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时间: 漫柔2 中考英语

  53. The three movies are all ______.

  A. horror films B. fairy tales C. romantic films D. action films

  54. Gerda is Kai’s ______.

  A. sister B. mother C. friend D. servant

  55. Why has Rex been away from his home?

  A. To find a wife. B. To raise a chick.

  C. To learn to hunt in the wild oceans. D. We don’t know.

  56. How can Michael help his son face the tragedy?

  A. By finding his Christmas joy. B. By giving his son the courage.

  C. By fining a gift for his son. D. By bringing joy to his son on Christmas.


  Answers to life can be found in everyday events. Watching nature, watching people and watching animals communicate with each other provide some of the simplest ways to life’s biggest problems.

  This became clearer to me yesterday. It caused me to ask myself, “How do I respond (反应) to the storms in life?”

  People usually run when it starts to rain. I love to walk in it, stand on my front door and feel it. I grew up doing it and have never really felt the fear many people do.

  The animal world senses changes in the weather far earlier than humans. My dog, Ricky, begins to shake long before the storm is close enough to be noticed. I was about to feed my three dogs yesterday and as usual, I let them out in the yard first. They didn’t move when thunder came across the skies. So I placed their food in their bowls and called Ricky into the kitchen.

  Ricky was just standing there in place next to his bowl. The thunder became louder, which forced him to stop eating his meal. Then I watched Phil. He made his way across the kitchen floor and stood over Ricky’s bowl. He ate all the remaining food. Generally, if Ricky was standing there, he wouldn’t dare (敢) come close. But today, he took advantage (优势) of the storm and got what he wanted. His hope for the prize outweighed (胜过) his fear of the storm.

  That’s when it hit me. As men, we face all kinds of storms. They come in unannounced. Sometimes we stay in a corner or under the blankets, hoping it will all pass. However, if you dare put your head out, you’ll discover there’re people doing what they must to get what they must have out of life. Isn’t it time you decided to take advantage of the storm?

  57. According to the writer, answers to life ______.

  A. are difficult to find B. lie around us

  C. are simple to understand D. make people become fearless

  58. From the passage we can learn that the writer ______.

  A. enjoys the rain B. fears thunder

  C. hates the storm D. cares little about the weather

  59. According to the passage, what hit the writer most?

  A. Phil wasn’t afraid of the storm. B. Ricky stopped eating food.

  C. Phil ate the rest of Ricky’s food. D. Ricky sensed the storm earlier than he.

  60. What would be the best title for the passage?

  A. Find out Answers to Life B. Take Advantage of the Storm

  C. Stop Storms in our Daily Life D. Pay Attention to Everyday Events

  五、词汇检测 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


  61. Usually the lion is thought to be the s ▲ of courage.

  62. That’s too bad! The door is l ▲ with my key inside.

  63. I don’t think white ▲ (适合) me. Actually, dark colours make me look slim.

  64. To our joy, the problem was ▲ (成功) solved at last.

  65. He is so weak that he has some difficulty ▲ (控制) himself when walking.

  66. — Can you help me with my English?

  — Sure. Please come to me ▲ you need help.

  67. — What did your father say about your travel plan?

  — Nothing. He just listened in ▲ .

  68. — What are going to do for the winter holiday?

  — We’re going away to Thailand or ▲ warm. It just depends.

  69. — Hey, Jane! Why do you get up so early?

  — I’d better leave early to avoid the ▲ hour traffic.

  70. — Mr Li is already in his thirties. But he’s still ▲ .

  — That’s his way of life. For him, work comes first.

  六、句子翻译 (共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)


  71. 因为这场战争,这个国家被分割成了三部分。

  72. 她一出现在婚礼上,就吸引了大家的注意。

  73. 人们高度评价他在电影业所取得的巨大成就。

  74. 他走得如此匆忙,以致于在犯罪现场留下很多线索。

  75. 做最终决定前,为什么不听听别人的建议呢?

  七、书面表达 (共1小题;满分20分)

  随着“爸爸去哪儿?”等综艺节目的播出,人们越来越意识到爸爸对孩子成长的重要作用。根据近期你校对本校学生的调查,统计出孩子心目中好爸爸的三大优秀品质。请你根据下列表格中的内容,以“What makes a good father?”为题,用英文写一篇短文。

  好爸爸的品质 百分比 理 由

  1. 多花时间陪孩子 52% 感受到父爱。

  2. 以身作则 27% 为孩子树立表率,教会他们诚实、勇敢。

  3. 经常赞美孩子 14% 给孩子的一个微笑也是对孩子的赞赏。



  1. 对所给要点进行陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译;

  2. 词数90左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数;

  3. 作文中不得提及有关考生个人身份的任何信息,如校名、人名。

  What makes a good father?

  With the hot Chinese reality show “Where Are We Going, Dad?” broadcast, people realize that fathers play an important role in the growth of their children. From the recent survey of our students, we have found that there are three most important qualities that a good father should have.


  一、听力选择 (每小题1分)

  1 – 5 BACBA 6 – 10 CBACB 11 – 15 ACBCA 16 – 20 CABAC

  二、单项填空 (每小题1分)

  21 – 25 BDCBA 26 – 30 DADCB 31 – 35 DACBA

  三、完形填空 (每小题1分)

  36 – 40 BCDAC 41 – 45 BADCB

  四、阅读理解 (每小题2分)

  46 – 50 CBCDB 51 – 55 ADBAC 56 – 60 ABACB

  五、词汇检测 (每小题1分)

  61. symbol 62. locked 63. suits 64. successfully 65. controlling

  66. whenever 67. silence 68. somewhere 69. rush 70. single

  六、句子翻译 (每小题3分)

  71. This country was divided into three parts because of the war.

  72. As soon as she appeared at the wedding, she caught everyone’s attention.

  73. People think highly of his great achievements in the film industry.

  74. He went away in such a hurry that he left many clues at the scene of the crime.

  75. Why not/ Why don’t you listen to others’ advice before making the final decision?

  七、书面表达 (20分)

  One Possible Version:

  With the hot Chinese reality show “Where Are We Going, Dad?” broadcast, people realize that fathers play an important role in the grow th of their children. From the recent survey of our students, we have found that there are three most important qualities that a good father should have. 52% of the students think a good father should spend more time with his children. In this way they’ll feel their father’s love. 27% of the students believe a good father is a good example. He can teach his children to be honest and braver. 14% of the students think a good father should often praise his children because his smiles also suggest his praise.

  In my opinion, a good father is also a patient teacher. A good father will listen to his children and give them suggestions if necessary.


  第一部分 听对话回答问题



  1. W: What a good painting! I must take a photo of it to show my friends later.

  M: I’m afraid you can’t. Please look at the sign on the wall.

  2. W: Do you let people know when you’re taking pictures of them?

  M: I try not to. You know any picture of a person who poses for the camera would look unnatural.

  3. W: What do you think of the music they are playing?

  M: You mean the dance music? It’s so beautiful. Let’s go dancing, shall we?

  4. W: Jim, you still haven’t finished watching the programme yet?

  M: Oh, Mum. It’s near the end. I want to know who can win the competition at last.

  5. W: I like Anne Hathaway. She’s so cute in the film The Princess Diaries.

  M: Yeah, she is. She is like a little girl next door. My girl friend likes her, too.

  6. W: I hear Peter had his computer repaired.

  M: Really? He has a lot of skills, but he can’t repair his own computer?

  7. W: Jack, there’s an art show in our city museum. Would you like to go with me?

  M: I know from the TV advertisement, it’s all about western art forms. I’m not interested in it.

  8. W: Dear, what happened between Nancy and Victor while we were away?

  M: They argued about what TV programmes to watch.

  9. W: You were seen hanging about the store on the night when it was broken into, weren’t you?

  M: Me? You must be joking. I was at home that night.

  10. W: I was born on February the eighth, 2002. My animal sign is the Horse.

  M: Really? I was born in the same month and the same year but why isn’t my animal sign the Horse?

  W: That’s because I was born before the Chinese New Year and you were after it. So yours is the Sheep.

  第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题



  W: Please sit down. Let’s see, you’re Mr Bacon.

  M: That’s right, James Bacon.

  W: Well, let’s begin. When will you graduate?

  M: This July.

  W: Have you ever done any work in this field?

  M: No, never. We only did some practice work in class.

  W: You seem to be doing very well in college. What kind of pay are you hoping to get?

  M: From what I’ve read, it seems that the starting salary should be about eighty thousand dollars a year.

  W: Here we would start at sixty thousand dollars for the first year. Then you would go to ninety thousand dollars. After that, your pay rise depends on how well you have worked.

  M: I see. Do we have vocations?

  W: Those are all explained in this document. You can take it with you,

  M: Oh, thanks. I’ll have a look at home and then contact you.


  Philip is a Grade Nine student. He does well in all his subjects. But he also spares enough time for his hobbies. He goes to the Art Club every Wednesday. He’s interested in watching programmes about animals. Usually he spends half an hour a day on weekdays watching Animal World. He’s also a very good basketball player. On Saturdays, after doing his homework, he often plays basketball with his friends for at least two hours. On Sunday evenings, he watches programmes about sports for about one and a half hours with his father, because his father is also a sports fan while his mother isn’t interested in sports at all. She likes TV series.


  Our clothes are a powerful tool. It can make us feel better about ourselves by wearing different colors of clothes.

  Normally when we are sad, we will wear dark colored clothes. Oppositely, when we are happy, we often choose to wear brightly colored clothes. The reason for this is that our choice of color mirrors how we are feeling.

  Those who don’t believe in the idea often say, “If only this truly worked”. Well in reply to those people, there has been a lot of research into what happens to someone’s feelings when they are asked to wear just one color of clothes. It has been proved that if we wear particular colors of clothes, these can change our feelings.

  Suppose we are feeling sad, if we wear black we may begin to feel worse. However if we wear green, red or yellow, we may begin to feel better. Each colour is said to have its own power. Red makes one feel energetic, yellow bright, blue thoughtful, orange happy, green peaceful, white easy-going, brown good at learning new things, pink romantic, purple easy to fall in love and black safe.

  So remember, if you are not feeling your best, you can always try out some different coloured clothes. If one colour has no effect on your feelings, maybe another will.