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时间: 刘惠2 高考英语











  例:How much is the shirt?

  A.£19.15. B.£9.18. C.£9.15.


  1.How much will the man pay for three student tickets?

  A.12 dollars. B.24 dollars. C.6 dollars.

  2.What does the woman want the man to do?

  A.Buy her a newspaper.

  B.Take a picture of her.

  C.Stop following her.

  3.Where does the conversation probably take place?

  A.1n a library. B.In a classroom. C.In a bookstore.

  4.What is the woman most likely doing?

  A.Starting a new job.

  B.Applying for a new job.

  C.Going on a date.

  5.What will the man do next?

  A.Stay for dinner.

  B.Go to the railway station.

  C.Meet Helen’s parents.




  6.What does the woman want to learn?

  A.How a camera works.

  B.How to do some magic.

  C.How to draw a picture.

  7.Who will the woman turn to for help?

  A.The man. B.Her professor. C.Her father.


  8.How did the man learn about the job?

  A.From an agency.

  B.From the Internet.

  C.From the newspaper.

  9.What will the mail probably do next?

  A.Learn to type faster.

  B.Start working right now.

  C.Fill in a form.


  10.What does the woman want to know?

  A.How to shop online

  B.Why the website isn’t working.

  C.Which deal is the best on the website.

  11.What does the man tell the woman to do?

  A.Ask a different person at the store.

  B.Try to use the website again.

  C.Call a different number.

  12.How does the woman sound in the end?

  A.Satisfied. B.Angry. C.Nervous.


  13.Why did Iris want to give the woman a reward at first?

  A.She was grateful to her.

  B.She wanted to help her.

  C.The man told her she should.

  14.What is left in the wallet?

  A.Some money. B.A credit card. C.Some pictures.

  15.What can we learn about the woman who found the wallet?

  A.She is a hero. B.She is a thief. C.She is kind.

  16.Where does this conversation probably take place?

  A.At the police station.

  B.On the street.

  C.In a store.


  17.What’s the temperature today at the bottom of the Grand Canyon?

  A.43 degrees. B.41 degrees. C.26 degrees.

  18.How long has it been since someone died in the canyon?

  A.One week. B.One year. C.Five years.

  19.What’s the most common cause of death in the canyon?

  A.Falling into it. B.Heat exhaustion. C.Getting bitten by snakes.

  20.What is the talk mainly about?

  A.How to avoid heat exhaustion.

  B.How people died in the Grand Canyon.

  C.Preparation for hiking in the Grand Canyon.





  At five,Sheliza began volunteering in her neighborhood.Also,she joined Girl Guides of Canada,which allowed her to develop leadership skills.

  On her 12th birthday,she had an allergic reaction to her birthday cake.The unpleasant experience caused her to find a different way to celebrate her birthday.Then,it occurred to her that many children never have the chance to celebrate their birthday at a11.

  Thus,the next year,she celebrated her birthday by donating money and serving a meal to homeless families.After this birthday her wish was to change the world by spreading joy to badly-off children.This vision led to the creation of Children’s Birthday Miracles(CBM),a non-profit organization intended to provide hope and celebration for less fortunate children.

  CBM provides cake,presents,entertainment and necessities to create birthdays that children dream of.This past year Coca-Cola sponsored $ 35,000,which was used to rent a theme park for 200 poor teens.The teens experienced a day where they escaped the struggles of reality and celebrated an important occasion—their birthday.

  This organization has now grown internationally as we now host birthday parties in Dar-es-Sa-laam.Tanzania.In addition,CBM has inspired over 30 children in the past three months to donate their own birthday presents to CBM.At present,they have a devoted team of enthusiastic youth,adults and businesses that helped us reach our goal of raising over $65,000 with major sponsors:National Bank,Coca-Cola and McDonalds Canada.

  As Sheliza is the President of her Junior Achievement(JA)company,this organization has taught her that youth have the ability to become entrepreneurs(企业家).

  21.What is the function of the first two paragraphs?

  A.They improve the interest of readers.

  B.They list out some useful facts.

  C.They serve as background of the following parts.

  D.They introduce the topic of an ordinary story.

  22.Which of the following is true about Sheliza’s birthday celebration?

  A.She often has an allergic reaction to her birthday cake.

  B.She celebrated her thirteenth birthday in a charity way.

  C.Many children never get the chance to attend her birthday party.

  D.She always comes up with fun ideas to celebrate her birthday.

  23.For what purpose did Sheliza set up CBM?

  A.To make herself famous across the world.

  B.To gain a large profit for her company.

  C.To encourage more teenagers to observe their birthdays.

  D.To spread joy and hope to the less fortunate children.

  24.What do you think of Sheliza based on the passage?

  A.Enthusiastic and dependent. B.Considerate and selfless.

  C.Kind-hearted and honest. D.Sympathetic and doubtful.


  What do you usually have for lunch? Indeed,for many of us,meat has been part of our diet for years.

  For your American peers,however,school lunch might have to change this year—there could be less meat and more fruits,vegetables,nuts,whole grains and other plant-based foods for them in future.

  Their new diet would encourage Americans to eat more healthily.But it could mean much more than that.According to the Fox Business website,the new school lunch also looks at what is healthy for the environment.A diet higher in plant-based foods and lower in animal-based foods causes“less environmental damage than the current average US diet”,a research from a US government committee said.

  No matter how tasty you think meat is,it seems to be causing problems for the environment.Researchers from the International Livestock(家禽)Research Institute in Kenya and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization in Australia and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Austria looked at the livestock industry around the world and found that it is adding to climate change.

  In poorer countries like Ethiopia and Somalia,1,000 kg of carbon is produced for every kilogram of protein produced by cattle.This happens because of the methane(甲烷)gas that comes from the cattle’s manure(粪便).When forests are cut down to make land for livestock like cattle,the trees can no longer absorb carbon,which then goes to the atmosphere.

  Although groups like the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association in the US are unhappy with the idea,environmental groups would be happy if the changes happened.“We need to make sure we think about our natural resources and the need to reduce climate change when we choose our diets,”said Karl Hamerschlag of the group Friends of the Earth.

  So,would you give up meat for the good of the environment,or does beef taste too good for you to support these plans?

  25.What change will take place in American school lunches?

  A.Some tasty dishes will be added to their menus.

  B.More animal-based foods will be offered.

  C.Only less nutritious foods will be provided.

  D.Students will be given more plant-based foods.

  26.What is the real purpose of the new diet in America?

  A.To help students eat more healthily. B.To help improve the environment.

  C.To carry out a research. D.To add nutrition to school lunch.

  27.Which group might not be in favor of the new diet?

  A.The International Livestock Research Institute.

  B.The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.

  C.The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis.

  D.The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association.

  28.What does the writer mainly tell us?

  A.School lunch must be changed in America in future.

  B.Eating less meat and more fruits can keep us healthy.

  C.Eating less meat helps to improve the environment.

  D.Cattle’manure releases too much methane gas.