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时间: 刘惠2 高考英语



  Every college graduate wants to be successful in their first job-interview. The following tips may help.

  ●Control your smile

  Too much smiling in a job interview shows nervousness and a lack of confidence. 36 , which will quickly be discovered by the interviewer. Instead, be thoughtful and pleasant. Smile when there’s something to smile about.

  ●Avoid sweating

  You can lose a job by wearing an undershirt or simply a little too much clothing. Sweat(流汗)will be seen as a sign of weakness and nervousness. 37 .

  ●Don’t be a small-talker

Your job is to be well informed about the company for which you’re being interviewed. Chatting about last night’s TV series or your favorite blog will not get you the job. Never feel you have to fill an interview with small talk. 38 . If you are not sure what to say, it’s better to keep silent.

  ● 39

  Studies show that employees lie frequently in the workplace. Lying won’t get you a job. Never stretch(夸大)your resume(简历)or think too highly of your achievements. 40 , and the skilled interviewer will immediately show you the door.

  A. Be honest

  B. Don’t make jokes

  C. A smiley-face person looks false

  D. One lie can end your entire interview

  E. A well-mannered person is always welcome

  F. The job interview is one place you definitely don’t want to be hot

  G. Find ways to talk about serious subjects related to the industry or company

  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

  阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

  When I was 15, my mother passed away. I found a box full of papers in her bedroom, inside which was a 41 , reading, “Dearest Andrew, I’m sorry to have 42 a secret for so long, but there was never a(an) 43 time to tell you.” As I read on, I 44 not only that I was adopted(收养)but that, as a newborn baby, I had been 45 on a doorstep. Along with the letter was my adoption paperwork----“Mother: unknown. Father: unknown.” It was a great shock and these 46 as well as my mother’s death were too much for me to 47 .

In my memory, my adoptive father died when I was eight. 48 , my mother made sure I could have a 49 home. And now a huge puzzle hung over me. I didn’t do anything about 50 my birth parents for 15 years. Finally, however, I was so 51 that I started to research my 52 and went on Scottish local television news, hoping that it would lead somewhere. 53 , a man called Ronnie contacted the TV station, saying I 54 him of his father, who had died two years before. We met up and arranged a DNA test.

  The results were 55 ---Ronnie was my half-brother. It was a very happy moment for me, meeting a blood relation after having grown up as an only 56 . Most 57 , Ronnie 58 some of the gaps in my past. Now I don’t feel any 59, because I still don’t know 60 I was abandoned. Instead, I feel unique.

  41. A. secret B. letter C. note D. message

  42. A. lost B. forgotten C. kept D. known

  43. A. right B. exact C. free D. extra

  44. A. regretted B. cried C. remembered D. discovered

  45. A. born B. abandoned C. sold D. tied

  46. A. souvenirs B. belongings C. experiences D. findings

  47. A. accept B. refuse C. suffer D. avoid

  48. A. Similarly B. Thankfully C. Unusually D. Unfortunately

  49. A. special B. new C. lonely D. loving

  50. A. caring B. complaining C. seeking D. visiting

  51. A. anxious B. curious C. embarrassed D. enthusiastic

  52. A. history B. body C. result D. life

  53. A. Strangely B. However C. Amazingly D. Unexpectedly

  54. A. warned B. informed C. impressed D. reminded

  55. A. positive B. terrible C. different D. disappointing

  56. A. sister B. son C. brother D. daughter

  57. A. probably B. frequently C. hardly D. importantly

  58. A. took over B. broke up C. filled in D. fell into

  59. A. sadness B. loneliness C. confidence D. happiness

  60. A. when B. where C. how D. why


  第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


  A neighborhood watch is a group 61 (build)by volunteers to help prevent crime in their neighborhood. They do this by keeping an eye 62 their neighbors’ households, patrolling(巡逻)the streets and contacting the police when they see suspicious(可疑的)activities.

  Neighborhood watches have 63 long history. However, they 64 (introduce) to modern American cities only after the public was frightened to hear how a woman was killed in New York, while a number of people 65 (stand) by did nothing.

  66 (recent) Neighborhood watches have been the focus of strong criticism(批评)after a neighborhood watchman in Sanford shot to death a black teenager, 67 was on his way home from a local store last month. The shooting has led to a new 68 (suggest) that neighborhood watchmen should not carry guns while on patrol. Many neighborhood watch committees 69 (be) against it, saying that it will discourage volunteers from patrolling more 70 (danger) districts.

  第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)










  Dear Sam,

  How are things going? I’m writing for you for help. A few days ago my

  neighbor asks me to help her kid to learn English. I agreed immediately, as it’s her

  dream to become an English teacher. I want to do the job good to improve myself. As

  to the taught plan, firstly, I think it’s important to gain basic knowledge in the teaching

  textbooks. Next, it’s good idea to read English novels and watching English movies. It’s also helpful to speak English as many as possible. I would appreciate for it if you could give me some advices.

  Yours, Li Hua

  第二节 书面表达(满分25分)





  注意:1. 词数100左右;

  2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

  3. 开头语已为你写好。

  4. 参考语汇:打麻将—play mahjong

  As the first semester of my senior high is coming to an end, I’m expecting a relaxing winter vacation and a happy Spring Festival.


  1-5 BACAC 6-10 CBBAB 11-15 ACCBA 16-20 BCBAC

  21-24 ACAB 25-28 BCBD 29-31 CBD 32-35 ABCD

  36-40 CFGAD

  41-45. BCADB 46-50 DABDC 51-55 BACDA 56-60. BDCAD

  61. built 62. on 63. a 64. were introduced 65. standing

  66. Recently 67. who 68. suggestion 69. are 70. dangerous


  As the first semester of my senior high is coming to an end, I’m expecting a relaxing winter vacation and a happy Spring Festival. First of all, I’ll keep on learning at home and finish most of my homework before the new year’s Eve, so that I can freely enjoy the wonderful festival TV shows.

In order not to have an exhausting festival, I’ll keep regular hours and take enough exercise to keep fit. That is, I’ll neither stay up nor get up too late. Besides, to make the festival meaningful, I’ll spend more time with my family and visit some close relatives nearby.

  Last but not least, I’ll not kill time playing a smart phone for long, trying to stay away from some adults’ games like playing mahjong, which harms us both physically and mentally, or even financially.