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时间: 漫柔2 中考英语

  A. Venues and infrastructures. B. Experience.

  C. People’s support. D. pollution.

  39. What will the Winter Olympic Games NOT bring to Beijing?

  A. More and more people will have chances to find jobs.

  B. More and more teenagers will be interested in winter sports.

  C. Beijing still needs to build more venues and infrastructures for the Games.

  D. The traffic situation between Beijing and Zhangjiakou will be greatly improved.

  40. Which of the following is TRUE?

  A. It takes about one hour to ride a bike to Chongli from Beijing.

  B. Winning the Olympic bid won’t influence local people’s lives.

  C. Beijing will be the only city which hosts the Olympic Games twice.

  D. The city for hosting the 2022 Winter Olympic Games hasn’t been decided.




  41. Too ▲ (多) homework often leads us to studying late into night.

  42. Surprisingly, new research shows that most people are more ▲ (相似) to their fathers.

  43. As the old saying goes, ▲ (三月) is the best time to visit Yangzhou.

  44. Qingtuan is a traditional Qingming snack for people living ▲ (南方) of the Yangtze


  45. Your room is always in a ▲ (混乱) , Bennie. Why not clean it right now?


  46. After three ▲ (year) hard work, all the students in our class will realize their dreams.

  47. The toy I like most is a toy bear I got on my ▲ (eight) birthday. It was from my best friend Judy.

  48. Liu Xiang, one of ▲ (good) athletes in the world, announced his retirement (退役) several days ago.

  49. Over forty countries around the world are expecting ▲ (join) the Asian Infrastructure

  Investment Bank (AIIB) (亚投行).

  50. It is ▲ (correct) for the Japanese government to turn away from the facts in the war.


  Tired of puzzling over a problem? Sleep on it! Research by a group of German scientists shows that getting enough sleep makes people better 51 solvers.

  They found that people 52 sleep for at least eight hours each night are better at solving problems and thinking creatively. For their research study, the scientists 53 106 people into groups. The group that got eight hours of sleep was twice as likely to find a shortcut for solving a math problem than the group that had stayed awake all night.

  Skimping on sleep has become a bad habit for many American kids. 54 a survey by the National Sleep Foundation, 51% of kids ages 10 to 18 go to bed at 10 P.M. or later on school nights.

  This is important information for parents and for kids. Getting enough sleep can 55

  a kid’s performance at school.




  Benjamin Franklin is one of the greatest miracles in American history. Although he never received a formal education, he made important contributions in many fields, including literature, journalism, science, diplomacy and education.

  Early Years

  Franklin, one of seventeen children, was born in Boston on January 6, 1706. After leaving school at the age of ten, he spent two years working for his father before learning printing from his elder brother. When he was seventeen, Franklin left Boston and traveled to Philadelphia, hoping to open his own print shop. Once he worked as a printer, Franklin began producing a newspaper and an annual magazine called Poor Richard's Almanack. It was very popular and people considered him as a talented writer.

  Man of science

  When Franklin was forty-two, he left his printing business to devote himself to science. He proved to be successful again. During his lifetime, Franklin invented the lightning rod (避雷针) and a new type of stove, confirmed the laws of electricity and contributed to the scientific understanding of earthquakes. With all these achievements, Franklin is best remembered for his career in politics.

  Statesman and Diplomat

  Franklin played an important role in drafting (起草) the Declaration of Independence《独立宣言》, won French support during the War and drafted the United States Constitution (宪法). In his later years, he was ambassador (大使) first to England and then to France. Even before President Washington, Franklin was considered "The father of his country".

  Franklin wrote the first part of The Autobiography in 1771 at the age of sixty-five. Though never completed, his Autobiography, full of his own opinions and suggestions, provides not only a record of his achievements but also an understanding of his character.

  Benjamin Franklin made one of the greatest miracles in American history.

  In the early years He was born in Boston on January 6, 1706 in a family of 56 children.

  He was never 57 formally and left school at ten.

  He learned to be a 58 and produced his own newspaper.

  His later

  achievements In literature He was 59 a talented writer because of his magazine Poor Richard's Almanack.

  His Autobiography is 60 with his own opinions and suggestions.

  In 61 He 62 himself to science at the age of 42.

  He was the 63 of the lightning rod and a new type of stove.

  He 64 the laws of electricity.

  He contributed to the understanding of earthquakes.

  In politics He drafted the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution.

  He won support from 65 during the War.

  He served as an ambassador to England and France.

  B) 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,并将答案填写在答卷纸标号为66-75的相应位置。

  Have you ever thought, “Why do I have to learn math? I’m never going to use it!” Sometimes students think math is (66)j_______ something to bore them, and that it has no practical

  (67)v______ at all. Is it true?

  Math is the tool and language of economics, engineering and other sciences. It is (68)u______ in almost every field of the world. When workers build buildings with perfectly square corners, the Pythagorean Theorem (勾股定理) is (69)h______. When you want to know what scores you need to get on a final exam to become the top 10 percent of your grade, math can help you. Even your HDTV (高

  清电视) relies on mathematics, too.

  Moreover, math provides us (70)w________ a lot of skills in problem solving. When (71)s_______ a math problem, we need to define the problem, think of ways and use a certain method to get the results. In this way, you (72)d_______ your ability to make complex (复杂的) decisions down the road. Besides, math teaches us logic (逻辑) and order. When we want to get a certain result in math, we must (73)f_______ exact steps. The training of mind that children

  achieve in math class can carry over into everyday life.

  (74)T_______ math, we can also learn some thinking skills. For example, when students are required to explain (75)h_______ they get to a way of a complex problem or to describe the ideas behind a formula, they are in fact using a way of thinking.

  You may never need to use the quadratic equation (二次方程) in your adult life, but the process of learning it may improve you in certain ways you may never think about.

  六、书面表达 (满分15分)



  1. 简单介绍自己的学习习惯; 2. 给予适当评价;

  3. 为提高自己,今后会做的努力; 4. 注意:在文中不要提及真实的校名和姓名。

  My self-assessment




  1-5 DBDAC 6-10 DCDBD 11-15 DACAB


  16-20 BCACC 21-25 BADCC


  26-28 BDC 29-32 DBCD 33-36 ABDD 37-40 CDCD




  41. much 42.similar 43.March 44.south 45. mess


  46. years’ 47. eighth 48. the best 49. to join 50. incorrect


  51. problem 52. who 53. divided 54. According to 55. improve



  56. seventeen/17 57. educated 58.printer 59. considered 60.filled

  61. science 62. devoted 63. inventor 64. confirmed 65. France

  B) 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,并将答案填写在答卷纸标号为66-75的相应位置。

  66. just 67. value 68. used 69. helpful 70. with

  71. solving 72. develop 73. follow 74. Through 75. how

  六、书面表达 (满分15分)(略)