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时间: 小军2 考研英语




  despise 蔑视,鄙视:He despises flattery.

  collaborate (尤指在文艺、科学等方面)合作,协作 He and I collaborated in writing plays.

  commemorate 纪念,庆祝 commemorate a holiday

  dictate 口授,使听写:dictate a letter to a secretary

  coincide 相符,相一致 100 Centigrade coincides with 212 Fahrenheit.

  commend 表扬,称赞 commend a soldier for bravery

  collapse 倒坍,崩溃,瓦解 The roof collapsed under the weight of the snow.

  collide 碰撞,互撞 The car collided with the truck.

  extinct (火等)熄灭了的:an extinct cigarette(fire)

  mutual 相互的, 彼此的 ~ aid

  narrate 叙述,讲述 ~ the story of sb’s life

  extinguish熄灭,扑灭:extinguish a cigarette(candle)

  multiply 乘,相乘~ 7 and 8 muscle 肌肉facial ~s

  negligent 疏忽的,大意的 be ~ about traffic regulations

  indignant 愤怒的,愤慨的:The actress was at the columnist’s personal questions

  indispensable 必不可少的,必需的(to. for): Oxygen is indispensable to life

  institute 学会,协会,学院,研究院:an institute for the blind

  insulate 隔音,使隔绝(以免受到影响):We are not insulated from the real world the way we were

  induce 引诱,劝使:Nothing will induce me to do that


  infer (根据已知事实等)推断,推定(from):From his grades I inferred that he was a good student

  ingenious (人,头脑等)灵巧的,足智多谋的:an ingenious designer

  instant 紧急的,急迫的,立即的,即刻的:be in instant need of help

  insult 侮辱,辱骂:She insulted him by calling him a coward

  flatter奉承,使高兴:I feel greatly flattered by your invitation

  flee逃走,逃掉:The enemy troops fled in utter confusion

  flexible柔韧易,弯曲的:flexible cord fling(用力)扔,掷,抛,丢:fling sb into prison

  horizon 地平(线):The sun has sunk below the horizon

  hospital 好客的,殷勤的,热情友好的:be hospital to the homeless

  hoist 举起,升起,吊起:The war hoisted prices

  hold 拿着,抓住:The girl is holding the baby in her arms

  homogeneous 同种类的,同性质的,有相同特征的:homogeneous parts

  speculate 推测,推断 I cannot ~ on their motives for doing this

  spill 溢出,溅出 The ship ~ed oil while in port

  hostile 敌人的,敌方的:a hostile army

  withstand 经受,承受 ~hardships

  splash 溅泼A passing car ~ed my dress

  split 劈开,切开,裂开 ~ the firewood with an axe






