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时间: 漫柔2 中考英语

  水资源问题已成为举世瞩目的重要问题之一。联合国预计,到2025年,世界将近一半的人口会生活在缺水的地区。请以“How to Protect Water Resources”为题,写一篇英语短文,要点如下:







  参考词汇:保护:protect; 水资源:water resources; 往……排放……:pour...into...;废水:waste water



  听 力 材 料


  1.M: What are you going to do tonight?

  W: I’m going to watch a movie.

  2.M: What’s your star sign?

  W: I was born on Oct. 26th. My star sign is Scorpio.

  3.M: What kind of program do you like best, news reports, sports shows or entertainment shows?

  W: I like entertainment shows.

  4.M: Why do you like sports shows?

  W: Because they always make me excited.

  5.M: When a man falls in love with a woman, he often gives her roses, why?

  W: Because roses stand for love, peace, courage and friendship.


  6.W: Have you ever seen the film Titanic?

  M: No, I haven’t. What’s it about?

  W: It is a love story. The story took place on a ship. A man and a woman fell in love, but the man died after the ship sank.

  M: What a moving story! I want to see it if I have a chance.

  Q: What does the man think of the film?

  7.W: Which TV program do you prefer, CCTV News or Quiz shows?

  M: I don’t like quiz shows at all. I like CCTV News very much because I can know what happened all over the world.

  Q: Which program does the man like better?

  8.M: What do you think of the programs on TV?

  W: Most of them are good for us, but some of them are unhealthy.

  M: Yes, we should choose what we can watch.

  Q: Why should we choose what we can watch?

  9.M: Do you like Feng Gong?

  W: Of course. He is my favorite star. He often makes us laugh and makes our life happy.

  M: I agree.

  Q: Does the boy like Feng Gong?

  10.W: I read a book about Hong Zhanhui last week.

  M: That’s a good book. Hong Zhanhui is very kind and brave, so we should learn from him. Could you lend your book to me?

  Q: Why does the man want to borrow the book?


  M: Do you like watching TV?

  W: Yes, I watch TV every day.

  M: How long do you watch every day?

  W: About three hours.

  M: What’s your favorite program?

  W: Films. Sometimes I watch movies on TV till midnight.

  M: I think it’s bad for your health. If you can’t have enough rest, you’ll be very tired next day. Work must come first. Don’t you think so?

  W: Maybe you’re right. I think I should take your advice.


  W: Do you want to watch TV tonight, Sam?

  M: Well, there’s nothing interesting on.

  W: I’d like to see that program Animal World.

  M: Oh, I forgot that it was on tonight. I want to see it, too.

  W: It comes on at nine o’clock.

  M: Are there any other interesting program?

  W: Yes. A football match.

  M: Oh, great. Let’s watch it.

  W: Let me see. Hum, the paper says it starts at one o’clock tomorrow morning.

  M: One o’clock tomorrow morning? It’s too late.


  16.What are they talking about?

  17.Does the man like the program Animal World?

  18.What is the other interesting program?

  19.When does the football game start?

  20.What do we know from the dialog?


  第一节.1.B 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.C

  第二节.6.B 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.C

  第三节.11.F 12.F 13.T 14.T 15.T

  第四节.16.C 17.A 18.B 19.B 20.A

  Ⅱ.11.B forget 忘记;forgive原谅(动词);pardon原谅(名词);remember记起。如果她因为我的行为而受到伤害,我不会原谅我自己。故选B。

  12.B 考查宾语从句的使用,从句用陈述语序。happen是不及物动词,what happens to sb.表示“某人发生了……事”,主句为过去时,从句也应用过去时。故选B。

  13.A 考查“So+助动词/be/情态动词+主语”结构。当前面所说的情况也适合于后者时,用此结构,意为“某人/某物也是”。“So+主语+助动词/be/情态动词”表示说话人同意上面的观点,意为“的确如此”。故选A。

  14.B would rather do sth. than do sth. 表示“宁愿……也不……”,用于两者之间的比较且动词要用原形。故选B。

  15.C 前者认为废水不应排入河流或湖泊,后者同意他的观点。Good luck. 好运。It’s my pleasure. 不客气。The same to you. 你也一样。故选C。

  16.C 考查prefer ... to ... 句型。在该句型中,动词要用-ing形式。故选C。

  17.A pay attention to ... 中的to为介词,所以后面跟名词、代词或动名词形式。类似结构有look forward to, can’t help等都要加动名词形式。故选A。

  18.B be suitable to 后跟动词;be suitable for后跟名词、代词或动名词。故选B。

  19.B may be是情态动词加动词原形,意为“可能是”,作谓语;而maybe是副词,意为“也许,大概,或许”,相当于perhaps。故选B。

  20.C sometimes有时;sometime某时;some time一段时间;some times几次,几倍。故选C。

  21.C 考查both, neither, either和none的不同用法。both的意思是“两者都”;either的意思是“两者之中有一个”;neither的意思是“两者都不”;none是三者或三者以上“全都不”。根据句意是两者都不喜欢。故选C。

  22.C “被用来……”可用be used ... 来表达,be used for后面通常跟动名词,be used to后跟动词原形。故选C。

  23.B 考查过去分词作后置定语的用法,过去分词作定语表示被动,这里的意思是“被称为……,被叫做……”。故选B。

  24.B 考查固定短语。with one’s help 在某人帮助下,without one’s help 没有某人的帮助。本句可译为“没有你的帮助,我不会做得这么好。”故选B。

  25.B elder只能用作定语,不能单独用作表语,主要用于表示家庭成员出生的先后。此外,elder还可用作名词“长者,前辈”,不能用older来代替。older既可用作定语,又可用作表语。故选D。

  Ⅲ.26.B others等于other people表示“部分人”;other为形容词,其后必须跟名词;the other为两者中的另一个;the others意为“特指全部中的另一部分”,此句并无特指之意。故选B。

  27.C 从上句的teenagers和并列连词and可以得知此处也指年轻人。故选C。

  28.D 下句告诉我们“广告可使我们买到我们真正想要的东西”,说明某些广告很有用。故选D。

  29.A 比较不同广告的目的是“可以买到真正想要的东西”,so that意为“以便于”;so ... that中间用形容词或副词,引导结果状语从句;in order to后跟动词原形;that引导定语从句或宾语从句。故选A。

  30.D 根据下文意思可知此处意为“某些广告可以帮助你省钱。”save money 省钱。故选D。

  31.C 用最少的钱即最低的价格买到最好的东西。故选C。

  32.C 本句谈广告的误导作用,但还不至于有害,且下文中说到广告只用华丽的语言,而不涉及东西的质量,甚至图片内容也要比实际东西好,可以看出只是误导人们。故选C。

  33.D 有的广告为了哗众取宠,不谈产品质量本身。anything用于否定句或疑问句,而nothing本身已表否定。故选D。

  34.B 商家为了吸引消费者,经常使图片好于实物,所以用比较级。故选B。

  35.A 广告有误导作用,有时还带有欺骗性,所以买东西应当小心。be后要跟形容词,所以选careful。careless 不小心的。故选A。


  36.C 由They work several hours every day, so they can not go to regular school. 可知答案选C。

  37.B 由Their classes are held in some wonderful places. 可知答案选B。

  38.D 由They are responsible for making sure ... along with their education. 可知答案选D。

  39.C 由If they do not make much progress in school, they are not permitted to continue working in TV shows. 可知答案选C。

  40.A 由第三段California的法律规定可知孩子们受教育的时间是9月至第二年6月,并没有规定儿童不可以拍电视。故选A。


  41.D 在世界各地“摇头”有的地区表示“同意”,有的地区表示“不”的意思。故选D。

  42.A 由第二段前两句可知在印度“摇头”表示“同意”的意思。故选A。

  43.D 由第三段第一句 … went to India on business. ……去印度出差。可知答案选D。

  44.B 由第三段中The officer said again … got angry. 官员又说了一次,但是司机仍摇头。可知答案选B。

  45.D 以“摇头”不一定表示“不”为例子,告诉我们“国家不同,文化和习俗也有所不同”。故选D。


  46.Customs are the ways people use to do something.

  47.Shake hands.

  48.Hot food.

  49.No, they don’t. They usually have supper at about ten o’clock in the evening.

  50.No, they don’t.




  53.F 由第二段最后一句可知题干错误。

  54.T 由第一段第三句可知题干正确。

  55.T 全文讲述了中国的民族音乐文化。题干正确。


