish后的从句用虚拟语气。故填would read。




  45.which which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词final exam,且在从句中做主语。故填which。


  46.to focus。我别无选择,只能完全集中在学习上。have no choice but to do别无选择只能….。故填to focus。


  47.were 我相信如果你是我的话,你也会做出同样的决定。此处为if引导的虚拟条件句表对现在的虚拟,be动词都用were。故填were。


  48.would be improved 前句I would do a part time job使用了过去将来时,故此处应用过去将来时,且我的人际交往技能被提升。故填would be improved。

  考点定位: 考查时态语态

  49.least last but not least 最重要的是。故填least。


  50.forward我期盼收到你的答复。look forward to期盼。故填forward。


  【答案】41.asked;42.without;43.would read;44.However;45.which;46.to focus;47.were;48.would be improved;49.least;50.forward






  注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

  2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

  When tea and coffee was first introduced to Europe in 18th century, people thought that they were harmfully. So the king of Sweden decided to find out whether this was true or not. It happened that there had two brothers who were in prison at the time. The king ordered one of them drink tea every day and the other coffee. Both of them live many years without any problem. At last the one who had drank tea every day died at the age of 83 and the others one lived even long. Because of this, Sweden is today one of the countries that many people enjoy drinking tea and coffee.


  【试题解析】1.was改为were。tea and coffee为and连接的两个并列主语,故谓语动词用复数。


  2.18th 前加the。世纪,朝代及逢十的年代前加定冠词the。




  4.had改为were。此处考查there be句型,故had改为were。


  5.drink前加to。国王命令他们俩中的一个每天喝茶,另一个喝咖啡。order sb.to do sth.故drink前加to。






  8.others改为other。the others为名词性物主代词,而句中后面有one,故others改为other。






  【答案】1.was改为were;2.18th 前加the;3.harmfully改为harmful;4.had改为were;5.drink前加to;6.live改为lived;7.drank改为drunk;8.others改为other;9.long改为longer;10.that改为where;


李平的父亲有位美国同事, 他的孩子约翰史密斯下个月来华。约翰写信向李平询问一些有关李平所在城市的问题。李平回信,内容如下:





  字数:100—120个词。 参考词汇:筷子chopsticks






  Dear John,I was excited to hear that you would come to China next month.Now let me tell you something different you may meet here.To begin with, the weather here is totally different from that in your place.It hardly ever rains but whenever it does, it rains heavily.So you’d better bring a raincoat and overcoat.Another big difference is food.The Chinese food is quite different from yours.You have to try to get used to it, and learn how to use chopsticks.I’m sure you can do it.Finally please bring me a big American map if possible.Thank you very much.I am looking forward to meeting you.


  Li Ping