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时间: 漫柔2 中考英语

  Different sports have different rules for the audience.For example, you have to keep quiet while you are watching gymnastics.But cheering can really help basketball and football players.So it is a good idea to learn about the culture and rules of sports.

  ●Read the ticket carefully before you arrive.Try to reach your seat half an hour before the start of a game and don’t walk about when the game is being held because you might disturb other audience.

  ●Using flash to take photos is quite disturbing to tennis players.Mobile photos cannot be used in centers.

  ●Horse riding is a sport for gentlemen.So control yourself.Don?t get overexcited! You?d better not make noises or wave flags.These can surprise the horses in the stadium.

  ●During the marathon(马拉松), your cheering is important to the runners.But don?t trouble them.Don?t offer them food unless they ask for it.Your help may put then off.

  ( )51.If a football match begins at 8:00 a.m., you?d better arrive at ________ in the morning.

  A.7:30 B.7:45 C.8:00 D.8:30

  ( )52.According to the passage, in which of the following games can’t people use flash to take photo?

  A.Swimming B.Basketball C.Football D.Tennis

  ( )53.The underlined word“them” in the last paragraph refers to ________.

  A.tennis players B.audience C.marathon runners D.football players

  ( )54.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  A.You can offer the ma rathon runners water any time when they are running.

  B.Keeping noisy and waving flags cannot help the horses.

  C.We cannot use mobile phones in horse riding matches.

  D.Cheering can really help all of the players

  ( )55.What’s the best title for the passage?

  A.How to Be Good Players B.How to Be Good Audience

  C.How to Remember the Games D.How to Help Players


  The world is full of great books, just waiting to be read.How can you pick one you really like?Here are some tips.

  What makes you happy? If you have a favorite hobby or recreation, look for books about that activity.You can find bo oks about a lmost anything you like.

  Fact or fiction? Some books are nearly made up and imagined.Those are called fiction books.Novels, short stories, and fables are all examples of fiction.These books can bring you to another world or help you imagine something beyond your own experience.

  Non?fiction books give you the who, what, when, and why.They tell stories using facts, but that doesn’t mean they are boring.Non?fiction books can bring to life everything from the first trip to the moon, to what it’s like, to explore the deepest oceans.Many of them read like novels from start to finish.Try both fiction and non?fiction books to see which you like better.

  Find a family favorite.What was your mother’s favorite book when she was at your age? Or your dad?s? Ask them and give it a read.

  Ask an expect.Your local library is a great place to find books that you’ll love, and you don?t have to search all by yourself.Tell a librarian about your interests.Your librarian can help you find other books that you?re sure to love.Your teacher is another good person to ask.

  ( )56.The underlined word “recreation” means ________.

  A.information B.purpose C.amusement D.feeling

  ( )57.From the passage we know fables are ________.

  A.fact B.novels C.poems D.fiction

  ( )58.According to the passage, non?fiction books are sometimes ________ to read.

  A.boring B.interesting C.difficult D.easy

  ( )59.According to the passage, you can read ________ favorite books.

  A.your parents’ B.your friends’ C.your teachers’ D.the librarian’s

  ( )60.The passage mainly tells us ________.

  A.how to read good books

  B.how to choose books that you like

  C.how to ask for help while reading

  D.who can help you read books


  A girl went to her father to ask for his advice.She was having a hard time in life, and it seemed that as soon as one problem disappeared, another one appeared in its place.

  Her father, a cook, took her into the kitchen.He poured water into three pans and put them on to boil.After the water boiled, he put some carrots into the first pan, some eggs into the second pan and coffee beans into the last one.He waited without saying a word.

  After 20 minutes, her father turned off the stove, took out carrots and eggs, and put them in the bowl.He poured the coffee into the cup.

  He asked his daughter, “Dear, what do you see?”

  “Carrots, eggs and coffee,” she replied.

  “Touch the carrots, ” he told her.She did and felt that the carrots were soft.After that he asked her to take an egg and break it.She found that the egg was hard.At last, her father asked her to taste the coffee.

  She asked, “What’s the meaning, Father?”

  Her father said, “As you see, each thing reacted differently to the boiling water.The strong and hard carrots became soft and weak after boiling.The fragile(脆弱的) eggs became hard after being cooked.The coffee beans were very special, but they changed in the water, too.”

  “Who are you?” asked her father.“When trouble knocks at your door, how do you react? Are you carrots, eggs or coffee beans?”

  ( )61.What does the first paragraph tell us ________.

  A.A girl’s father had much advice

  B.A girl was having a lot of difficulties.

  C.A girl had no problems.

  D.A girl could solve the problems alone.

  ( )62.The father cooked three kinds of things EXCEPT ________.

  A.some carrots

  B.some bananas

  C.some coffee beans

  D.some eggs

  ( )63.What does the underlined word “reacted” mean in Chinese?.





  ( )64.Which sentence is NOT right according to this passage?

  A.The strong and hard carrots became soft and weak after boiling.

  B.The fragile eggs became hard after being cooked.

  C.The coffee beans changed in the water.

  D.On ly the carrots reacted differently to the boiling water.

  ( )65.The main idea of this passage is ________.

  A.doing some cooking can help you solve your problems

  B.you can ask a cook for help

  C.you should face your problems bravely

  D.you shouldn?t think about yo ur problems




  66.—Hello, Cindy, how’s everything going?

  —Not really good.I’m (盼望尽快收到你的来信) (look)

  67.—The family education has a great influence on children.

  —Yes.It’s important (我们不阻挡他们自己做决定) (get)

  68.—Your sister looks unhealthy, does she often exercise more?

  —Not before.But now she (宁愿到外面远足也不愿意呆在家里看电视剧) (prefer)

  69.—Have you seen Mike recently?

  —No. (我来中国时,我听说他离开这儿有两年多了).(when)

  70.—How should we learn English in class?

  —I think ( 必须关注我们用英语和同伴交谈)(must)

  71.—What do you think of the young man?

  —He (不仅天生具有很强的绘画能力而且还严格要求自己对知识如饥似渴).(great, hard)

  72.—What did he ask just now?

  —He asked (我是否可以把上个月底在桂林拍的照片给他看)? (show)



  One day, while I was sitting in my car in a parking lot, I noticed a young boy.He was bending down and p___73___ up a coin from the ground.He bend down in front of my car, and when he stood up, we ?s___74___? each other clearly.He was no more than ten years old and was w___75___ one blue glove and one brown glove.His coat was too small for him.

  As he walked away from me, I saw his shoes, which were too old to wear.I rolled down my w___76___ and called him over.

  He stopped and turned around to look at me.I asked him i___77___ he needed some money.He replied, “No.That’s okay.”

  The parking lot was c___78___ .I could tell that his feet were cold because he kept shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

  “Please,” I held out a five?dollar bill.“It’s not much, but when the money is shared, it is much more u___79___ ,” I said.

  After hearing my kind words, he t___80___ off one of his gloves and reached for the money.His small hand was red and cold.That thin glove couldn’t keep his h___81___ warm at all.

  He went away after s___82___ “thank you” to me.He s___83___ and waved his small hand at me.That smile made me feel warm in the cold winter.










  Dear Steve,

  Don’t worry about your study too much.First,






  I hope you can stay in good spirits and study better.


  Li Ming


  一、听力测试 1-5 BABAC 6-8 CAC 9-11 CCA 12-14 CAC 15-17 BC B

  18-20 ACC 21-25 BBCAC

  二、选择填空 26-30 CBDBC 31-35 BDBDD 36-40 CBBDC

  三、完形填空 41-45 BDCAC 46-50 DABAC

  四、阅读理解 51-55 ADCBB 56-60 CDBAB 61-65 BBCDC


  66. looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible

  67. for us not to get in the way of making their own decision.

  68. prefers to go hiking outside rather than watch TV plays at home.

  69. When I came /got to China, I heard that he had been away here for more than two years.

  70. we must be paid attention to talking with partner in English

  71. He is not only born with great ability to draw, but also hard on himself and thirsty for knowledge.

  72. if I could show the pictures that were taken in Guilin at the end of last month to him


  73-83 picking, saw, wearing, window, if, cold, useful, took, hand, saying, smiled

  七、作文 略。