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时间: 思晴2 中考试卷


  21. B arrive意为“到达”,是不及物动词,到达大的地方用介词in,到达小的地方用介词at;表示在具体的某一天或某个特定的上午、下午或晚上时,要用介词on,故选B项。

  22. C 由today可知后面用现在的某种时态,while从句中的谓语动词应用延续性动词,用现在进行时。故选C项。

  23. A 句意:我将一直等待你的来信。until意为“直到……”。

  24. B be full of意为“充满”,为固定搭配。

  25. D else副词,意为“另外,其他”,常置于不定代词或疑问词之后。

  26. C 由句意“当我到达电影院时,电影已经上演五分钟了。”可知空格处应用过去完成时,且句中有for five minutes,故句中谓语动词应用延续性动词,故选C。

  27. A hundred,thousand,million等数词与具体数字连用时,用单数形式;若与of连用表示约数时,常用复数形式,且不可与具体数字连用。hundreds of意为“成百上千的”,故选A项。

  28. C 某时刻前用介词at;具体到某天的上午、下午或晚上用介词on。故选C项。

  29. B 句意:我非常饿,请给我三片面包吃。bread为不可数名词,不能用数词直接来修饰,同时不可数名词没有复数形式,排除A、D两项。piece为可数名词,其复数形式为pieces。a piece of…表示“一张/一件/一片/一首/一条……”,常用来修饰不可数名词,表达数量。故选B项。

  30. C get married to sb. 意为“嫁给某人;跟某人结婚”,为固定短语,故选C项。

  31. A because“因为”;though“尽管;虽然”,均与句意不符,可排除C、D两项;while 引导的时间状语从句通常用进行时态,表示主句的动作发生的同时,从句的动作也正在发生,可排除B项;when“当……的时候”,常用来引导时间状语从句,谓语动词的动作可与主句动作同时发生,也可先后发生,故选A项。

  32. C put on“穿上;戴上”;turn off “关闭”;get to“到达”;get on“上车”。画线部分arrive in表示“到达”,相当于get to。故选C项。

  33. D forget to do sth.为固定短语,意为“忘记要做某事”,排除A、C两项;由句意“当别人帮助你时,不要忘记说谢谢”可知选D。

  34. B run off “逃跑”;go off “发出响声”;give out “分发”;give up “放弃”。由句意“我今天迟到了,因为我的闹钟没有响”知选B。

  35. C “leave sth. at/in+someplace”意为“把……忘在某地”,为固定用法。

  36. B chance“机会”,advice“建议”,excuse“借口”,business“商业”。根据文章最后一段的“So my advice is this: If a snake bites you, pick up your phone. ”可知选B。

  37. A suddenly“突然”,nearly“几乎”,especially“尤其”,fortunately“幸运地”。根据文章叙述,应该是“突然”一条蛇出现了,咬到了杰克逊先生的手。

  38. C 通过前文“…Henry Jackson was working in a restaurant kitchen. ”可知故事应该是发生在一家饭馆里,所以本题选择restaurant。

  39. B 根据文章含义可知应该是这条蛇爬出了箱子然后“藏”在盘子底下,故选择hid(原形hide“隐藏”)。其他三个hung(原形hang“悬挂”),jumped(原形jump“跳”),ran(原形run“跑”)均与文意不符。

  40. D under “在……下面”,into “进入”,towards “朝”。不能将蛇扔到厨房下面,故排除under;根据前文我们知道这条蛇本来就在厨房内,所以throw…into “扔进(厨房)”和throw…towards“扔向(厨房)”均不符合逻辑。故只有D符合题意,throw it across the kitchen意为“把它从厨房的这一边扔向那一边”。

  41. A stay cool意为“保持冷静”,说的是杰克逊先生保持镇静,用手机给蛇拍了一张照片。其他形容词noisy(吵闹的),pleased(满意的),afraid(害怕的)都与文章前面的anyway(无论如何)不符。

  42. C 从前文“bit him on the hand”可知“Soon his hand began to ache…(很快他的手开始疼……)”,所以选hand。

  43. D 通过“Doctors couldn’t say what was wrong”和“they didn’t know what kind of snake it was”可知“医生说不清楚状况”的原因是“他们不知道这条蛇的种类”,所以选because。

  44. B send sth. to…意为“把某物送/寄到……”,根据文章含义,医生把杰克逊先生拍摄的照片发送到伦敦动物园。

  45. C 从全文可知杰克逊先生给大家的建议是如果蛇咬了你,给它拍照。所以本题应用it(蛇)的形容词性物主代词its。

  46. D 由第一段中的I had the plant for two months…so I gave the plant to my friend Linda. 可知,在把这盆茉莉花送人之前,作者已经养了它两个月。

  47. D 由第二段的第二句When I walked in, her jasmine flowers surprised me. 可知,当作者看到玛丽的茉莉花时,她感到很惊讶。

  48. A 由最后一段中的I have learned that when we want something in our life, we have to be patient. 可知,作者从自己的经历中总结出的结论是:生活中需要耐心。

  49. D 在第六段中,Helen向Holmes介绍了自己的继父及她的家庭。故选D。

  50. B 由第七段Holmes is sitting in his chair. His eyes are closed. He is listening carefully to Helen’s story. He hears every detail. 可知,当Helen 讲述她的故事时,Holmes在认真听。

  51. D 由倒数第三段中He talks to no one except the gypsies. They are poor people who travel from place to place. 可知,吉普赛人到处流浪。故选D。

  52. A 由短文的内容和写作风格可知,这篇文章不是来自一本指南、一首诗或一则广告,可能来自一篇小说,故答案为A。

  53. B 通读第一段可知,bored and upset,sadly是描述Oliver的词语。而第二句He watched pretty fish swimming in and out of rocks,which were laughing and dancing in the sea. 中的which 一词指代的是pretty fish,故laugh动作的发出者是pretty fish,而不是Oliver。此句表述错误。

  54. A 由第二段中They were having so much fun that they didn’t realize they had swum far from home. Suddenly,Cherub saw a large shark swimming above them. 可知此句表述正确。

  55. B 由第二段中Cherub looked at Big White hopelessly. She was too frightened to swim. Just at this moment, Big White rushed down toward them. An idea came to Oliver. He quickly sprayed a very dark cloud of black water to the shark’s eyes. Then Oliver and Cherub escaped and got home safely. 可知神仙鱼Cherub看到大白鲨后很绝望,小章鱼Oliver想出了主意,并让他们两个成功脱险,故可推知Oliver面对危险表现勇敢和平静而不是Cherub,故此句表述错误。

  56. A 由第二段中An idea came to Oliver. He quickly sprayed a very dark cloud of black water to the shark’s eyes. Then Oliver and Cherub escaped and got home safely. 可知此句表述正确。

  57. B 由第三段中I guess being different can be pretty cool in some situations…(我想与众不同在某些情况下会比较酷……)可知,是在某些情况下每个人都有自己的优点,而不是在所有情况下,故此句表述错误。

  58. C 由下文Why?What happened?可知,“我”度过了糟糕的一天。

  59. G 由下句 “你有时间找人修理它吗?”可知,此处指的是“在上学的路上,自行车坏了”。

  60. D 由下面的You mean you walked to school?可知是没有时间找人修理自行车,故选D项。

  61. A 由下面的You were late for a test. 可知,此处说的与考试有关,故选A项。

  62. B 由上面的… I went to the library to study for the math test… 可知,是把数学书忘在家里了。

  63. west 64. fool 65. discovery

  66. cancelled 67. disappear 68. believable

  One possible version:

  Dear Tom,

  I really had a bad day today! This morning my alarm clock went off at the usual time. I thought it was the weekend, so I turned off the alarm clock and then continued to sleep. I woke up about two hours later. I love to have a lazy Saturday morning. But when I opened my eyes and saw my sports bag, I remembered I had planned to go running with Jane. But in fact, it was a school day! By the time I got to school, the first class had been over. What a bad day!







