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时间: 漫柔2 中考英语


  第一部分 听力测试

  I.听力测试( 共三节,20 小题,满分25分)


  1、How did her father go to the station?

  2. When was Hangzhou Bay Bridge opened to the traffic?

  3. What does Fuwa do on weekends?

  4. What was the girl doing at the moment?

  5. How is the weather now?



  6. What does the woman ask the boy to do?

  A. Go out fishing B. Take out the trash and do the dishes.

  C. Do his homework.

  7. What can’t the boy do ?

  A. The dishes B. The trash C. The homework.


  8. What is the boy going to do?

  A. Do the washing . B. Sweep the floor.

  C. Invite his friends to his birthday party.

  9. What does the boy want to borrow?

  A. Some money B. Some drinks C. Some snacks.

  10. What will the mother do for the boy?

  A. lend him some money. B. Do some shopping for his party.

  C. Call his friends.


  11. Which place did Denny like most in his summer vacation?

  A.Xinjiang B. Turfan C. Tokyo

  12. Why did Denny take the train to travel?

  A.Because the train trips are safe.

  B. Because he was not in a hurry.

  C. Because the train trips are cheap and interesting.


  13. How does the man know the woman has been to Australia?

  A. He guesses from the way she speaks.

  B. He has met the woman before.

  C. Someone has already told him.

  14. How long has Rita been in Australia?

  A. For about two years. B. For about one years

  C. For about two months.

  15. What did Rita do in Australia?

  A. S he studied there. B.She worked there. C.She traveled there.


  16. Fred gave his wife a call_____

  A. when he was in the cinema B. after he got two tickets

  C. as soon as the film began.

  17.Fred told his wife to meet him_____

  A. at home B. in a restaurant. C. outside the office

  18.After Fred and his wife met each other, they____

  A. went to the cinema B. went to the office

  B.went to have their dinner

  19 red didn’t find the tickets on him_____

  A. when they were in the street

  B.when the film had just began C.when they got to the cinema

  20.Without tickets they couldn’t see the film, so Fred’s wife was________

  A. happy all the time B. disappointing C. surprised

  第二部分 语言知识


  21.—Have you ever been to a Disney?

  —Yes. Disney is an amusement park_you can find all the normal attractions.

  A.which B. where C. that D. when

  22. —Can you watch what the teacher said in the English class?

  -Sorry, I can_understand it.

  A. hardly B. almost C. nearly D. never

  23.— Have you read today's newspaper?

  -It is reported that a new subway_between the two cities next year.

  A. will be built B. was built C. has built D. will built

  24.-Not only TOM but also Mary_good Chinese.

  -So they can communicate with these Chinese students_

  A. speak, very well B. speaks, very well

  C. speak, very good D. speak, very good

  25.—I like the teacher_classes are very interesting and creative.-I agree with you.

  A. which B.who C. what D.whose

  26.-Excuse me, how can I write the article?

  -You should tell_possible to support your ideas.

  A. as many information B. as much fact as

  C.as many facts as D. as many news as

  27.-If people_cutting down the forest, they will have nowhere _. -So we should do our best to protect the forests.

  A. keep, to live B. will keep, to live in

  C.keep , to live in D. will keep, to live

  28.-Have you seen the CCTV news on TV?

  -Yes._children had a good festival on the _children's Day.

  A. millions of, sixty B. ten million, sixty

  C. millions of, sixtieth D.ten millions, sixtieth

  29.- Would you like to go to the concert with me tonight?

  -I'd love to ,but _of us couple has tickets. Do you have some?

  A.both B. all C. neither D.none.

  30.-Have you seen the TV play My ugly Mother?

  -Yes, it’s well worth_.It’s_moving that I’ve seen it twice.

  A. seeing, too B. to see, enough

  C. seeing, so D. to see, such

  31.-Hello, Mike. Long time no see. Where are you?

  -Oh, I_Wuhan for a month.

  A. have been to B. have been to

  C. has been in D. have been in

  32.-Dad, I think I am _to get back to school.

  -Not really , dear. You’d better stay at home for two days.

  A. so well B. so good C. good, enough D. well enough

  33.—Liu Ye finds_easy to remember all the English words.

  -_a smart child she is!

  A. that, how B. it , what C .this, what D. it, how

  34.-Lisa is a shy girl.

  -Yeah, she prefers_to_.

  A.listen, give a speech B. listening, give a speech

  C.to listen, giving a speech D.listening, giving a speech

  35.-My new bike rides very well though it doesn’t cost much.—Let me have a try. So_ _.

  A. it is B.is it C.does it D. it ,does.



  What does an athlete need to get to the top of sport? Talent is one thing of course, but perhaps there's 36 more important than that—hard work. Top sportsmen and sportswomen take their sports very seriously and want to be the best.

  Tara Lipinski is a pretty American teenager. She 37 the world ice-skating championship when she was only fourteen years old. From the age of three, when she 38 a pair of ice skates for the first time, she loved the sport more than anything else in the world. She trains for many hours every day, and 39 outside with her friends to parties is nearly impossible.

  Boris Becher has been famous 40 he won the Wimbledon Men’s Singles Tennis Championship in 1985. He was only seventeen years old then, and he had beaten many of the best players in the world at that time. He always 41 hard every day. He never had the same kind of lifestyle as most other teenage boys. He couldn’t spend his weekends 42 the TV, at parties or restaurants. He 43 even eat chocolate whenever he wanted, everything he did was for tennis and his daily training was very strict.

  To succeed like Tara and Boris, you 44 a lot of help and support from everyone around you, especially your 45 .You must give up a lot of freedom, but if you ask these champions what they think ,they will tell you it’s all worth it.

  36.A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything

  37.A. hit B.won C. did D. kept

  38.A. put on B. made up C.took off D.turned down

  39.A. go B. going C.to play D. skating

  40.A. when B. while C. since D. after

  41.A. studied B. did C. practiced D.thought

  42.A. next to B.instead of C. across from D.in front of

  43.A. mustn’t B. didn’t C. couldn’t D. shouldn’t

  44.A. asks B. need C.want D. hope

  45.A.father B. mother C.grandparents D.family

  第三部分 阅读理解

  IV阅读理解( 共20题,计40分)



  One of the most interesting projects in oceanography(海洋学) is the work of mapping the ocean floor. Only a very small part of it has been mapped .This was not important when only surface ships sailed the world’s oceans, but it can mean the difference between life and death to men in submarines(潜艇).

  Long ago there was only one way to find out how deep the ocean was .A seaman could throw a weighted rope over the side of his ship. Then he pulled the rope up after it had reached the bottom. But this was not a very exact way of measuring.

  In the twelfth century a better way was found. Sound was used to measure the ocean. An American Navy ship sailed the ocean to make an experiment. Seamen dropped a number of devices that would give out a loud noise when they hit the bottom. And a device had been invented measured the time it took for the sound to reach the ship .It helped oceanographer map the ocean floor.

  Underwater photography is also important in mapping parts of the ocean floor. With the new methods that have been perfected, cameras can take pictures of the underwater valleys even in color.

  46.Mapping the ocean floor is the most important to people__ .

  A. on ships B. in boats C. in the sea D. in submarines

  47. Which way was used to measure the depth of the ocean in the past?

  A. Using a weighted rope B. Using a seaman

  C. Using a boat D. Using sound

  48. What did the seamen use when they did the experiment?

  A. Stones B. Instruments C. Devices D . Ropes

  49.We can know from the last paragraph that_.

  A .camera is the only perfect way of mapping the ocean floor.

  B. camera will take the place of any other instrument.

  C. camera can map any part of the ocean floor.

  D. camera is one of the new ways to map the ocean floor.

  50. How many ways have been used to map the ocean floor?
