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时间: 漫柔2 中考英语

  ( )40. How many kinds of advice on beating test anxiety does this article mention?

  A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6

  ( )41. If we want to be prepared for the text, we had better____.

  A. have the good study habits and skills

  B. study the nights before the test

  C. go to class every day

  D. do amount of cramming before the test


  On Monday, the nation celebrates Presidents’ Day. Is it George Washington’s birthday? What about Abraham Lincoln? Confused yet? Everyone agrees that Monday is a holiday, but what should we call it?

  The history behind Presidents’ Day?

  George Washington was elected the country’s first President on April 30, 1789. Soon after, Americans began publicly celebrating his birthday.

  Presidential historians say the real date of George Washington’s birth is February 11, 1732. A change in the calendar system 20 years later shifted all dates 11 days ahead(向前), making Washington’s birthday February 22. In 1879, Congress (美国国会) made Washington’s birthday an official federal holiday. It was the first federal holiday to celebrate an individual’s birth date.

  In 1968, Congress passed the Monday Holidays Act, which moved the holiday to the third Monday in February. The new law did not change the holiday’s name. It was still called Washington’s Birthday, even though some lawmakers wanted to call it Presidents’ Day to include Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln’s actual birthday is February 12.

  The great presidential debate?

  Many people agree that the holiday should celebrate all past Presidents’ birthdays. They feel Lincoln should be honored for his role in preserving the nation during the Civil War and helping to free slaves. Others feel the holiday should only honor Washington, the country’s first President. They say shifting the focus away from Washington would mean future generations of kids would not know about the Father of Our Country.

  Laws have been introduced in Congress over the years to require use of the term “George Washington’s Birthday”, but none of those laws have passed. Meanwhile, many state governments and school districts now use the term “Presidents’ Day”. Many stores also use it to promote holiday sales.

  ( )42. What is the passage mainly about?

  A. How many great presidents American has had.

  B. Why American should celebrate Presidents’ Day.

  C. How Presidents’ Day come into being.

  D. What different opinions Americans have about Presidents’ Day.

  ( )43. What is the purpose of the writer?

  A. To tell us something about Presidents’ Day.

  B. To collect readers’ views on Presidents’Day.

  C. To arouse readers’ interest in politics.

  D. To inform readers of something about American laws.

  ( )44. What is the meaning of “shift” in the underlined sentence?

  A. Lift. B. Move. C. Short. D. Cut.

  ( )45. What is the true order about the date change of the “Presidents’ Day”?

  ① February 12. ② February 22.

  ③ February 11. ④ The third Monday in February.

  A. ④① B. ②① C. ③④ D. ②④



  46. Millie has (拒绝) my invitation, because she will attend a meeting that night.

  47. After two months’ hard work, the task is now finished (成功) at last.

  48. — What are you going to do on your (二十) birthday?

  — I am going to donate all my presents to the poor.

  49. Scientists have done many (研究调查) on how to use the solar energy to protect our environment.

  50. You are late again. Would you please go to school (早) next time?


  Air is very important to everything that lives. But the air we breathe is (51) g_______ dirty. People all over the world are looking for (52) w _______ to make it clean again.

  Have you ever watched the smoke from chimneys rising high in the air? Have you (53) s_______ the smoke from cars and trucks on roads or the smoke from planes? The smoke does harm to everyone, especially old people and children. If we want to keep well and strong, we need to breathe (54) f________ air.

  Scientists have already found ways to stop or slow down some of the things that make the air dirty. They will not stop working (55) u _______ we have clean air again.



  value; listen; open up; look through; keep in touch with;

  hurt oneself; take up; on one’s mind; break into; be known for;

  56. _____________ their children, the elder parents start to learn to use “Wechat”.

  57. Don’t keep something _____________ when you are driving. It is really dangerous.

  58. The day before yesterday, Tom fell off the bike and _____________ badly.

  59. The experience you get by yourself is much_____________ than that from others.

  60. Nowadays, most of our free time _____________by the electronic products like phones, ipads.

  61. Before we write the answers, we need _____________ the whole test paper first.

  62. —What do you think of my suggestion? —Sorry, What’s that? I_____________ to the video.

  63. Tan Dun _____________ its famous music in the film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

  64. The good book helps me relax and also_____________a whole new world to me.

  65. The thief _____________ 5 jewelry shops since he ran away from home.


  66. — How long shall we wait for you?

  — I’m afraid the meeting _________________________________ (持续一个小时).

  67. Tim does things ____________________________________(不如…快) Millie.

  68. As a result, the girl ________________________ (成功实现) her dream of being a Charity volunteer in 2012.

  69. When they got to the top of the mountain, all the people __________ (筋疲力尽).

  70. The baby is sleeping. Would you please ____________________________(不要开电视)?

  七、任务型阅读 (共5小题; 每小题1分,满分5分)


  Space is a lonely place. Hundreds of thousands of kilometers from home, many astronauts have to stay alone for a long time. It stands to reason that, once in a while, they need to have a good cry. But this is more difficult than it sounds.

  We still know very little about space, and about living in zero gravity. In fact, we are discovering new things every time astronauts take to the skies (and beyond). As The Atlantic reported in January, crying is not all that simple in space. This is because when a person normally cries, gravity makes their tears move downwards. But in a spacecraft, this is not the case. Here, there is no gravity, which is why we so often see pictures of astronauts floating around. This means that, strangely, when you cry, your tears have nowhere to go. As a result, they just stick to your eyes.

  In May 2011, astronaut Andrew Feustel experienced this, “Tears,” as he said, “don’t fall off your eye… they just kind of stay there.” This can be quite painful. In space, your eyes get very dry, and the added moisture is irritating(气人的). Sometimes, things get even weirder(更怪异的).” The astronaut Ron Parise told The Atlantic that when tears get big enough, they “break free of the eye and float around”.

  No one can be quite sure why we cry. Why should water in our eyes have anything to do with feeling sad? If you stop to think about it, crying is a very strange thing indeed, and now, thanks to the wonders of space, it just gets even stranger.

  Crying In Space

  Life in space Astronauts feel (71) . As a result, they may cry sometimes.

  Why is crying

  (72) in space? Because of zero gravity, tears have nowhere to go, just stick to eyes.

  Crying experience in space ●Andrew Feustel: Crying can be (73) ________.

  ●Ron Parise: Tears won’t break free of the eye (74) they are big enough.

  Conclusion Crying in space is even (75) than that on earth.

  八、书面表达 (共1小题;满分25分)


  Reading Travelling Your own ideas

  了解万物,认识世界; 亲自体验世界; ……

  积累知识,丰富自己; 接触不同的文化; ……

  …… …… ……

  要求:1. 包括所有提示信息,并适当发挥;

  2. 语句通顺,意思连贯,书写整洁;

  3. 词数不少于90字。开头已经给出,不计入总词数。

  “It’s better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books.”When Michelle, the present American first lady, quoted this old Chinese saying in her speech at Beijing University, it has caused heated discussions among students. Different opinions can be heard in different ways.

  Some students think__________________________________________________________











  一、1— 5 AACBD 6—10 BDBCC 11—15 BACBA

  二、16— 20 CDBAB 21—25BACAB 26—30 CCDAC

  三、31.- 33. DBC 34.- 37. BDDC 38.- 41. CB不A 42.- 45. CABD

  四、46. refused 47. successfully 48. twentieth/20th 49. researches 50. earlier

  51. breathe 52. looking 53. seen 54. fresh 55. until

  五、56. To keep in touch with 57. on your mind 58. hurt himself

  59. more valuable 60.is taken up 61. to look through

  62. was listening 63.is known for 64. opens up

  65. has broken into

  六、66. will last for one / an hour 67. not so\as fast\quickly as

  68. succeeded in realizing\ achieveing

  69. were tired out 70. not turn on the TV

  七、71. lonely 72. harder 73. painful 74. unless/until 75. stranger
