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时间: 刘惠2 高考英语


  Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg recently surprised Chinese students when he spoke to them in Chinese. In a speech at Tsinghua University in Beijing, Zuckerberg spoke Chinese for about 30 minutes. With Chinese having the most native speakers in the world and the study of the Chinese language increasing rapidly around the world, Zuckerberg’s talk raises a question: Is Chinese the language of the future? Could it replace English as the world’s international language?

  Chinese will grow in importance, especially for people who want to work and do business in

  China. But I don’t think Chinese will replace English any time soon.

  American movies, music, television, video games have wider audiences, which is one reason for English’s popularity as a foreign language. So far China’s success in this aspect has been very limited. Chinese films, Chinese television shows and Chinese music don’t have a huge following outside of China. In addition, English is seen as a more neutral(中立的) language than Chinese. Unlike Chinese, English is not associated with one county. It is a universal language and is spoken in more than 170 counties. In 2014, China hosted the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting in Beijing, China. But the meeting was not in Chinese. The official language of APEC is English.

  The most important reason is that Chinese is a more difficult language to learn. It is estimated that it would take a native English speaker 2,000 hours to reach professional fluency in Chinese. That is four times longer than it would take to reach the same level in Dutch, French, or Spanish. While Chinese grammar is much simpler, Chinese has a tone and writing system that is more difficult for adult learners to master.

  Last but not least, more people learn English than Chinese. A recent survey by Gallup showed that only one in four Americans is multilingual, which means only 25% of Americans can speak a foreign language besides English. For most Americans, learning a foreign language is a choice, not a necessity. China Daily has estimates that 400 million Chinese are studying English. That means China has more English learners that the U.S. has English speakers.

  33. Mark Zuckerberg surprised Chinese students by __________.

  A. singing Chinese songs B. wearing Chinese clothes

  C. making a speech in Chinese D. speaking highly of Chinese

  34.Which of the following contributes to English’s popularity as a foreign language?

  A. American growing economy. B. American pop culture.

  C. American freedom of speech. D. American education system.

  35. What is the text mainly about?

  A. The results pop culture development brings about.

  B. The influence English has on the global economy.

  C. The suggestions on how to master Chinese in a short time.

  D. The reasons why English would be more popular than Chinese.

  第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10)



  Reading comprehension is an important skill to master for academic success. Many students have difficulty in understanding the point of a story and remembering what a story is about ----the basics of this task. Luckily, by following some basic tips, you can improve at reading comprehension.

  Work on your vocabulary. Keep up on vocabulary lessons in school, and look up definitions of words when you read to master as many words as you can. __36_.

  Read with your mind, eyes and lips. __37_Just reading with your mind could mean you’re not paying enough attention. You don’t have to read aloud for reading comprehension, but go over each word with your eyes at least.

  _38_To understand what a paragraph is saying, you can often look through the first sentence. This should tell you the point of the paragraph, and the rest should be supplemental(附加的) information. Look at the last sentence to complete the idea.

  Identify the structure of the story to know what to look for in analyzing it. Some stories are written in the order of time. Others start from the point of the future and backtrack(倒叙). Still others are about proving the point of a thesis with examples. __39_

  Try to predict what’s going to happen next. Reading actively promotes reading comprehension. _40_This will help you remember the details after you’ve finished.

  A.Be aware of the function of paragraphs.

  B.Concentrate on the meaning of words when reading aloud.

  C.The larger vocabulary you have, the easier reading comprehension will be.

  D.While reading, guess which way the story is going or how the story will end up.

  E.Reading with your eyes and lips helps you remember what you’ve read.

  F.Figure out what kind of structure you’ve looking at to understand the story better.

  G.If you can understand the writer’s purpose between the lines, you’re doing a good job.

  第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)

  第一节完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

  Imagine waking up in a hospital bed. And the entire left side of your body isn’t movable. This was the _41_I found myself in after my crash. I _42 so severely for my head and neck were twisted to one side and stuck in that disturbing _43_

  The prognosis(预断)for my _44_was not good. The doctor told my family,”I__45_to say this, but he’ll be lucky to survive the next 48 hours.

  __46_as my family was at the news, the one thing that had been holding them together was the__47_that with the proper medical treatment, I could recover. The doctor’s prognosis hit them like a hammer, _48_any hope. The _49_that I might die touched each of them deeply.

  For the next two days, my parents kept waiting outside my room. They could _50_eat or sleep. The doctor’s prognosis _51 heavily on their hearts. Yet with each passing hour they become slightly more hopeful that my chances of _52_ were a little bit better.

  With the _53_ 48 hours passing, although I was once _54 to the limit of my life, I _55 to quit my life, so they felt somewhat_56_. Maybe the doctor had made a(n)_57_. After all, doctors aren’t necessarily right. Bit by bit, hope began to return to them. _58_, they still had no idea what the future held for me.

  My survival surprised everyone. It would not have been _59_ if not for my determination not to quit my life. _60_ will always happen around you as long as you don’t give up.

  41. A. despair B. situation C. place D. pain

  42. A. choked B. trembled C. enjoyed D. suffered

  43. A. position B.. action C. behavior D. height

  44. A. spirit B. disability C. recovery D. treatment

  45. A. regret B. decide C. tend D. wish

  46. A. Impatient B. Angry C. Confused D. Upset

  47. A. desire B. intention C. hope D. lie

  48. A. offering B. destroying C. raising D. abandoning

  49. A. exception B. choice C. fact D. acceptance

  50. A. barely B. gradually C. hopelessly D. slightly

  51. A. reacted B. weighed C. froze D. expanded

  52. A. promotion B. escape C. improvement D. survival

  53. A. convincing B. disappointing C. exciting D. frightening

  54. A. directed B. pushed C. ordered D. guided

  55. A. refused B. pretended C. struggled D. attempted

  56. A. confident B. satisfied C. relieved D. stressful

  57. A. joke B. guess C. apology D. mistake

  58. A. However B. Therefore C. Instead D. Besides

  59. A. alarming B. possible C. reasonable D. pessimistic

  60. A. Accidents B. Coincidences C. Miracles D. Successes

  第 II 卷

  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


  Patient: Thank you for__61_(agree) to see me on such short notice, doctor.

  Doctor: Now, what seems to be ___62__ matter?

  Patient: It’s my eyesight. I can’t see well at night, and ___63___ I wake up in the morning, it takes me a few minutes before I can see clearly.

  Doctor: OK. I’m going to take a ___64___ (close) look. Just relax. How ____65__ has this been going on?

  Patient: A couple of weeks. I guess…wow, that’s right!

  Doctor: Does it hurt when I do that?

  Patient: Not exactly, it’s just really bright.

  Doctor: Where did you hit___66___(you) head?

  Patient: Right on the back. I heard a loud sound when I hit it, but there ____67__(be)no blood and everything seemed to be okay.

  Doctor: You didn’t get it___68_____(check) out then?

  Patient: My wife said I should, but nothing was wrong, so

  I thought, why bother? Well, a week passed and all of a sudden I started to have problems with my sight. I first noticed it when I was driving back home from work. But before that I 69 (feel) uncomfortable in my eyes for several times.

  Doctor: ____70_____(hope), it’s nothing serious.

  第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)



  增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ∧ ),并在其下面写出该加的词。

  删除:把多余的词用斜线( ﹨ )划掉。




  Paul and I met in the first time when we were both at university. In a fact, we hated each other at first though we were in the same class. I didn’t start to like him until we ended up work in the same restaurant. He had become a chef by then and I’d called in to redesign the places to give it more atmosphere. The owner of the restaurant is so pleased with my work what I had free meals there whenever I wanted to. Needless to say, I ate there regular. Paul’s cooking was amazing but gradually I realised that I’d changed my mind about her, too.


  假如你是学校广播站播音员李华。你所在的学校正在进行”Good health habits, good school life”的宣传活动,号召同学们养成良好的生活习惯。请你就此用英文写一份广播稿。内容包括:1.良好生活习惯的意义;2. 你的倡议内容;3. 号召同学们积极践行。

  注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 开头语和结尾语已为你写好。

  Boys and girls,

  Attention, please! Keeping good health habits is of great importance.






  _________________That’s all. Thank you.


  第一部分: 听力:

  1—5 BCCBB 6—10 CBABB 11—15 CCCBC 16—20 ABBCC

  第二部分: 阅读理解

  第一节:21—25 CACAA 26—30 DBCDC 31—35 BACBD

  第二节: 36—40CEAFD



  41—45 BDACA 46—50 DCBCA 51—55 BDDBA 56—60 CDABC

  第二节:语法填空:61. agreeing 62. the 63. when 64. closer 65. long 66. your 67. was 68. checked 69. had felt 70. Hopefully


  71. 第一句第一个in改为for 72. in a fact 中a 除掉73. work 改为 working 74. 第四句中 I’d 后加been 75. places 改为place 76.第五句中is 改为was 77. what 改为that 78. regular 改为regularly 79. but 改为and 80. her改为him


  Boys and girls,

  Attention, please! Keeping good health habits is of great importance. Good health habits contribute to a healthy body, which serves as a firm basis for the opportunities to achieve our dreams. So good health habits should be highly valued and widely spread.

  First, we should eat a balanced diet, which has a

  positive effect on our health. Second, we should take regular exercise to build up our strength. In addition, we should work together to keep where we live clean and tidy. It’s not limited to our own rooms or homes; it’s true for public places

  Let’s firstly do our part to keep a healthy lifestyle and then work together to increase public awareness about keeping good health habits.

  That’s all. Thank you.