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时间: 德豪2 高考英语




  1.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

  A.At a theater.

  B.At a restaurant.

  C.At a bus station.

  2.How much did the man spend altogether fixing his computer?




  3.What does the woman want to know?

  A.Whether the man can keep his job.

  B.Where the man got the bad news.

  C.What items sell well in the store.

  4.What is the man talking about?

  A.His sister.

  B.His new job.

  C.His date.

  5.What does the woman mean?

  A.She will go to buy the gift herself.

  B.The gift should not be too expensive.

  C.The man is not good at balancing his budget.


  6.What size shoes did the woman wear last year?




  7.Why have the woman’s feet been hurting?

  A.Her shoes were the wrong size.

  B.She walked too much each day.

  C.Her shoes were of very low quality.


  8.Where is the woman going?

  A.Her house.

  B.An appointment.

  C.West 22nd Street.

  9.What can we learn from the conversation?

  A.The woman is in a rush.

  B.It is going to rain soon.

  C.The traffic is heavy at the moment.


  10.What will the man do on Tuesday?

  A.Visit a factory.

  B.Meet a company boss.

  C.Go to the seaside.

  11.What does the man take his coat for?

  A.Mountain climbing.

  B.A visit to a factory.

  C.A meeting with a company boss.

  12.What will the man wear on Friday?

  A.A blue shirt.

  B.A sweater.

  C.A jacket.


  13.When will John go to the game?

  A.On Thursday.

  B.On Friday.

  C.On Saturday.

  14.What does John ask Susan to do?

  A.Help with his term paper.

  B.Go to a concert with him.

  C.Take care of his cousin.

  15.What does John say about his cousin’s interests?

  A.He heard she enjoys music concerts.

  B.He thinks she has enjoyed traveling.

  C.He doesn’t know what she likes.

  16.What’s John and Susan's plan determined by?

  A.John’s cousin’s idea.

  B.Susan’s time.

  C.The weather.


  17.When will the exam be?

  A.In ten days.

  B.In eight days.

  C.In two days.

  18.Which is the most important about studying?

  A.Remembering everything exactly.

  B.Reviewing right before a test.

  C.Planning the time well.

  19.What will the students do during the two days before the exam?

  A.Review at school.

  B.Have a rest.

  C.Study at home.

  20.Why will the speaker stay after school?

  A.Toprepare some questions.

  B.Towrite the tests.

  C.To offer help.




  He has won tens of thousands of admirers, but just how many of them would be brave enough to try to touch him is anyone’s guess.

  This is Colonel() Meow, the angry-looking cat whose awful expression has made him an Internet sensation. Despite a rather fluffy(毛茸茸的) coat, the black smoke Persian cat appears anything but accessible thanks to his evil stare and a face that seems to be fixed in a permanent frown.

  Fans have nicknamed him the “world’s angriest cat”. But while even the most devoted cat lover might not be willing to get too close to Colonel Meow in real life, his Facebook page has attracted more than 32,000 fans from around the world.

  Photographs uploaded to the page by his owner Anne Marie Avey carry tongue-in –cheek comment on Colonel Meow’s behalf, such as “Attention, guys! I have learned to touch my nose with my tongue. Now honor my great achievement with cheer.” Another reads, “I want to control the world but I also want to get drunk and eat candies.”

  Colonel Meow had a troubled upbringing(养育)—he was found by the roadside after being abandoned in Seattle, Washington. But his softer side is also revealed in a brief biography where he admits that he has a fever of birds which might do harm to his ambitions of conquering the world. Miss Avey, who adopted Colonel Meow from an animal shelter, now hopes to take him to Los Angeles and make him a star.

  And perhaps conquering the world isn’t too far away, as dozens of pictures of the leading role have been spreading widely on Facebook to seek popularity in favor of the bad-tempered pet.

  21.Which of the following about Colonel Meow is TRUE according to the passage?

  A.The pet is brave enough to fear nothing.

  B.The pet had an ambition to control the world.

  C.The pet is always angry about the world around.

  D.The pet wins popularity despite his awful expression.

  22.The pet is popular on the Internet because of his ______.

  A.expression B.character C.ambition D.experience

  23.What is the implied meaning of the last paragraph?

  A.It’s time that the pet conquered the world.

  B.The pet is becoming more and more popular.

  C.A number of pictures of the pet are being loaded.

  D.Cats lovers seek pictures of the pet from Facebook.

  24.MissAvey introduces Colonel Meow in a ______ tongue.

  A.sorrowful B.sympathetic C.humorous D.exciting



  Do Peru’s potatoes have the right matter? That’s the question scientists will be asking in Lima next month, when a selection of potatoes will begin undergoing tests to determine whether they are fit to grow on Mars.

  NASA, the US space agency, is conducting the pioneering experiment together with Lima’s International Center (CIP).

  They will cultivate(培养) a hundred selected varieties in Mars-like conditions that could eventually pave the way to building a dome on the red planet for farming the vegetable. Of the selected candidates, 40 are native to the Andes Mountains, growing in different ecological zones, can stand sudden climate changes and reproduce in rocky areas. The other 60 are improved varieties, able to survive with little water and salt. They are also immune to viruses. Those that pass the tests must meet a final criterion – they must be able not only to grow well on Mars but also reproduce in large quantities. “We are almost 100 percent certain that many of the selected potatoes will pass the test,” says Julio Valdivia Silva, a Peruvian NASA astrobiologist(太空生物学家) who is taking part in the ambitious project.

  The scientists plan to transport 100 kilos of it to a CIP lab in Lima that will imitate the complex Martian atmosphere – which contains mostly carbon dioxide – and expose it to extreme ultraviolet(紫外线的) radiation. If the varieties selected for next month’s experiment don’t adapt to the desert soil, the researchers will introduce nutrients, which will be provided by radiation.

  In future years, NASA plans to build a Mars research center in the Peruvian desert. It would create a perfect copy of the Martian landscape and atmosphere for future research into space farming that could serve manned missions to Mars and other planets in the solar system.

  25.What is the best title of the passage?

  A.Transport potatoes to Peru

  B.Determine the varieties of potatoes in Peru

  C.NASA to build a Mars research center in Peru

  D.NASA to stimulate growing potatoes on Mars in Peru

  26.According to the third paragraph, which of the following statements in TRUE?

  A.Forty kinds of potatoes can survive with little water and salt.

  B.100 types of potatoes to be planted on Mars are developed in Peru.

  C.Sixty varieties native to the Andes Mountains can stand sudden climate changes.

  D.The final criterion of the test is all the candidates are immune to viruses on the earth.

  27.What if the selected varieties don’t adapt to the desert soil in Peru?

  A.Astrobiologist will be sent there to help.

  B.Nutrients will be provided to plants by radiation.

  C.A Mars research center will be built for further study.

  D.100 more kilos of potatoes will be directly sent to Lima.

  28.The passage may be in the column ______ of China Daily.

  A.Science B.Sports

  C.Tourism D.Entertainment



  The 2016 Oscars, the 88th Academy Awards, once again thrilled people around the world, including the Chinese, who were excited about Leonardo DiCaprio winning the Best Actor Award.

  But the annual carnival also put Chinese filmmakers in an awkward position, as no Chinese film makers ever pocketed a golden trophy(奖杯). The hard truth leaves people wondering when the nation, which is already the second largest film market, will earn a place in the well-known award ceremony’s spotlight.

  There are good reasons to be optimistic about such an ambitious outlook.

  First, China is one of the fastest growing film markets in the world, attracting abundant capital from home and abroad, which will attract more talented people to get into the industry. Latest statistics showed Chinese cinemas took a record of 6.87 billion yuan (about $ 1.05 billion) in ticket sales in February, with the monthly box office overtaking that of North America for the first time.

  The achievement, which may be repeated in the future, has led to thinking that China’s annual box office could go on to surpass(超过) North America as soon as 2017. As capital rushes into the Chinese film industry, fierce competition is expected. The creativity and quality of homegrown movies, two outstanding shortcomings compared with Hollywood productions, will be improved.

  Second, Chinese culture and stories have provided a rich source of inspiration for domestic(国内的) productions. For example, the most popular animations in China are the Kung Fu Panda series and Monkey King films. Once they master cutting-edge film technology and improve narration(叙述), Chinese film makers could see their potential released.

  Also showing promise is the younger generation of filmmakers, who are born after 1970. With more professional and international training compared with their predecessors(前辈), such as Zhang Yimou, they are equipped to make breakthroughs.

  Young directors, who often travel to the United States and Europe for seminars and award ceremonies, are also more familiar with Hollywood productions. This being said, no one can predict the exact year when a homegrown film will surprise the world greatly.

  Patience is gold for domestic filmmakers.

  29.Why do Chinese filmmakers feel awkward, according to the passage?

  A.Because China has never earned any film award in the world.

  B.Because Leonardo DiCaprio won the Best Actor award of the Oscar in 2016.

  C.Because Chinese film makers have never won a golden trophy of the Oscar.

  D.Because Chinese wonder when China will be the largest film market in the world.

  30.In the author’s opinion, what are the reasons for Chinese filmmakers to win an Oscar in the future?

  ① China can raise capital from home and abroad.

  ② The creativity and quality of Chinese movies have been improved.

  ③ Film makers can find a rich source of inspiration from Chinese culture and stories.

  ④ The younger film makers, receiving international training, are more professional.

  A. ①②③ B. ②③④ C. ①②④ D. ①③④

  31.According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

  A.The record in monthly ticket sales has overtaken that of North America in the past few months.

  B.Kung Fu Panda series and Monkey King films are the most popular animations in China now.

  C.ZhangYimou, who is familiar with Hollywood production, will win an award at Oscar.

  D.A Chinese film is certain to surprise the world greatly in the Oscar of 2017.

  32.What is the implied meaning of the underlined sentence, according to the passage?

  A.Chinese filmmakers still have a long way to go.

  B.Oscar awards can provide gold chances for domestic filmmakers.

  C.Hollywood is a great place for filmmakers to achieve their dreams.

  D.It is certain that young directors are in the gold periods of filmmaking.



  If you want to keep a good mood, what should you do?

  As soon as the alarm rings –

  Spend your first 15 seconds awake planning something nice to do for yourself today. “This can really set you up in a good mood – even if it’s just going by the farmers’ market and getting fresh strawberries,” says Alice Domar.

  Get up.

  The longer you lie there, the more you think, and the darker your outlook is likely to become. So make a cup of coffee, take a shower, feed the cat, drink--- Make sure to drink two glasses of water upon awakening, the time when our bodies are dehydrated. Dehydration causes tiredness, which affects your mood.

  Move it.

  You already know the number one way of chasing away a bad mood: exercise. A workout at the gym sure helps. But even just a few minutes of movement – a fast walk, for example, -- raises energy and reduces tension, says mood expert Robert Thayer.

  Be kind and thankful.

  This isn’t exactly news, but generosity and gratitude are both big contributors to happiness, according to Todd B. Kashdan, PhD, who directs the Laboratory for the Study of Social Anxiety, Character Strengths, and Related Phenomena at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. Do something nice for a stranger or friend and see whether you can feel better about yourself. Also, jot down three things that you are grateful for. It seems so simple, but counting your blessings just has a way of making you remember the sun is shining.

  33.Which is TRUE according to the passage?

  A.A few minutes’ fast walk can reduce tension.

  B.Taking a shower in the morning is a wrong way.

  C.Your mood won’t be affected because of lack of water.

  D.Only workout at the gym will be helpful for your mood.

  34.What is the meaning of the underlined world “ dehydrated”?

  A.Tired. B.Stressful.

  C.Lack of water. D.Full of energy.

  35.According to the passage, we can infer ______.

  A.having money means owning happiness

  B.showing generosity is the source of being hurt

  C.learning to be grateful is useless in modern society

  D.being kind to a stranger is helpful to a good mood


  Good class notes are essential to good study skills. ___36___Many students fall into the trap of attempting to write down every word the teacher speaks. This is unnecessary, but even worse, it’s confusing. The key to good notes is finding the most important things to write down.

  l Develop a frame or theme for your class notes.

  __ 37___If you read back over previous class notes, you will see that each day’s lecture will usually address a specific topic. When you understand the overall theme or message for the day, you will be able to identify important facts and understand why they matter. When you start with a frame in your head, you can see where each fact, or piece of the puzzle, fits within the frame.

  l ___38___

  There are a few ways to identify a theme for a framework. First of all, if the teacher has assigned a specific chapter or passage for the next class, you can be pretty certain that the next lecture will focus on that reading. Even if the information is different from the chapter you read, the theme or topic will often be the same.

  Teachers are different, however. Some teachers will assign readings on one topic and lecture on something completely different. When this happens, you must find the relationship between the reading and the lecture. ___39___

  l Take class notes with pictures.

  ___40___ But it doesn’t mean you should doodle(涂鸦) while the teacher is talking! Instead, you may find that you can understand a theme or overall picture of a class lecture when turn words into diagrams or charts.


  A.But what are good notes?

  B.Find the theme for class notes.

  C.Your notes will make more sense to you.

  D.Don’t ever hesitate to ask the teacher for help.

  E.It helps to draw pictures while you take notes.

  F.You will usually find that each lecture has a theme.

  G.Chancesare that relationship will represent a theme.


  A.But what are good notes?

  B.Find the theme for class notes.

  C.Your notes will make more sense to you.

  D.Don’t ever hesitate to ask the teacher for help.

  E.It helps to draw pictures while you take notes.

  F.You will usually find that each lecture has a theme.

  G.Chancesare that relationship will represent a theme.


  A.But what are good notes?

  B.Find the theme for class notes.

  C.Your notes will make more sense to you.

  D.Don’t ever hesitate to ask the teacher for help.

  E.It helps to draw pictures while you take notes.

  F.You will usually find that each lecture has a theme.

  G.Chancesare that relationship will represent a theme.


  A.But what are good notes?

  B.Find the theme for class notes.

  C.Your notes will make more sense to you.

  D.Don’t ever hesitate to ask the teacher for help.

  E.It helps to draw pictures while you take notes.

  F.You will usually find that each lecture has a theme.

  G.Chancesare that relationship will represent a theme.


  A.But what are good notes?

  B.Find the theme for class notes.

  C.Your notes will make more sense to you.

  D.Don’t ever hesitate to ask the teacher for help.

  E.It helps to draw pictures while you take notes.

  F.You will usually find that each lecture has a theme.

  G.Chancesare that relationship will represent a theme.


  The day after tomorrow would be my forty –year-old birthday. I was __ 41 __of entering a new decade of my life and __ 42 __ that my best years were now behind me.

  It is a daily routine for me to the gym for a workout __ 43 __ going to work. Every morning I __ 44 __ see my friend Jo at the gym. He was seventy-nine years old and in fantastic shape. As I greeted Nicolas on this ___ 45 __ day, he noticed I wasn’t full of my usual __ 46 __ and asked if there was anything wrong. I told him I was feeling__ 47 __ about turning forty. I wondered how I would __ 48 __ my life once I reached Jo’s age, so I asked him, “What was the best time of your life?”

  Without__ 49 ___, Nicolas replied, “Well, Joe, this is my philosophical(哲学的) __ 50 __ to your philosophical question:

  “When I was a child in Austria and __ 51 __ was taken care of for me, that was the best time of my life.” “When I got my first job and had responsibilities and got __ 52 __ for my efforts, that was the best time of my life.” “When I __ 53 __my wife and fell in love, that was the best time of my life.” “The Second World War __ 54 __, and my wife and I had to flee Austria to __ 55 __ our lives. When we were together and__ 56 __on a ship bound for North America, that was the best time of my life.” “When we came to Canada and started a(n) __ 57 __, that was the best time of my life.” “When I was a young father, __ 58 __my children grow up, that was the best time of my life.” “And now, I am seventy-nine years old. I have my __ 59 __. I feel good and I am in love with my wife just as I was __ 60 __ we first met. This is the best time of my life.”








  48.A.look down onB.look back onC.depend onD.concentrate on















  Hearing loss in teenagers has risen by nearly __1___third in recent years, __2____(compare) to the rate in the 1990s, a new study shows. Similar and standard hearing tests were used, in 3___“any hearing loss” is defined as a loss of 15 decibels (分贝) in at least one ear. That is, a person ____4__(determine) to have some hearing loss if a tone has to be increased by 15 dB __5__ more beyond the standard detecting level to be heard at least half the time. Hearing loss of 25 dB or more is less common, ___6___(particular) in children. But between the two study periods it also rose, from 3.5 to 5.3 percent. The rate of hearing loss __7___(increase) in high frequencies, the researchers found.

  The study wasn’t designed to find out the cause of hearing loss, says a physician and researcher. While noise __8___(expose) is a known cause, she says that diet, medical care, lack ___9__exercise and obesity might _10___ play a role.






  注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

  2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

  A few weeks before I noticed a coin on the road. I stepped on it and kept walking. After a while I started thinking of my deskmate which always stops to pick up loose change. If she sees the coin, she wouldn’t ignore. I wanted to go back for it, but I thought it would be embarrassed if someone saw me picking up a coin. That didn’t take long for me to change my thoughts from that coin on those small opportunities that I had stepped on or passed by. Later that day I told to my deskmate about the coin. She said, “I would have picked it up.” She had taken advantages of seemingly small opportunities. When adding up, they become something important.



  1. 简要介绍家长的目的和激励方式;

  2. 你对此现象的看法;

  3. 就如何激励学生谈谈自己的经历和想法。

  要求:1. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

  2. 词数100词左右。开头结尾,不计入总词数。

  Dear Editor,

  In order to encourage their children to __ __________________________________




  1. 根据原文 We had to wait forty minutes for the soup and then it was stone cold.可知这个对话发生在饭店里面。故选B。

  2. 根据原文Well, it was $25for labor to start with. A new modem cost another $50.On top of that I needed a new battery, and it cost $17.可知一共花了92元,故选C。

  3. 根据原文I got some bad news today. The store where I work is laying off staff.W: Are they going to let you go?可知这个女的想知道这个男的能否保住工作。故选A。

  4. 根据听力原文We've been going out for a couple of months now可知这个男的在谈论他的约会。故选C。

  5. 根据原文的句子 But remember, we can't afford a lot.可知这个女的意思是:这个礼物不要太贵。故选B。

  6 ~ 7.

  根据原文的The last time I bought new shoes was about a year ago, and at that time, I was a 7,可知这个女的去年穿7号鞋。故选B。

  根据原文No wonder your feet have been hurting you.⑦You've been wearing shoes that are one size small!可知脚疼是因为穿的鞋大小不对,故选A。

  8 ~ 9.

  根据原文的句子but today I get to go home early!可知这个女的要回家。故选A。

  根据原文的句子Well, that's good because it looks like we're not going to be able to move more than a few feet per minute!可知现在交通很拥挤。故选C。

  10 ~ 12.

  根据原文的 I'm visiting a factory in the south可知星期二他要去参观工厂,故选A。

  根据原文的Then you're in the mountains on Wednesday. Yes. A jacket won't be warm enough. I've got my coat for that day可知穿外套去爬山,故选A。

  根据原文的 I'm having lunch with some colleagues. I'll wear that blue shirt you bought me.可知周五他会穿蓝衬衫,故选A。

  13 ~ 16.

  根据原文的句子We are going to the game on Friday, 可知约翰在星期五去比赛。故选B。

  根据原文的句子 My cousin is coming on Thursday. She has an interview at the college and I promised my aunt I'd look after her. but on Saturday I'm on duty at the library all day and can't get out of it. Uh, I was wondering if you could show her around during the day可知John让Susan照顾他的堂妹。故选C。

  根据原文的句子So she probably enjoys anything on campus.可知约翰说他不知道他的堂妹喜欢什么。故选C。

  根据原文的句子 But if there is a snowstorm, I'll give you a call and see if we can figure something else out.可知约翰和Susan的计划由天气决定。故选C。

  17 ~ 20.

  根据原文的We have ten days until the exam 可知考试在10天内,故选A。

  根据原文的Studying is mostly about using your time well.可知合理安排时间最重要,故选C。

  根据原文的The two days before the exam will be review sessions where we will review together in class. 可知最后两天会在学校复习,故选A。

  根据原文的Please prepare any questions you have for those days.可知他是为了帮助学生解决问题,故选C。

  21 ~ 24.


  细节理解题。根据文章第三段的句子But while even the most devoted cat lover might not be willing to get too close to Colonel Meow in real life, his Facebook page has attracted more than 32,000fans from around the world.可知喵虽然表情可怕,但是很受欢迎。故选D。

  细节理解题。根据文章第二段的句子This is Colonel() Meow, the angry-looking cat whose awful expression has made him an Internet sensation.可知喵因为表情而在网上受欢迎。故选A。

  细节理解题。根据文章最后一段的句子And perhaps conquering the world isn’t too far away, as dozens of pictures of the leading role have been spreading widely on Facebook to seek popularity in favor of the bad-tempered pet.可知这个宠物现在越来越受欢迎了。故选B。

  推理判断题。根据文章第四段的句子Attention, guys! I have learned to touch my nose with my tongue. Now honor my great achievement with cheer.” Another reads, “I want to control the world but I also want to get drunk and eat candies.”可知Avey小姐是用幽默的方式介绍Colonel Meow的。故选C。

  25 ~ 28.



  细节理解题。根据文章中的They will cultivate(培养) a hundred selected varieties in Mars-like conditions可知科学家将会培养100种土豆,故选B。

  细节理解题。根据文中的If the varieties selected for next month’s experiment don’t adapt to the desert soil, the researchers will introduce nutrients, which will be provided by radiation.可知如果蔬菜不能适应土壤,将有放射光提供营养,故选B。


  29 ~ 32.


  细节理解题。根据文章第二段的句子But the annual carnival also put Chinese filmmakers in an awkward position, as no Chinese film makers ever pocketed a golden trophy(奖杯).可知中国电影制片人觉得尴尬,因为中国电影制片人从没有得过奥斯卡小金人奖杯。故选C。

  细节理解题。根据文章第四段的句子First, China is one of the fastest growing film markets in the world, attracting abundant capital from home and abroad, 和第六段的句子Chinese culture and stories have provided a rich source of inspiration for domestic(国内的) productions.和第七段的句子 Also showing promise is the younger generation of filmmakers, who are born after 1970. With more professional and international training compared with their predecessors(前辈),可知作者认为中国未来可能得到奥斯卡奖的原因有:中国从国内外筹集了资金;中国制片人从中国文化和故事中获得丰富灵感以及受过国际培训的年轻制片人更加专业。故选D。

  细节理解题。根据文章第六段的句子the most popular animations in China are the Kung Fu Panda series and Monkey King films.可知《功夫熊猫》系列和电影《美猴王》现在是中国最受欢迎的动漫电影。故选B。

  推理判断题。根据文章最后一段的句子Patience is gold for domestic filmmakers.(耐心对国内的电影制片人很重要),可知中国电影制片人还有漫长的路要走。故选A。

  33 ~ 35.


  细节理解题。根据文章第四段的句子But even just a few minutes of movement – a fast walk, for example, -- raises energy and reduces tension,可知几分钟的快走可以减轻压力。故选A。

  词义猜测题。根据文章第三段的句子Make sure to drink two glasses of water upon awakening, the time when our bodies are dehydrated.可知早上是缺水的时候,喝两杯水。“ dehydrated”是“缺水”的意思。故选C。

  推理判断题。根据文章最后一段的句子Do something nice for a stranger or friend and see whether you can feel better about yourself.可知对陌生人友好有助于产生好的情绪。故选D。

  36 ~ 40.


  根据上文Good class notes are essential to good study skills. 可知这里是:但是什么是好的笔记?故选A。

  根据下文 If you read back over previous class notes, you will see that each day’s lecture will usually address a specific topic. 可知这里是:你通常会发现每个讲座都有一个主题。故选F。

  根据下文There are a few ways to identify a theme for a framework. 可知这里是:为课堂笔记找到主题。故选B。

  根据上文you must find the relationship between the reading and the lecture.可知这里是:可能关系会代表一个主题。故选G。

  根据下文But it doesn’t mean you should doodle(涂鸦) while the teacher is talking! ​可知这里是:当你记笔记的时候,画画是有用的。故选E。

  41 ~ 60.


  根据下文he noticed I wasn’t full of my usual __46__ 可知作者对于进入下一个十年不确定。uncertain不确定。故选B。

  根据上文I was __41__of entering a new decade of my life可知作者害怕自己最好的时间都过去了。fear害怕。故选A。

  根据上文Every morning可知作者在上班之前要去健身。before在……之前。故选B。


  根据上文The day after tomorrow would be my forty –year-old birthday.可知作者在这个特别的日子向Nicolas问候。particular尤其,特别。故选C。

  根据下文asked if there was anything wrong.可知他注意到作者没有平常那么精力充沛。energy精力,能量。故选C。

  根据上文I was __41__of entering a new decade of my life可知作者对于到了40岁感到焦虑。anxious焦虑的。故选D。

  根据下文once I reached Jo’s age,可知作者想知道到了Jo的年纪怎么回顾人生。look back on回顾。故选B。

  根据下文Well, Joe, this is my philosophical(哲学的) __50__ to your philosophical question:可知Nicolas毫不犹豫地回答。hesitation犹豫。故选D。

  根据下文your philosophical question:可知这是对你的哲学的问题的回答。answer回答。故选B。

  根据下文that was the best time of my life.可知小时候,Nicolas的一切被照顾得很好。everything一切。故选B。

  根据上文When I got my first job可知工作后,努力得到报酬。pay付钱。故选C。

  根据下文fell in love可知是遇到妻子。meet遇到。故选D。

  根据上文The Second World War可知第二次世界大战来了。come来。故选A。

  根据上文my wife and I had to flee Austria可知他们去奥地利救自己的生命。save拯救。故选A。

  根据上文my wife and I had to flee Austria to __55__ our lives.可知他们安全地登上去北美的船。safe安全的。故选C。

  根据上文When we came to Canada可知他们在加拿大安家。family家庭。故选B。

  根据上文When I was a young father, 可知他作为父亲看着孩子成长。watch注视,观看。故选A。

  根据上文He was seventy-nine years old and in fantastic shape.可知他79岁了,还是很健康。health健康。故选D。

  句意:我爱我的妻子就像我第一次遇到她一样。when何时,当……时候。故选D。 61.

  1.a/one third是固定搭配,意为“三分之一”。故填a/one。

  2.使用非谓语动词作状语,主语hearing loss in teenagers 和compare是被动关系。故填compared。

  3. 使用非限制性定语从句,先行词是hearing tests,指物,定语从句中介词in后面接关系代词which。故填which。

  4. 使用非谓语动词作定语,a person和determine是被动关系,用determined作定语。故填 determined。

  5.15dB 或者更多。表示选择关系。故填 or。

  6. 修饰介词短语in children用副词。故填particularly 。

  7. 根据下文the researchers found.可知这句话的谓语用一般过去时。故填 increased。


  9. lack of为固定搭配,意为“缺乏”。故填of。

  10. 句意:饮食,医疗,缺乏锻炼和肥胖可能也起着作用。使用副词“也”。故填also。

  62. 第一处:一段时间+before,表示过去一段时间之前,用过去完成时,一段时间+before表示现在一段时间之前,和一般过去时搭配。故before改成ago。

  第二处:这句话使用定语从句,先行词是my deskmate,指人,定语从句缺少主语,用关系代词who或that引导。故which改成who/that。

  第三处:根据主句的谓语she wouldn't ignore,可知这句话使用和现在相反的虚拟语气,从句用一般过去时。故sees改成saw。

  第四处:句意:如果她看见它,她是不会不管它的。ignore是及物动词,后面接宾语it代替the coin。故ignore后面加it。


  第六处:使用句型:It takes +一段时间+for sb to do sth.做某事花费某人多长时间。it是形式主语。故That改成It。


  第八处: tell是及物动词,tell sb about sth告诉某人关于某事。故去掉to。

  第九处:take advantage of为固定搭配,意为“利用”。故advantages改成 advantage。

  第十处:使用状语从句的省略句,完整的状语从句是When small opportunities are added...,省略主语和be动词后就是added。故adding改成added。

  63. 这是一篇半开放的文字提示类作文,目前,很多家长为了鼓励孩子好好学习,常常奖励孩子现金。某英文报社就此现象向广大高中生征稿。假定你是李华,请就此给编辑写一封英文信。主要内容包括:1.简要介绍家长的目的和激励方式;2.你对此现象的看法;3.就如何激励学生谈谈自己的经历和想法。写作时应注意人称,时态,使用过渡词,使上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次,特别注意在选择句式时要赋予变化。





