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  I. Listening Comprehension(30分,每题1.5分)

  Pare A: Short Conversations

  Directions: In Part A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers in your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

  1. (A) He can't go this weekend. (B) He has a hole in his bathing suit.

  (C) They should stay at the beach longer. (D) They shouldn't spend much money.

  2. (A) Turn the alarm off. (B) Live on a farm. (C) Move his alarm clock. (D) Go to bed earlier.

  3. (A) He hasn't and time to find another apartment.

  (B) His mother dusted her apartment the day before last.

  (C) He hasn't cleaned the apartment since his mother visited.

  (D) His mother was the last person to come over to his apartment.

  4. (A) Making a pot of coffee. (B) Trying different brands of coffee.

  (C) Drinking less coffee. (D) Getting a different coffee pot.

  5. (A) Some music cassettes.(B) Some school supplies (C) Something to drink.(D) Something to eat.

  6. (A) He has finished his biology project. (B) He'll feel happier when the project is completed.

  (C) He's annoyed with everyone. (D) He took a nap in biology class.

  7. (A) She knows very little about bicycles. (B) She doesn't want the man to study.

  (C) The man likes to study outdoors. (D) The man isn't ready to study yet.

  8. (A) Try to find it in the house (B) Repair the roof. (C) Lend his friend a pen (D) Become extremely angry.

  9. (A) She agrees with the man. (B) She didn't hear what the man said.

  (C) She is surprised by his opinion. (D) She thinks he should look at it again.

  10.(A) The weather forecast has often been wrong. (B) No more rain is needed

  (C) It's going to rain today (D) They'll have more time tomorrow.

  Part B: Longer Conversations

  Directions: In Part B, you will hear two longer conversations. After each conversation, you will be asked two question. The conversations will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers in you paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

  Questions 11 and 12 are based on the following conversation:

  11. (A) To a rock and mineral show. (B) To an opera at the concert hall.

  (C) To a movie at the student center. (D) To a popular music concert.

  12. (A) She gets a student's discount. (B) Bob doesn't have very much money.

  (C) She lost a bet and owes Bob money. (D) Bob left his wallet at home.

  Questions 13 and 14 are based on the following conversation:

  13. (A) In a classroom. (B) In a snack bar (C) In the dormitory. (D) In a camera shop.

  14. (A) He worked for a radio station. (B) He lived in a dormitory.

  (C) He took a long trip. (D) He visited the man's family.

  Part C: Passages

  Directions: In Part C, you will hear two short passage, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

  Questions 15 through 17 are based on the following passage:

  15. (A) To explain the importance of learning rhythm and harmony in jazz.

  (B) To show that jazz is not really music at all.

  (C) To point out similarities between jazz and classical music

  (D) To describe what makes a good jazz performing it.

  16. (A) They memorize their music before performing it.

  (B) They are more famous than performers of other kinds of music.

  (C) They perform their music as a means of individual.

  (D) They possess detailed knowledge of the rules of jazz composition.

  17. (A) Practice various jazz rhythms.

  (B) Interview a jazz musician

  (C) Watch a film about jazz performers

  (D) Listen to some recordings of jazz music.

  Questions 18 and 20 are based on the following conversation:

  18. (A) A radio broadcast. (B) A political discussion (C) A sales promotion (D) A health documentary

  19. (A) Where fruit is grown (B) How fruit becomes ripe (C) Why fruit falls from trees. (D) Which fruits are edible

  20. (A) The fruit itself (B) The air surrounding the fruit

  (C) The spray applied by farmers. (D) The tree or vines to which the fruit is attached.

  湖北高考英语压轴试题II. Grammar(20分, 每题1分)

  21._____ we had expected, Liu Tian was admitted into Fudan University.(A) Like (B) What (C) As (D) What if

  22. Clara often took her pigeon to some places far away ________ let it fly home.

  (A) so that (B) hence (C) otherwise (D) and then

  23. Do you think ______ doing some listening in the morning is a nice way of developing listening?

  (A) why (B) how (C) that (D) whether

  24. I'd appreciate _______ if you could lend me a hand with my homework.(A) so (B) it (C) that (D) you

  25. _____ vocabulary you have, ______ you'll find it to read the newspaper of English-speaking countries.

  A) The larger… the easier B) The larger…the more easily C) The more…the easier D) The more …the more easily

  26. From then on , the town _____rapidly. (A) has grown (B) is grown (C) grew (D) is growing

  27. Are you still here? You _______ at home hours ago.

  (A) oughtn't to have stayed (B) shouldn't stay(C) couldn't have stayed (D) needn't stay

  28. _______ up in a blanket, Harold was helped into the ambulance.

  (A) Having wrapped (B) Wrapped (C) Being wrapped (D) Wrapping

  29. When I passed by Tom's house , I noticed him ___ by his father. A) beat B) beaten C) being beaten D) beating

  30. Was Tom the only one ________ knew well at yesterday's party? (A) that (B) who (C) whom (D) you

  31. Have you finished your work _____? What a hardworking boy!(A) already (B) yet (C) still (D) almost

  32. He hasn't left his hometown ______ his return from Shanghai.(A) for (B) on (C) since (D) by

  33. _______ will you take to prepare for you papers?(A) How soon (B) How long (C) How often (D) How far

  34. Mary is a top student in the class. You cannot speak ___highly of her.(A) very (B) well (C) much (D) too

  35. ____ it rains tomorrow? I think we'd better take umbrellas.(A) In case (B) If only (C) How come (D) What if

  36. ______ you work more efficiently are you able to catch up with others in the class.

  (A) Only when (B) Long before (C) Unless (D) Until

  37. I think there are only a few sports that are both ____ and ______.

  (A) entertaining…relaxed (B) entertaining…relaxing(C) entertained…relaxed (D) entertained…relaxing

  38. The careless driver is ______ for the traffic accident ______ yesterday.

  (A) to blame. .happened (B) to blame…happening(C) to be blamed…happened (D) to be blamed…happening

  39. He said that he had nothing _______.

  (A) to feed his birds (B) to feed his birds with (C) to feed his birds on (D) feeding on his birds

  40. In the Olympic Games, swimming is ______ second ______ importance only to track and field events.

  (A) the…to (B) /…to (C) the…in (D)/…in

  III. Vocabulary (10分, 每题1分)

  41. Many neighbours _______ that they couldn't stand the noise of the machines on the construction sits.

  (A) complained (B) informed (C) described (D) expressed

  42. The explorer got a disease in blood for the _____ of fresh vegetables and fruit.

  (A) sake (B) lack (C) ignorance (D) knack

  43. The ship "Titanic"was _____ when it hit into an iceberg.(A) wounded (B) sunk (C) wrecked (D) failed

  44.I wonder if such a little boat can _____ so many passenger to the other side of the river at a time.

  (A) occupy (B) hold (C) fetch (D) carry

  45. They seemed not to be ______ of what was happening around him.(A) known(B) clear (C) anxious (D) aware

  46. I'm afraid these new trousers are so tight as not to ________.(A) large (B) have on (C) put on (D) go on

  47. The librarian told me only the ______ numbers can be taken out and kept for some

  (A) large (B) current (C) back (D) former

  48. Some will run the risk of killing themselves and their families ________ admit they don't know how to mend the lamp that has gone wrong. (A) instead of (B) rather than (C) in place of (D) other than

  49. Pills and bottles of medicine should be kept ________ of children.

  (A) under lock and key (B) away (C) beyond reach (D) within reach

  50. My watch goes wrong again , so I have to have it ______right.(A) set (B) mended (C) repaired (D) fixed

  IV. Cloze (20分, 每题1分)


  There were two men in my office --- Mr. Black and Mr. White. Everyone enjoyed __51___with Mr. Black, but no ___52_____liked Mr. White.

  Mr. Black was always polite. When he wanted something done, he would ask,"Would you mind __53___ the door, please?"Mr. White was just the opposite. He usually shouted across the room."Close the door and hurry up!"

  But one morning. Mr. White __54____ us. At first we thought he __55___ sick. He was kind and polite. "Miss Jane," he asked, "could you tell me ___56___ it isn't much trouble for you to copy the telephone number for me ?"Miss Jane was astonished. ___57___ after that, Mr. White said, "Miss Mary, could you please open the window?" It 's quite warm in here."

  We couldn't imagine __58___ he was so ___59___. Should we offer him aspirins? Or had Mr. White become good?

  Soon the thing was cleared up. "Ladies, " Mr. Black said, "I was told that the president of the company will be here soon. He will __60___ our work here, and he is going toad money to those work will."

  51. (A) to work (B) working (C) work (D) works

  52. (A) body (B) people (C) man (D) one

  53. (A) to close (B) close (C) closing (D) closed

  54. (A) was surprised (B) was surprising (C) surprised (D) was surprised by

  55. (A) must be (B) can be (C) would be (D) may be

  56. (A) if (B) why (C) that (D) how

  57. (A) Then (B) So (C) Right (D) As

  58. (A) how (B) why (C) if (D) that

  59. (A) strange (B) strangely (C) kind (D) bad

  60. (A) visit (B) accept (C) inspect (D) be pleased with


  Red is used in many American _______. It can be used to speak of happiness, as in "a red-letter day". This is a day when something special happens. The expression probably is ______ on church customs. Almost for six hundred years, church calendars have been ______ with red to indicate special holidays. Today's calendars(日历) still are marked that way with the ______ of holidays, and special days ______ in red. The expression Red-letter Day is often heard in everyday conversation. A red-letter day is especially happy. It may be a day _____ you've long waited for, a wedding day, for example, ______ it may be a day with a happy time. You might tell your friend that yesterday was red-letter day, because you _____ some money in the state lottery(彩券).

  Red also is used in some expressions that are _____ happy. Red-Handed is one. To be Caught Red-Handed is to be caught actually performing a wrong _____. You're guilty.

  61. (A) languages (B) words (C) stories (D) expressions

  62. (A) seen (B) from (C) based (D) followed

  63. (A) done (B) marked (C) written (D) painted

  64. (A) names (B) dates (C) days (D) meanings

  65. (A) printed (B) copied (C) typed (D) written

  66. (A) when (B) as (C) of which (D) that

  67. (A) and (B) but (C) for (D) or

  68. (A) paid (B) were paid (C) won (D) lost

  69. (A) less (B) not (C) few (D) little

  70. (A) matter (B) thing (C) act (D) job

  V. Reading Comprehension (30分, 每题2分)


  Also everyone knows the meaning of Mr., Mrs., and Miss. Mr. is used before the names of men. Mrs. is for married women and Miss is for single women. But what is Ms?

  For some time business in the United States have used Ms before a woman's name when they do not know whether the woman is married or not. Today, however, many women prefer to use Ms rather than Mrs. or Miss. The word Mr. does not tell us whether or not a man is married. Many women think this is an advantage for men. They want to be equal to men in this way. These women feel that it is not important for people to know whether they are married or not.

  There are some problems with Ms, however. Not all women like it. Some like the older ways of doing thing. Some find it difficult to pronounce. (Ms sounds like "Miz",) Generally, young women like it better than older women do . It is difficult to know whether or not Ms will be used by more American women in the future.

  71. Which of the following sentences is true?

  (A) Businessmen in the United Sates always use Ms before women's names.

  (B) All women like the new word Ms. (C) All women do not like the new word Ms.

  (D) The women who like Ms feel it important for people to know whether or not they are married.

  72. In the author's opinion, it is ______ if more American women will use Ms in the future.

  (A) difficult to make a decision (B) difficult to know (C) necessary to make a decision (D) necessary to know

  73. The author of this passage mainly wants to tell ______.

  (A) the word Ms is an advantage for all women (B) how the word Ms has come into use.

  (C) Ms is different from Mr., Mrs. and Miss (D) business use Ms when they do not know if a woman is married


  At the west end of the clearing, the men stood in a circle around the snake. Roger tried time and again. He could get the head in the fork, but when he tried to bring it to the ground it would slip out. And the snake was becoming more and more angry.

  "It is going to spit," warned Joro.

  "Let it spit. It can't shoot this far."

  roger was at least three meters from the snake.

  In the next instant Roger learned a lesson he would never forget . Two white streams shot out from the snake's poison fangs(毒牙).

  He would never have believed it possible. How could the snake be so accurate? How did it know that the weakest part of an enemy was the eye?

  He brushed the poison away with the back of his band. It did no good. Enough had gone in to give him great pain. Worst of all, he found himself half blind.

  74. Roger didn't listen to the warning because ______.

  (A) the snake wasn't able to shoot that far (B) he knew it was going to spit

  (C) e had made preparations for it to spit (D) he had never thought it could shoot as far as three meters

  75. According to the passage, which of the following is true?

  (A) The moment Roger stopped saying, the snake attacked him.

  (B) Before Roger realized it would spit, it attacked him.

  (C) While Roger was having a lesson, it attacked him

  (D) When Roger saw two white streams coming, he stepped aside.

  76. In the sentence "He would never have believed it possible" the word "it "refers to _____.

  (A) the snake (B) the snake's poison (C) Roger's eye (D) the snake's shooting Roger's eye

  77. What lesson shall we draw from their accident?

  (A) A snake is very clever. (B) Run away at the sight of a snake.

  (C) Don't be too sure of ourselves. (D) It is a pity to be half-blind.


  After Washington's army took up Boston, the Second Continental Congress passed certain measures to bring the colonies(殖民地)into a closer union. Yet in all these discussions, the actual word INDEPENDENCE WAS NEVER OFFICIALLY USED. Many members of the Congress were not ye ready to separate from England. Other members were afraid that if the fighting went against them, they might all be put to death as traitors(叛徒).

  There was , however, a small group of patriots who fought continuously for independence. They argued that the war was already going on. Furthermore, if the colonies expected to get help from other countries- for example, form France- then a complete break with England was necessary. On June 7, 1776, one of their members, Richard Henry Lee of Virginia, presented a resolution that these united colonies are, and of right ought to be, free ad independent states. The resolution was bitterly argued but later accepted by the Congress. A committee of five members was named to draw up such a declaration.

  78. Why was the word independence not officially used?

  (A) Because all the members were strongly against it .

  (B) Because some members were not ready to separate form England.

  (C) Because some members were afraid to be killed by England.

  (D) Because all the members didn't agree to leave England.

  79. What is true according to the passage?

  (A) All the members strongly favour the resolution. (B) The members met in Washington D. C.

  (C) Te British government treated treason(变节) very seriously.

  (D) The members argued bitterly about the resolution at last.

  80. How did the patriots argue about the independence?

  (A) It was necessary if they wanted help.(B) It was right for tem to be free and independent.

  (C) It was necessary, for the war was going on. (D) All the above.

  81. The declaration came into being because _______.

  (A) they took measures to unite the colonies (B) they fought well

  (C) a group of people fought continuously for the independence (D) Henry Lee presented his resolution


  Science has told us so much about the moon that it is fairly easy to imagine what it would be like to get there. It is certainly not a friendly place. Since there is no air or water, there can be no life of any kind. There is not much variety of scenery cither. For mile after mile there are only flat plains of dust with mountains around them. Above, the sun and stars shine in the black sky. If you step out of the mountain shadow, it means moving from the severe cold into intense(强烈的)heat. These extreme temperatures continually break rocks away from the surface of the mountains. The moon is also a very silent world, for sound waves can only travel through air. But beyond the broken horizon, you see a friendly sight. Our earth is shining more brightly than the stars. From this distance, it looks like an immense(巨大的)blue, green and brown ball.

  82. Without ______, the moon is a silent world. (A) man (B) air (C) sound (D) water

  83. According to the passage we know that _______.

  (A) the earth looks like a coloured ball

  (B) we can enjoy the scenery on the moon

  (C) every inch of the moon is very hot

  (D) the extreme temperature breaks rocks away form the surface of mountains

  84. We can conclude that "continually"means ____. (A) sometimes (B) always (C) without break (D) frequently

  85. The best title for passage is "________".(A) An Unfriendly and Friendly Place (B) The Geography of the Moon (C) Moon, a Silent World (D) The Moon


  VI. Translation(15分, 每题3分)

  1.演出结束后, 那位著名男演员和几位影迷合影并愉快地交谈了一会儿。(visit with)

  2. 他们进了高后不久就渐渐适应了新的教學。(come to )

  3. 他们设法找了一辆救护车所那位生病的老太太紧急送到医院急诊室(manage, rush)

  4. 很显然,阅读能把别人从实踐中学到的经验提供给我们。(provide…with)

  5. 我们除了老师规定的作业外,还读了几本英语故事书。(in addition to )

  VII. Guided Writing(25分)

  假设你叫李鹏,给晚报编辑写封信, 就高考试卷增加听力测试发表你的意见。


  I. 1 (C) 2(C ) 3.(C ) 4(D) 5(B) 6(B) 7.(D) 8. (D) 9. (A) 10. (A)

  11. (C) 12. (C) 13. (B) 14. (A) 15. (D) 16. (C) 17. (D) 18. (A) 19. (B) 20 (A)

  II. 21.(C) 22.(D) 23 (C) 24 (B) 25 (A) 26 (C) 27(A) 28(B) 29(C) 30 (B)

  31(A) 32 (C) 33(B) 34(D) 35(D) 36(A) 37(B) 38(B) 39(C) 40(D)

  III. 41(A) 42(B) 43(C) 44(D) 45(D) 46 (D) 47(C) 48(B) 49(C) 50(A)

  IV. 51(B) 52(D) 53(C) 54(C) 55(A) 56(A) 57(C) 58(B) 59(C) 60(C)

  61. (D) 62(C) 63(B) 64 (D) 65(A) 66(D) 67(B) 68(C) 69(B) 70(C)

  V. 71 (C) 72(B) 73(B) 74(D) 75(A) 76(D) 77(C) 78(D) 79(C) 80(D)

  81(C) 82 (B) 83.(A) 84(C) 85(D)


  VI. 1. After the performance, the famous actor took photos with several fans and visited with them pleasantly for a while.

  2. Soon (Shortly) after they entered the senior high school, they came to adapt themselves to the new teaching.

  3. They managed to get an ambulance to rush the sick old lady to the emergency ward in the hospital.

  4. It's obvious that reading can provide us with the experience others learn form practice.

  5. We read a few English story books in addition to the homework assigned by the teacher.


  Dear editor,

  With the development of our economy, it's more and more important to have a good command of at least a foreign language. I think it is quite necessary that listening test should be added to the college entrance examination.

  As we all know, in the study of English, listening is the most important. Listening, speaking, reading and writing are the four basic parts of learning a foreign language. Without listening, we can't get along well with others. Furthermore, the examination itself wouldn't be complete and perfect if there weren't listening test in it . It also can't reflect the overall ability of the students in learning a foreign language. What's more, in communication with foreigners, if we can't understand what they say, how can we express ourselves freely? So we must take advantage of every chance to practise listening and speaking to develop our English to meet the needs of our society.


  Li Ming