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时间: 漫柔2 中考英语

  40. What can we learn from the passage?

  A. Mrs Ryder is able to move much faster than before.

  B. Tortoises attacking mice is not uncommon around us.

  C. The animal doctor added the fron t wheels to the shell.

  D. Mrs T can go faster after being equipped with wheels.

  非选择题 (共50分)


  A) 根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为41—45的相应位置上。

  41. Bill is too fat. He plans to eat less ▲ (肉) to keep fit.

  42. We need a confident ▲ (领导者) to help us deal with these difficulties.

  43. We ▲ (举行) a charity show and raised some money for poor families yesterday.

  44. Our English teacher enjoys travelling. She ▲ (很少) stays at home during holidays.

  45. Wild animals aren’t ▲ (自由的) because they may become dishes on the table any time.

  B) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为46—50的相应位置上。

  46. All of us were satisfied with this ▲ (sing) songs at the concert.

  47. It was ▲ (possible) for anyone to get in because the door was locked.

  48. My classmates helped a little girl find her parents on a ▲ (rain) day.

  49. World No. 1 Ma Long from China won his ▲ (one) men’s singles world table tennis championship.

  50. I would rather stay at home than ▲ (play) football with my classmates because it is too hot outside.

  C) 根据对话内容,从下面方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空,使对话内容完整正确,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为51—55的相应位置上。

  A: I will have an important exam tomorrow. Can you give me some advice?

  B: Yes, 51 . How do you feel now?

  A: Not well.

  B: Are you feeling nervous?

  A: Yes. I feel stressed.

  B: Perhaps you should try this white T-shirt. And white can make you feel calm.

  A: What do you think of my blue jeans?

  B: OK. Wearing blue jeans can make people feel 52 peaceful.

  A: What about shoes?

  B: A pair of trainers can make you 53 .

  A: Anything else?

  B: You’d better take your yellow bag. You know yellow 54 wisdom.

  A: Yes. That’s right. Thanks.

  B: Wish you 55

  A: Thank you for offering me advice.

  B: It’s my pleasure.


  A) 阅读下面短文,根据所读内容,在文章后56-65小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单



  As teenagers, changing the world does not only mean finding a cure for cancer, or finding the origin of humanity, but recycling a piece of paper as well. Going Green is a practical way that teenagers can have a real and meaningful influence in the world. What follows are three simple ways teenagers can go green and change the world.


  According to a Wire & Twine online article, 63 million newspapers go out to street vendors (摊贩), local paper boys, or newspaper dispensers every day and of those 44 million are thrown away. Recycling the Sunday newspapers alone we could save half a million trees a week. The age of technology creates new phones, iPods, or new computers. Many people will stand in line for hours to get their hands on the new piece of technology, but what happens with the old ones? Nothing. According to Earth911, about 75% of the old devices (设备) are thrown in the back of a drawer collecting dust.

  Go vegetarian (素食主义) one day a week

  Here are some amazing facts on going vegetarian for only one day. According to Noam Mohr, a physicist at the New York University, the United States would save 100 billion gallons of water which is enough to offer all homes in New England for about 4 months. The Environmental Defense concludes with the most interesting fact: if the whole population gives up one meal of chicken, the amount of carbon dioxide accumulated (累积的) would be the same amount if more than half a million cars were taken off U.S. roads. So giving up just one day of eating meat is worth the advantages it could bring.

  Don’t drink too much bottled water

  There is a common idea that bottled water is healthier than regular tap water. However, 25% of bottled water comes from regular tap water which goes through a filter (过滤). Bottled water companies do not need to list where they got the water from, how they clean the water, or what chemicals their plastic water bottles have. Plastic bottles do not get recycled 90% of the time which results in 1.5 million tons of plastic in landfills which are not easy to decompose (分解). In fact, after considering that bottled water and tap water have few differences, people should use more reusable water bottles.”

  Just keep in mind what Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful and committed (坚定的) citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

  Topic How teenagers can go green

  Definition Going green is a practical way which teenagers can make a 56 to the world. It is really meaningful.

  57 to go green Recycle  Unluckily, only about 58 million newspapers are really in use every day.

   People usually 59 most of the old devices in the back of a drawer


  Go vegetarian  All homes in New England use about 100 billion gallons of water in four 60 .

   The Environmental Defense concludes tha t it should be worthy for people to 61 eating meat just one day a week.

  Drink 62 bottled water  Most of plastic bottles do not get recycled and it produces millions of tons of plastic which are 63 to decompose.

   In fact, it’s better for people to 64 more reusable water bottles.

  Conclusion Just 65 the words said by Margaret Mead that thoughtful and committed citizens can change the world.

  B) 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为66—75的相应位置上。

  Imagine the scene: You come home after work feeling too tired to cook—only to find a delicious m 66 waiting for you.

  It sounds like a dream. However, it could be about to come true thanks to a robot cook

  i 67 by British scientists. They have come up with a set of robotic arms which are able to cook nice food. Perhaps people can b 68 the device in 2017 as a part of high-tech kitchen. Since it seems to be so useful in the future, scientists spent a 69 18 years developing the hands, which are each controlled by 24 motors, 26 micro-controllers and 129 sensors (感应器).

  Some people prefer to go to well-known restaurants, b 70 they are not cheap and may be quite far from the home. It is a chance for people to enjoy very good food cooked by robots at a suitable p 71 . The only dish that is off the robot’s menu at the moment is sushi, which

  r 72 nimble (灵活的) fingers to make, but the team plan to solve this problem as well by the time it goes to the m 73 .

  Users will be able to ‘order’ dinner on their way home, or breakfast for next morning when they w 74 up. They can use an app on their smartphone. Picking menus depends on the ingredients (配料) they have. They will also be able to c 75 dishes based on personal needs.

  And just in case, the unit has emergency equipment if there’s a fire.


  孟子曰:“不以规 矩,不成方圆”。家规体现着家人的价值追求和传承,也是社会风气、公民道德的源头。请根据下面表格内容的提示, 以“My family rules”为题,写一篇短文。

  My family rules

  The importance behave prope rly

  be good for our growth (成长)

  What rules be honest and polite

  do some housework


  Influence on me …


  1. 文中不得出现你的真实姓名和学校名称;

  2. 语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范;

  3. 词数80左右,文章的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。

  My family rules

  Most families have some rules for children to follow.



  1~5 ACCBB 6~10 BDACD 11~15 DBBDA


  16~20 BCADC 21~25 ACADB


  26~30 BDCAC 31~35 BDACA 36~40 BACDD


  A) 根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确。

  41. meat 42. leader 43. held 44. seldom 45. free

  B) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。

  46. singer’ s 47. impossible 48. rainy 49. first 50. play

  C) 根据短文内容,从下面方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空,使短文内容完整正确。

  51. of course 52. a bit 53. comfortable 54. represents 55. have a success



  56. difference 57. Ways 58. nineteen 59. throw 60. months

  61. stop 62. less 63. hard 64. use 65. remember

  B) 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。

  66. meal 67. invented 68. buy 69. almost 70. but

  71. price 72. requires 73. market(s) 74. wake 75. choose

  六 、书面表达(满分15分)

  One possible version:

  Most families have some rules for children to follow. Family rules are good for our growth. We can also know how to behave properly both at home and at school with the help of these rules.

  There are some rules in my family. First of all, I am told to be honest and polite at any time. Second, I should be grateful to others for their help. My parents often tell me not to forget those people who once gave me help. Last but not the least, I am asked to do some housework when I am free.

  My family rules are a good influence on me. I always tell the truth, so my classmates all trust me. I often help my friends in need. At weekends, I also do some cleaning to make my parents happy and relaxed.