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时间: 漫柔2 中考英语





  ( )1.How long has the woman been ill?

  A.For about 1 day. B.For about 3 days. C.For about 5 days.

  ( )2.Where are the speakers probably?

  A.On the beach. B.In a supermarket. C.On a farm.

  ( )3.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

  A.Waitress and customer. B.Teacher and student. C.Salesgirl and customer.

  ( )4.What kind of music does the woman like?

  A.Rock music. B.Light music. C.Jazz.

  ( )5.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

  A.A film. B.A song. C.A novel.



  ( )6.What is the man doing now?

  A.Looking at a website. B.Cleaning the house. C.Playing computer games.

  ( )7.How does the woman feel at the end of the conversation?

  A.Angry. B.Happy. C.Relaxed.


  ( )8.How did the girl’s sister let her know their mother is ill?

  A.By sending an e-mail. B.By posting a letter. C.By making a telephone call.

  ( )9.How long will the girl stay at home at most?

  A.For 2 days. B.For 3 days. C.For 4 days.

  ( )10.What is the girl probably?

  A.A student. B.An operator. C.A nurse.


  ( )11.What happened to the girl?

  A.Her car stopped working. B.She had a car accident. C.She was caught in a traffic jam.

  ()12.Why doesn’t the girl buy a new car?

  A.She has no time to buy it. B.She thinks it isn’t convenient.

  C.She doesn’t have enough money.

  ( )13.How will the girl probably go to school?

  A.By bike. B.By bus. C. On foot.


  ( )14.What did the speaker help his father do sometimes?

  A.Make the bed. B.Clean the house. C.Feed the animals.

  ( )15.How did the speaker usually go to school?

  A.By bike. B.By bus. C.On foot.

  ( )16.How long did the speaker do his homework every evening?

  A.For one and a half hours. B.For two hours C.For two and a half hours.


  ( )17.What can we see in a child’s birthday party in Egypt according to the speaker?

  A.Vegetables and fruit. B.Animals and food. C.Flowers and fruit.

  ( )18.Where are the gifts for a sleeping birthday child in Denmark?]

  A.Outside the home. B.Around the bed. C.On the sofa.

  ( )19.What is the most important birthday for an American girl?

  A.Her fifteenth birthday. B.Her sixteenth birthday. C.Her seventeenth birthday.

  ( )20.What can a child receive on the 21st birthday in South Africa?

  A.A key. B.A car. C.A book.


  Activity Participation

  basketball boys:25%; girls: 21.

  22. boys:65%; girls:85%

  football boys:83%; girls: 23.

  cross-country 24. boys:25%; girls:19%

  25. boys:76%; girls:2%



  ( )26. —Will you get there by _____bus?

  —No,I’ll take_____ taxi.

  A .a, the B. \, a C. \; \ D. the; a

  ( )27. —Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the train station, please?

  —Sorry, I’m a _______.

  A. Chinese B. journalist C. tourist D. guide

  ( )28. —Mum, can I go out to play with my friends tonight?

  —OK,but you_______ come back before 9 o’clock.

  A. can B. may C. might D. must

  ( )29. —We are leaving now, Tina.

  —Wait a minute. I _____ things ready.

  A. haven’t got B. didn’t C. don’t get D. won’t

  ( )30. —Look! Linda’s been back from the teacher’s office.

  —She looks sad. Please don’t ask her anything_____ she tells you about it.

  A. after B. since C. while D. until

  ( )31. —Which student has got .______.score ,Frank, Sping or Thomas?

  —Thomas, of course, he has got the full mark in the exam.

  A. the lowest. B. the least. C. the easiest. D. the highest.

  ( )32. —Drugs have done great harm to some people and their families.

  —You are right, so we should ______ from them.

  A. keep away B. put away C. move away D. ride away

  ( )33. —What do you think of the environment here?

  —Wonderful! _________ of the land ______ covered with trees and grass.

  A. Two fifths; are B. Two fifth; are

  C. Two fifths; is D. Two fifth; is

  ( )34. —Why don’t you write?

  —Sorry. I don’t have a pen to ________?

  A. to write B. to write with C. writing D. writing with

  ( )35. — How do you like the concert given by the pianist?

  —Wonderful, ________ one piece of the music wasn’t ________ quite well.

  A. and; play B. though; played C. because; played D. so that; playing

  ( )36.—Can I help you?

  — . I’m just looking.

  A.Yes, please B.No, thanks C.It doesn't matter D.Of course I can

  ( )37.—Which of the bags will you buy?

  — . They are both too expensive.

  A.Neither B.Both C.All D.Either

  ( )38.—How long have you the iTouch?

  —It is two years since I bought it.

  A.kept B.borrowed C.had D.bought

  ( )39.—Jim, have you finished reading Harry Potter?

  —No. I my father in the garden all day yesterday.

  A.was helping B.would help C.had helped D.have been helping

  ( )40.—I made a lot of mistakes in the maths exam. I’m afraid I didn't pas it.

  — . It can’t be that bad.

  A.Be careful B.Never mind C.Don't mention it D.Cheer up



  I took my school report and came back home, and I hoped not to meet my mother.

  41 , I found my mother was not at home. There was a 42 on the table, and I knew she went to my aunt’s and would come back in the evening. I was still 43 afraid as if my mother would come back suddenly.

  Seeing the low grades on the school 44 and remembering mother’s cold face, I 45 trembled(发抖) with fear. If my mother knows I got so low grades on the 46 , she 47 throw away all my cartoon books. But they are my favorite. I have been regarding them as my own 48 for a long time. But my mother always said they took me 49 time and I didn’t spend much time on my study. I knew my mother 50 those books. She warned me 51 I got low grades once more she would throw them out. What should I do? How can I stop my mother 52 doing that?

  Suddenly, I had a good 53 . I put all the books in a box. Then, I put the box under my bed. After doing it 54 , I felt very happy.

  Opening the English book, I sat at the desk and 55 to read. It was really the time that I learned English hard, I thought.

  ( )41.A.Luckily B.Finally C.Later D.Instead

  ( )42.A.note B.book C.notebook D.dictionary

  ( )43.A.a few B.a little C.few D.little

  ( )44.A.computer B.card C.information D.report

  ( )45.A.hardly B.never C.almost D.sometimes

  ( )46.A.sports B.music C.art D.subjects

  ( )47.A.should B.would C.may D.can

  ( )48.A.thing B.homework C.life D.study

  ( )49.A.too much B.too many C.much too D.many too

  ( )50.A.liked B.hated C.bought D.sold

  ( )51.A.unless B.whether C.if D.or

  ( )52.A.with B.to C.about D.from

  ( )53.A.chance B.decision C.dream D.idea

  ( )54.A.carefully B.slowly C.correctly D.weakly

  ( )55.A.wanted B.began C.followed D.forgot

