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时间: 漫柔2 中考英语

  A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.

  ( )41.What can we infer from the passage?

  A. None of the thieves has been caught by the police up to now.

  B. A lot of money is missing from the bank of the United States each year.

  C. The computers in the bank will be changed to prevent money from being stolen.

  D. There will be no crimes in the bank any more since so many crimes have been found out.


  Scientists who study the climate are still arguing about how fast the earth is warming and how much it will warm, but they do agree that the earth is warming and that it will keep warming if we don’t do anything about it.

  Scientists agree that the burning of fossil fuels (化石燃料) like oil and coal cause greenhouse gases to escape into the air and that these gases are causing most of the warming. Another cause is deforestation (cutting down trees) . Trees soak up carbon dioxide, one of the greenhouse gases, from the air.

  There are already some changes happening because of global warming. Sea level is rising and some animals are already moving to new homes. It’s already too late to stop global warming completely.

  If the warming gets worse, as scientists expect, there may be some kinds of plants and animals that is disappearing because they can’t move to new homes. There may be more storms and floods. Sea level may rise so much that people have to move away from the coasts. Some areas may become too dry for farming.

  Global warming is a very difficult problem to fix. People are having a hard time agreeing on what to do about it. For example, everyone agrees that wasting energy is a bad thing to do. But some people think that the federal government (联邦政府) should make laws about it, while other people think it should be up to each person or business to decide what to do.

  Many states and businesses in the United States are not waiting until the federal government decides what to do. They have already started working on the problem.

  ( )42.What are the scientists arguing about in the passage?

  A. How fast is the earth warming? B. How much will the earth warm?

  C. The earth will keep warming if we don’t do anything about it. D. Both A and B.

  ( )43.What does the underlined phrase “soak up” mean?

  A. take in B. grow up C. take off D. set up

  ( )44. What may be the causes of global warming?

  A. The disappearance of plants and animals and the wasting energy.

  B. The burning of fossil fuels and storms and floods.

  C. The burning of fossil fuels and deforestation.

  D. The rising of sea level and deforestation.

  ( )45. What is the best title of this passage?

  A. The reason for global warming B. How to stop global warming

  C. The changes to the world D. The global warming




  46. The witness was asked to ▲ the suspect. (描述)

  47. He is hard-working and always uses his free time ▲ (明智).

  48. I have ▲ (决定)to write a complaint letter for my broken bike.

  49. His attractive performance on the stage comes from ▲ (日常)practice.

  50. The coldest month in Yangzhou is January while the ▲ (热),month is July.

  51.If you want to stay ▲ (health), you’d better go to bed early and do some exercise.

  52. He devoted all his efforts to ▲ (educate) children.

  53. Alice found ▲ (she) alone in the hole. She was very lonely.

  54. Miss Wang found Jane was too ▲ (care)because of so many mistakes in the exercise.

  55. Do you know the ▲ (interview)names from CCTV? I am not familiar with them.



  One of the most powerful tools you can use to improve your reading comprehension is mind mapping. It is possible to create maps by simply using a pen and paper.

  The first step is to draw a circle or box at the center of the page. Inside your shape write down the main idea that your mind map will focus upon. For example , if you were creating a mind map about the geography of the United States , then you would write down “the geography of the United States” in the middle of your page inside your circle.

  Next you draw branches from your central idea. Much like a tree grows branches . Simply draw a line moving away from the central theme. In the case of the geography of the United States , you would probably draw 50 lines. Each line represents one of 50 states. These are the main categories(分类) with your primary concept(概念).

  Each of lines can then have branches off of each. These would represent the main example under each category. For example , under the line titled, “ Texas,” you would find lines called Austin, Houston, and Dallas, you might draw a series of lines to represent some of its main sections like “ South Dallas” and “ Highland Park” .

  You continue to draw your mind map much like the structure of branches on a tree. Mind map helps improve your comprehension because they enable you to quickly see relationships between main ideas, categories , examples, and details that might otherwise be missed if you use more traditional note taking strategies(策略).

  The most 56 tool to improve reading comprehension

  57 of the tool Mind map

  Steps of making mind map ★ Draw a circle or box in the middle of the page.

  ★ Write the theme 58 the circle that you want to focus on.

  ★ Draw branches from the central idea, for example , if you 59 “ the geography of America” in the central circle or the box, the branches can be 50 lines represent 50 60 of the 61 .

  ★ Go on 62 lines from each of the 50 lines 63 the details under each state…

  Advantages of making mind map ★Enable you more quickly to find the 64 between main idea and other details 65 traditional note taking ways.



  There once lived in China a very foolish king and queen. One day the queen had a baby d 66 . When they saw their baby, they b 67 cried out, “My goodness! How small it is! It’s hairless and toothless! It’s a monster!” They sent for all the doctors in the country and ordered them to prepare some

  m 68 for her.

  “When she drinks your medicine, she must grow to the right s 69 and have hair and teeth,” the king said, “If you don’t do this, you’ll have a beating.”

  The doctors thought it i 70 , but they dared not say anything a 71 the king’s order. Just then an old doctor stepped forward. “Oh, we shall certainly obey your order,” he said, “but it t 72 time. We have to dig a mineral from the Kun Lun Mountains when the snow melts(融化) for the second time. The snow melts on those mountains only once in six years. So we need t 73 years.”

  At last the king agreed and the doctors took away the little princess. On her twelfth birthday, they brought her back to her parents w 74 long black hair and beautiful teeth. The king and queen were very happy and gave the doctors expensive p 75 .


  A. 句子翻译(共5小题;每小题2分,计10分)












  B. 写作(计20分)

  班会课上,我们讨论了习近平主席的话:“有梦想,有机会,有奋斗,一切美好的东西都能够创造出来。”请以 “My Dream” 为题写一篇100词左右的英语发言稿。提示如下:

  我的梦想 有意义的事情或职业(自由确定)

  梦想产生的原因 1.生命可贵,人生只有一次


  3. 希望使自己的人生更有意义

  如何实现梦想 珍惜有限的生命……


  Dear teachers and friends,

  I’m happy to be here to share my dream with you.

  That’s all for my speech. Thank you for listening.



  1—5 ACCBA 6—10 ACBBD 11—15 ACDCD


  16—20 ABACD 21—25 ABCBD 26—30 BACAB


  31—33 ADB 34—37ACDB 38—41 CDBB 42—45 DACD


  46.describe 47. wisely 48. decided 49. daily 50. Hottest

  51.healthy 52. educating 53.herself 54. careless 55. interviewers’


  56.powerful 57.name 58. in / inside 59. write /put/fill 60. states

  61. USA 62. drawing 63. with/ representing 64. relationships 65. than


  66. daughter 67. both 68. medicine 69. size 70. impossible

  71. against/about/after 72. takes 73. twelve 74. with 75. presents


  76. It’s necessary for each student to hand in homework on time.

  77. Do you know how many years /how long they have been friends?

  78. The H7N9 virus is so terrible that it may make many people lose their lives.

  79. Yangzhou is an old cultural city which has / with a history of more than 2500 years.

  80. In ancient times, Yangzhou was famous for its beauty in the world.


  1. 内容完整,语句流畅,无语法错误,书写规范,给19-20分;

  2. 内容较完整,语句较流畅,基本无语法错误,书写较规范,给16-18分;

  3. 内容欠完整,语句欠流畅,语法错误较多,书写较规范,给13-15分;

  4. 写出部分要点,语法错误较多,书写欠规范,但能表达基本意思10-12分。



  Dear teachers and friends

  I’m happy to be here to share my dream with you.

  Life is of great value to all of us. We can only live once. It’s necessary for our lives to have a dream.

  My dream is to be a writer when I grow up. My favorite writer is Jane Austen, who writes Pride and Prejudice. Her books are so perfect that I read them again and again and never get tired. How I want to be a great writer like Jane Austen! I hope to make my life more meaningful in this way.

  In order to make my dream come true, I ought to spend my limited life carefully. It’s important to read a large number of great books and practice writing from time to time. I believe I can make my dream come true one day. I’m looking forward to the coming of that day!

  That’s all for my speech. Thank you for listening.