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时间: 漫柔2 中考英语

  How about being more selfless and using your pocket money to help others? We all know that there are many people in the world who are in need of our help. Helping others brings out the best in us and is one of the greatest joys in our lives. So consider using your pocket money to do something useful and helpful, and feel how you can make a difference.

  Save as much as you can.

  There is an old saying that “Money doesn’t grow on trees.” If you spend all your pocket money right away, you’ll have no money until your next “pay day”. A wallet sometimes might not be the best place to save money because it may make it easier for you to spend your money. Get a piggy bank or ask your parents to start a savings account (账户) for you. Someday when you look back, you’ll get a strong feeling of achievement by saving so much money by yourself!

  62. Why should we make a list before spending money?

  A. Because it can help us buy things that we want most.

  B. Because it can make sure we buy everything we want.

  C. Because it can help us know which thing is the most expensive.

  D. Because it can help us know if we have enough money for the things.

  63. What does the underlined sentence ‘Money doesn’t grow on trees.’ mean?

  A. Money doesn’t come easily. B. Money is as important as trees.

  C. One can make money by growing trees. D. We should use our money to protect the environment.

  64. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

  A. Helping others can bring us great happiness.

  B. We should tell our parents before we buy something expensive.

  C. Pocket money can be used to do something useful and helpful.

  D. Saving much money can make us get a strong feeling of achievement.

  65. What is the best title for the passage?

  A. How to save pocket money B. How to get pocket money

  C. How to spend pocket money D. How to help others with pocket money



  66. I love Yangzhou, ____________(尤其是) in spring.

  67. Som eone has left a window open____________(粗心大意).

  68. All the kids were surprised when they heard that a cow has four __________ . (胃)

  69. How long have you ____________(借) the book?

  70. He is patient enough to ___________(解释)the thing to us.

  71. They have just had a ______________(discuss) about where to spend their holidays.

  72. When the guest entered the hall, Mrs Smith stood up and greeted him ________ (polite).

  73. He was so tired out that he found himself ________(able)to move out of the hotel.

  74. Living together with my friends was a great __________ .(pleasant)

  75. Some husbands care less about their ______ (wife) feelings and seldom help them do housework.

  六、任务型阅读阅读短文,完成表格,每空一词。(共10小题, 每空1分,计10分)

  We often see top students around us and everyone knows about them. Let us take Jenny as an example. She is the monitor of our class. She spends a lot of time working for our class. But she always gets good grades in all subjects. How do students like Jenny do that? When I asked her, she said, “Hard work is not the whole story. It’s not how long you sit at the desk with your books open. It’s what you do as you are sitting.” In fact, we can see many top students spend fewer hours on their studies than their classmates. Jenny gave me some valuable suggestions.

  If your math teacher gives you five problems, you should do six. If your Chinese teacher gives eight pages of reading, you should read nine. The more you practice, the more you learn.

  Studying is a matter of your personal interest, so choose the way you are most comfortable with. Some people like working at night when the house is quiet, while others like doing their work early in the morning. However, others like studying as soon as they arrive home from school while the work is fresh in their minds. No matter which way suits you, try to do your best.

  Studying is your business and the business comes before entertainment(娱乐). When you are studying, phone calls should go unanswered, TV shows unwatched, snacks given up. Studying is the only thing in your mind. Nothing can pull your attention away from what you are studying.

  Studying is like eating. You should eat a little at a time. You can plan what to do today, but don’t do too much. When you can’t finish the work you planned to do, you will feel stressed and may lose confidence. On the other hand, you will not study well without a good plan. It all depends on how you manage your time.

  The students who hand in a clearly written paper are already half way to get an A.. Tidy papers are likely to get higher marks than messy ones. When you write clearly and do your work carefully, the thoughts in your mind are clear. You can avoid making more mistakes.

  76 to make your studies better

  Passage outline Supporting details

  Do more than you are asked Do more than what your teacher asks you to because 77 more makes you learn more.

  Choose suitable ways Some people like working on a 78 night, while others like doing their work early in the morning. Some people like studying their lessons shortly after 79 home from school.

  Put 80 before entertainment Pay 81 to what you are studying.

  Plan your time well Don’t try to do much at a time.

  Failing to 82 your planned task will make you feel stressed and lose confidence.

  On the other hand, you will not study well without a good plan.

  Keep your papers 83 Messy papers are more likely to get 84 marks than clear ones.

  Besides, some mistakes can be 85 .

  七、首字母填空(共10小题, 每空1分,计10分)

  It’s not easy to let young people accept the ways of the old. It’s becoming e 86 more difficult in the face of new technologies. So officers gathered in Wuhan, Hubei Province that is proved to be good at m 87 children interested in tradition. They shared some lessons. As we all know, many students know little about traditional things. Officers d 88 how to make local operas popular in elementary and middle schools. Officers also agreed that every student should get the chance to w 89 a traditional opera show for free every year.

  The work of the theatre was divided into three p 90 : speech, teaching and performance. By the end of November, about 146 e 91 of these kinds were held. Opera artists are often invited to schools to communicate with students and teachers. Traditional opera lessons are t 92 in more than 80 percent of its elementary and middle schools. More than 6,600 opera shows were performed at schools that year, and that was h 93 praised by students and parents.

  In this way students can have a taste of the traditional beauty of China. “At first I was afraid these events could be a distract (分心) from study. Now I r 94 that our children have learned a lot from them,” said one parent of No.71 Middle School. One of the officers said o 95 parts of the country could learn some lessons from Hubei Province’s experiences. They hope students all over China will have the chance to learn the art of traditional operas by the end of 2018.


  A. 翻译(计10分)

  96. 这个小男孩在公交车上给老人让座,很有礼貌。


  97. 这个公园是辛苦工作一天后放松的好去处。


  98. 在志愿者的支持下,奥运会成功举办。


  99. 我认为很难在如此短的时间内解答出这个数学题。


  100. 你介意向我展示如何在网上预定火车票吗?


  B. 书面表达 (本大题共20分)

  现在我们周围的环境污染越来越严重。作为一个中学生,我们应节约资源,保护环境,从我们身边的小事做起,做一个“低碳生活”的中学生。请以“My Low--carbon Life”为题,写一篇100字左右的短文描述自己的“低碳生活”。






  My Low--carbon Life




  1. M: You look unhappy. What's the matter with you?

  W: It's raining again. I don't likethe weather.

  2. W: We Chinese usually shake hands when meeting for the first time. What about you?

  M: In Korea, we are supposed to bow.

  3.W: Do you see t he man who is standing on an elephant?

  M: Yes. I think he is so brave.

  4.W: Why is Tommy absent from school today?

  M: Because he has got a high fever.

  5.W: Do you have a plan for the summer vacation?

  M: Yes. I have planned to go to London, but my wife would like to go to Hong Kong. Finally, I agreed with her.

  6.W: Can you drive a car at the age of sixteen in China, Daniel?

  M: No, we can't. Drivers must be at least 18 years old. I can drive a car next year.

  7.M: Oh, you like watching movies so much! Would you like to join the movie club?

  W: I'd love to, but I like music too! I think in the music club I can learn to write songs and play different kinds of

  instruments. It's much more exciting.

  8. W: Mike, do you think people will have robots in their homes in 100 years?

  M: Yes, I do. I saw a robot on TV, and it made t he dishes and washed the clothes.

  9.W: I want to do some shopping in New York. Is 200 dollars enough for me?

  M: If you've already paid for the air tickets and for homestay, it should be OK.

  10.W: Stop! Don't cross that line! Can't you see the sign, kid?

  M: Sorry, Sir! I don't know it's against the rules.


  W: Do you know there is a relationship between colours and moods, Jack?

  M: Certainly. I think colours influence our everyday lives in many ways.

  W: How should we choose the colours for the rooms of a house?

  M: Most people think light colours are better than dark ones.

  W: Yes. I notice light colours make rooms seem larger.

  M: Sure. I also know blue can make us feel relaxed and green is good for our eyes.

  W: Yes. My mum says blue is suitable for bedrooms. I also find some people prefer orange for their dining rooms.

  M: True, but it depends on personal taste. Anyway, we should choose the colour which makes us feel comfortable.


  In addition to English magazines, newspapers and radio, there are various kinds of English learning websites. Millions of people around the world visit them daily to improve their English. If someone from Spain asks a question, they may get an answer from Canada instantly. On the Internet, you can chat with other English speakers freely, and enjoy the latest English songs. The Internet brings the world of English to you.

  I suppose this new way to study English is wonderful. How comfortable i t is to learn what I need anytime and search for plenty of useful information without leaving home! I think more and more people will choose the learning websites to further improve their English.


  An eleven-year-old boy in a small town wanted to be a train driver. But the boy was born without arms. He was taught by his uncle to use his feet as "hands". How he wished he could be a train driver! One day he saw an empty train and he climbed on. He started it with his feet easily. Nobody could see the boy in the train or stop the train. When he was near the town, a worker caught up with the train and stopped it. At first he was very angry, but when he saw the boy, he was so surprised that he hardly believed it was true. "I like the train and I can drive it with my feet," said the boy quietly but proudly.


  1-5 AAABC 6-10 BCABC 11-15 AABBA 16-20 BBCCC


  21-25 BDADC 26-30 CACBC 31-35 DCACB


  36-40 ABCDC 41-45 BCBAC 46-50 BBDBB


  51-53 BCD 54-57 ABBC 58-61 BCBD 62-65 AABC


  66. especially 67. carelessly 68. stomachs 69. kept 70. explain

  71. discussion 72. politely 73. unable 74. pleasure 75. wives’


  76. How/Ways 77. practising 78. Quiet 79. Arriving/getting/going 80. study/studying

  81. attention 82. finish 83. tidy/clean/clear 84. lower 85. avoided


  86. even 87. making 88. discussed 89. watch 90. parts

  91. events 92. taught 93. highly 94. realize 95. other


  96.It is polite of the boy to give his seats to the elderly.

  97.The park is a good place to relax after a hard day’s work.

  98.With volunteers’ support, the Olympic games were successfully held.

  99.I find/think it (it’s) difficult to work out the maths problem in such a short time.

  100.Do you mind showing me how to book train tickets on the Internet.
