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时间: 漫柔2 中考英语

  A. closed B. managed C. made D. sold

  ( )37. According to the passage, which is the right order for the following sentences?

  a. This man helped to make Starbucks a huge coffee company.

  b. Starbucks began as a small coffee company in Seattle in the USA.

  c. He went to Seattle to learn about the company and later worked for it.

  d. Howard Schultz found Starbucks ordered lots of special coffee makers.

  A. a﹣b﹣d﹣c B. c﹣a﹣b﹣d C. b﹣d﹣c﹣a D. d﹣c﹣a﹣b

  ( )38. Why did so many Starbucks close in small areas?

  A. Because the coffee in these places was too expensive

  B. Because the style of the coffee stores seems the same.

  C. Because people like to drink coffee at home with friends

  D. Because there were too many coffee shops in one place.

  ( )39. To tell us the story of Starbucks, the writer did the following except .

  A. introducing how Starbucks became successful

  B. showing what Schultz did to help Starbucks become successful

  C. telling what difficulties Starbucks faces

  D. telling what Starbucks did to deal with his problems

  ( )40. What's the best title for the passage?

  A. The History of Starbucks B. The Culture of Starbucks

  C. The Popularity of Starbucks D. The environment of Starbucks

  ( D )

  Do you have a good sense of direction?If not, please take with you a compass. But if you forget to take a compass, you can still find your way during the trip.

  Suppose you are hiking with your family somewhere in the mountain in Dan Xia Mountain, you need to find the direction of south to find your way back. But none of your family members can read the map and actually knows where the family is. Never mind. The sun is shining and it’s still morning. If you don't know the exact time,you can still find out where south is, but you'll need to be patient.

  ①Find a straight stick and put it in the ground in a place where you can mark its shadow.

  ②Try to put the stick as vertically (垂直) as you can. You can check this by making a simple plumb line (铅锤线) with a piece of string (绳子) and weight. You haven't got any string? Ok, use a thread from your clothes with a button tied at the end to act as a weight.

  ③ After the stick is put vertically, you can see its shadow on the ground. Mark the end of the shadow.

  ④ Wait about half an hour and mark the end of the shadow again.

  ⑤ Keep doing this until you have made several marks.

  ⑥ The mark nearest the stick will show the shortest shadow when it is midday,because at that time the sun is highest in the sky and pointing to the exact south.

  ⑦ Pick a point in the distance along the line between the shortest shadow and the stick.

  ⑧ That point is south of where you are.

  ⑨ Now you can turn the map, like you did before, and find which way you should choose for traveling.

  ( )41. To find the direction, we ought to be patient probably because .

  A. it is not easy to find a proper stick

  B. it is not easy to put the stick vertically

  C. it takes hours to make the marks

  D. it takes hours to make a plumb line.

  ( )42. The passage would probably be most helpful to .

  A. those who draw maps B. those who get lost

  C. those who make compasses D. those who likes making marks

  ( )43. According to the passage, which of the following are needed to find the direction

  of south?

  ① It is a fine day and the sun is shining brightly.

  ② You are travelling with your family.

  ③ You have a straight stick, a piece of string and a button.

  ④ You mark the shadow every half an hour .

  ⑤ You check the marks on the stick.

  A.①③④ B.①②③ C.②③④ D.③④⑤

  ( )44. The author tells us how to find the direction of south by .

  A. telling an interesting story B. doing an experiment himself

  C. testing an idea by reasoning D. introducing a useful method

  ( )45. In which of the following columns(栏目)can you find the article?

  A. Family Life B. National Geography

  C. Experience Sharing D. Science Fiction

  第二节 阅读填空(共5小题,每题1分,满分5分)


  Learn to Refuse

  Believe it or not, I’ve always been a people pleaser. I often put others before myself because I want to make my friends happy. (46) .

  “Can you help me with my English?” Grace asked me on the first day after she became my desk mate. “Of course,” I replied without hesitation(犹豫). Grace has been working really hard on her studies and needed my help — although I didn’t have much time left for her.

  One day after school, while I was doing a huge amount of homework, Grace’s phone call came. (47) , but I still felt bad about saying no. When Grace ended the call, the clock said it was 00:15 am. But I still had homework left and I wanted to sleep. This was bad for a Junior 3 student who is going to take an important exam this June.

  Finally I burst into tears. I felt so tired and realized that the stress had an effect on

  my health. I tried to get myself out. Studying is more important than other things, (48) . It’s now important for me to say no, no, no. “Can you do me a favor?” Grace asked last Monday. “Sorry … I just have to review my biology notes,” I answered. “All right, it’s up to you,” she said. I felt completely relaxed when I heard her reply. (49) .

  To be honest, I have felt much happier since learning to refuse. I have more time to spend on my study at present. I still try my best to help others,(50) .

  A. She complained a lot and it made me feel bored

  B. If anyone asks me for help, I always say, “yes!”

  C. Anyway, it’s not so hard to say no at all

  D. but sometimes I say no because I know everyone has a limit

  E. so Grace has to come the second



  51. It is said that there will be a new bridge a the Pearl River.

  52. Trees turn green when s comes. We can see flowers everywhere.

  53. We should eat more f fruit and vegetables to keep healthy.

  54. Our car is moving s because there is heavy traffic on the road in rush hours.

  55. My friend went to the UK as an exchange student. He lived with a nice h family.

  56. When I go on a trip, I prefer to v places of interest rather than learn about local culture.


  57. 直到最后一分钟,他们才进了一个球。

  They score a goal the last minute.

  58. 天气真好,我们去公园走走吧。

  weather it is! Let’s walk round to the park.

  59. 别嘲笑他,他已经够勇敢的表达自己了。

  at him. He is to express himself.

  60. 玩太多的微信对眼睛不好。

  too much WeChat your eyes.

  61. 西瓜如果放在冰箱会更好吃。

  Watermelons will be more delicious in the fridge.

  62. 拿高分真的是最重要的吗?

  the most important thing high marks?

  63. 她妈妈想知道她是什么时候回到家的。

  Her mother wanted to know .


  最近,中央电视台推出的《朗读者》节目受到广大观众的喜爱,节目通过嘉宾朗读的方式分享自己的心得和故事。作为学生的你,也学过“Tom Sawyer Paints the fence”,“The gift of Magi”等故事。相信你还读过其他书或故事,请你以“My favorite book (or story)”为题,写一篇英语短文介绍你印象深刻、喜欢的书或故事,并谈谈你的感想。

  注意事项:(1)词数:80 词左右(开头已给出,但不计入总词数);




  提示词:what, when, where, what happened

  I would like to share my favorite book ( or story ) with you.

  __________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  一、语法选择 1-5:CABBD 6-10:BCABD 11-15:CAACD

  二、完形填空 16-20:BCDBA 21-25:BCDAD


  第一节: 26-30:DCADA 31-35:BABDC

  36-40:BCDDA 41-45:CBADC

  第二节: 46-50: BAECD


  第一节 单词拼写 (词根正确,单复数错扣0.5分)

  51. across 52. spring 53. fresh 54. slowly 55. host 56. visit

  第二节 完成句子(对号入座,按线给分)

  第三节 书面表达:


  I would like to share my favourite story Tom Sawyer paints the fence with you.

  The story Tom Sawyer paints the fence is written by Mark Twain, who is still well-known around the world because of his interesting novels. There are some characters in the story, including Tom, Becky, Ben, Aunt Polly and so on. Of course, Tom, the naughty but lovely boy is one of the main characters.)

  The story takes place one afternoon in a town. Tom is required to paint the 3-yard-long fence by Aunt Polly. It is such hard work that Tom actually is unwilling to complete it. Suddenly, he thinks of an idea. When his friend passes by, Tom pretends to enjoy painting the fence and it is great fun to do it. Therefore, his friend becomes interested and begs Tom for a try. Later on, more boys are tricked into painting the fence and even offer their food and toys. At last, the fence gets 3 coats of paint. For Tom, he wins Aunt Polly’s praise and his friends’ toys and food as well.

  In my opinion, the story is so interesting and enjoyable that it is worth reading.