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时间: 漫柔2 中考英语

  A. the Amazon B. the Nile C. the Mekong D. the Mississippi

  ( ) 43. From a dam, people can use the water for ___________.

  A. keeping the rivers clean B. only making electricity

  C. washing clothes D. irrigation and making electricity

  ( ) 44. The water in the river is polluted because of _____________.

  A. people's drinking water too much B. people's swimming in the river too much

  C. chemicals and other materials D. people's building a dam across a river

  ( ) 45. The best title of the passage is ___________.

  A. Rivers in Cities B. The importance of Rivers

  C. Transportation D. Natural Resources

  第II卷 (非选择题,共60分)

  四、任务型阅读 (共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)


  Now students’ English handwriting gets worse and worse. That makes their teachers feel worried. Is your English handwriting beautiful? If not, here are four steps that really work!

  ◆Use paper that has lines

  Using paper that has lines can keep you writing straight when you write English words or sentences. Those lines on the paper can help you to write words in the right size. Be sure to fill the lined space completely. And make sure those capital letters(大写字母) are written properly.

  ◆Slow down

  If your writing is hard to read, try slowing down a little. For some kids, going slower makes the handwriting clear. If you write too fast, it’s hard for you to stop where you should, and even worse, you may make more mistakes.

  ◆ Hold your pencil right

  When you hold your pencil the correct way, writing is much easier. Some kids press(按,压) down really hard when they write. That makes the handwriting not nice. Try to relax yourself and don’t hold the pencil so hard. Let your writing appear nice and clean. If you do so, people will guess you are a student with a good habit.

  ◆Draw more pictures

  Drawing can improve your handwriting. You need to use the skills to control your pencil better when you are drawing pictures. Even though you have no chance to draw at school, you can practice by yourself at home.

  Handwriting is very important. Imagine you are a world-famous movie star or a well-known sports player, what do you do when your fans run up to you? Give them your autographs (亲笔签名), of course!

  Four 46 to make your handwriting beautiful

  Use paper

  ___47___ lines Using paper that has lines can stop you from writing up or ____48______ when you write English words or sentences. Be sure to fill the lined space completely. And make sure those capital letters are written _____49____.

  Slow down Try slowing down a little. If you write too fast, it’s hard for you to stop where you should, and you may make more ____50____ .

  ____51___your pencil right When you hold your pencil the correct way, writing is much ____52____. Try to be ____53____and don’t hold the pencil so hard.

  Draw more

  pictures While ____54____ pictures, you need to use the skills to control your pencil better. Even though you have no chance to draw at school, you can practice __55___ at home.


  A. 根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,完成句子。每空一词。

  56. --- Have you heard about the news?

  --- Yes. The __________(价格) of petrol(汽油) went up last month.

  57. We are very ___________ (自豪) that a student from our school has won the first prize.

  58. Why are you in a _____________ (匆忙) to sell your house?

  59. People think that Hepburn’s achievements went ______________ (超出) the film industry.

  60. Mary _______________ (拒绝) to do the work, so I had to ask John to do it instead.

  B. 根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。每空一词。

  61. My father’s job is different from those ______________ (spaceman).

  62. The dentist says we should brush our teeth at least ____________ (two) a day.

  63. Little Sam looked ___________ (hope) at his mother and expected to get more pocket money.

  64. To keep fit, we should eat ___________(little) food and do more exercise.

  65. It is ____________ (possible) for him to finish the hard work within an hour. Let’s help him.

  C. 根据句意用所给动词的适当形式填空。

  66. I don’t like the boy because he keeps____________(talk) in class.

  67. Chinese _______________ (learn) by more and more people from all over the world now.

  68. Our teacher often asks us _____________ (discuss) questions in groups.

  69. When I got home, my mother _____________(cook)in the kitchen.

  70. ---Where is the morning paper?

  ---Sorry. I ____________ (get) it for you at once.

  D. 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。

  On the morning of March 8th , the Malaysian g _71 announced that Malaysian flight MH370 lost the contact with the Air Traffic Control. The flight t 72 off at 00:41 am. that morning and planned to a _ _73 i n Beijing at 6:30 a.m. It carried 239 passengers, including 154 C _74 . The passengers come from 14 countries and a _75_ . Nobody knows

  w 76 happened to the plane. Over twenty countries took part in s 77 for it. On March 24, Prime Minister of Malaysia said that MH370 crashed in southern Indian Ocean and n 78___ of the passengers survived. When we heard the b 79 _ news, we were very sad. So far the plane wreckage(飞机残骸) hasn’t been found y _80 _ .We hope they will find it soon.



  81. 那对双胞胎对集邮很感兴趣。

  The twins ___________________________________ collecting stamps.

  82. 在去电影院的路上,他听到了这个消息。

  He heard the news _______________________________________________.

  83. 那个男孩一到家就迫不及待地打开电视。

  The boy _________________________________________ the TV when he got home.

  84. 丹尼尔汉语说得很好,因为他在中国有五年了。

  Daniel speaks Chinese very well because he .

  85. 他们所需要的是足够的钱来继续他们的学业。

  All they need is ________________________________________ their study.


  今年东台正在申报全国文明城市,你们学校的English Club正在举办以“创建文明城市,争做文明市民”为主题的征文活动,请你根据以下的内容提示及要求写一篇应征稿。

  内容提示: ◆ 尊敬师长,明礼诚信 ◆友善待人,乐于助人

  ◆ 遵守交规,不闯红灯 ◆保护环境

  ◆ 你的观点


  1. 文章必须包含所提供的主要信息,并适当发挥;

  2. 文中不得出现真实的人名和校名;

  3. 词数:90词左右(开头和结尾已写好,不计入总词数)。

  参考词汇:respect (vt.尊敬), obey traffic rules遵守交规

  Help to Make Dongtai a Civilized City

  We all know that Dongtai is applying for the national civilized city. As students, what should we do ? _____________________________________________________________



  Dongtai is our hometown. Let's try our best to make it a civilized city.



  1-5 DCABD 6-10 ACABB 11-15 ABCCD


  16-20 CABAD 21-25 CADDB 26-30 BDCBA


  31-33 BAA 34-37 CBCA 38-41 ADBD 42-45 ADCB


  46. steps 47. with 48. down 49. properly 50. mistakes

  51. Hold 52. easier 53. relaxed 54. drawing 55. alone


  A. 56. price 57. proud 58. hurry 59. beyond 60. refused

  B. 61. spacemen’s 62. twice 63. hopefully 64. less 65. impossible

  C. 66. talking 67. is learned 68. to discuss 69. was cooking 70.will get

  D. 71.government 72.took 73.arrive 74.Chinese 75.areas

  76.what 77.searching 78.none 79.bad 80.yet


  81. The twins are interested in collecting stamps.

  82. He heard the news on his way to the cinema.

  83. The boy couldn’t wait to turn on the TV when he got home.

  84. Daniel speaks Chinese very well because he has been in China for five years.

  85. All they need is enough money to carry on with their study.


  Help to Make Dongtai a Civilized City

  We all know that Dongtai is applying for the national civilized city. As students, what should we do ? We must respect our teachers, parents and the old. We shou ld also be polite and honest. Besides, we should help those who are in need and be friendly to the people around us. It is important for us obey traffic rules, too.When crossing the streets, we should walk on the zebra crossing. We mustn’t go across the street when the traffic lights are red.What’s more, we should protect the environment. For example,we mustn't step on the grass or pick flowers. We mustn’t drop litter carelessly.

  Dongtai is our hometown.Let's try our best to make it a civilized city.