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时间: 漫柔2 中考英语


  ( ) 51.When was the Apple II invented?

  A. In 1976. B. In 1977. C. In 1998. D. In 2010.

  ( ) 52.When did the iMac first come out?

  A. In 1976. B. In 1998. C. In 2010. D. In 2011.

  ( )53.Which one was the oldest?

  A. The Apple II. B. The iMac. C. The iPad. D. The iPhone 4s.

  ( )54. From the passage, we can know that the iPad _______.

  A. has a better camera B. is the first personal computer

  C. has a CD-ROM slot D. is great for watching movies

  ( )55.According to the passage, which of the following is True?

  A. iPhone 4s'screen is the same size as iPhone 4.

  B. iPhone 4s has a larger and slimmer case than iPhone 4.

  C. iPhone 4s uses less time to transfer data than iPhone 4.

  D. iPhone 4s with an improved camera is cheaper than iPhone 4.


  The Lunar Calendar(阴历)

  Modern Chinese use the solar calendar(阳历)as English people do . But at the same time , they use their own lunar calendar . Each lunar year is given the name of one of these animals : the rat , the ox , the tiger , the hare , the dragon , the snake , the horse , the goat , the monkey , the chicken , the dog and the pig . This list lasts for 12 years and then starts again .

  Each Chinese month starts on the day of the new moon . And the full moon comes on the 15th day of the month . The New Year always starts between January 21 and February 20 . On the last day of the lunar year , there is a big family dinner . All members of the family except married daughters try to be present at this meal , even of they have to travel many miles to reach the home of their parents . Old quarrels are forgotten , and everybody is happy . After the dinner , the children keep awake to welcome the New Year .

  The New Year celebrations last for 15 days , from the new moon to the full moon . On the first day , children and unmarried people go to visit their elders .

  ( )56. If next year is the year of the dragon , what was the name of last year ?

  A. It was the year of tiger .

  B. It was the year of the hare .

  C. It was the year of snake .

  D. It was the year of the ox .

  ( )57. Suppose that next Chinese New Year’s Day is on 15th February , when will people have their big family dinner ?

  A. On February 15 B. On February 16

  C. On February 14 D. On February 17

  ( )58. The family usually have their big family dinner at the home of ________ .

  A. the married son B. the married daughter

  C. the unmarried son D. the parents

  ( )59. People celebrate the New Year ________ .

  A. for 15 days

  B. from the new moon to the full moon in the first month of the lunar year

  C. from January 21 to February 20

  D. both A and B

  ( )60. From this selection we know that each Chinese month is measured by _______ .

  A. the sun’s revolutions(旋转)

  B. the moon’s revolutions

  C. the earth’s revolutions

  D. both the earth’s and moon’s revolutions


  Some people think only school children do not agree with their parents, however, it is not true.

  Communication is a problem for parents and children of all ages. If it’s hard for you to communicate with your parents, don’t worry about it. Here are some advice for you to bridge the generation gap (代沟).

  Don’t argue (争辩) with your parents. Don’t get to your parents when you are angry. Your parents probably won’t consider your ideas if you are shouting at them. And you can’t express yourself well if you are angry. Go someplace to cool off. Make sure you understand why you are unhappy. Then think about what you want to say to your parents. If you don’t think you can speak to them at the moment, try writing a letter.

  Try to reach a compromise (和解). Perhaps you and your parents disagree on something. You can keep your disagreement and try your best to accept each other. Michael’s mother didn’t agree with him about buying a motorcycle. They argued over it. But they finally came to a compromise. Michael bought the motorcycle, but only drove it on certain days.

  Of course, your parents might refuse to compromise on something. In these situations, it is especially important to show love and respect (尊敬) to them. Showing respect will keep your relationship strong.

  Talk about your values. The values of your parents are probably different from those of your own. Tell your parents what you care about, and why. Understanding your values might help them see your purposes in life.

  A good relationship with your parents can make you a better and happier person. It is worth having a try!

  ( ) 61. According to the passage who have a communication problem?

  A. parents and other people B. only school kids and their parents

  C. teachers and their students D. parents and children of all ages

  ( ) 62. How many pieces of advice does the writer give us to bridge the generation gap?

  A. 5. B. 4. C. 3. D. 2.

  ( ) 63. The underlined word “bridge” in the passage means “______”.

  A. 建立 B. 消除 C. 通过 D. 到达

  ( ) 64. If the values of your parents are different from those of yours, you’d better ______.

  A. argue with them B. keep away from them

  C. agree with them all the time D. tell your parents what you care about

  ( ) 65. The best title for the passage is______.

  A. How to bridge the generation gap B. How to deal with family problems

  C. How to be good parents D. How to be a good child

  第二卷(非选择题 共45分)

  第四部分 书面表达(共三节)

  第一节 词汇运用(共两题,满分15分)

  (一) 单词拼写(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)


  66. It’s hard ____(完成)the work in such a short time.

  67. This is our ____ (三) time to plant trees.

  68. Taian is developing rapidly. The workers are busy b____ the Huanshan Road.

  69. At last he ____(成功地)finished the work in time.

  70. National Day is on O____ 1st.



  Are you the only child in the family? If so, you are the most (71)____ in your family. (72)____ are the closet people to you in the world. But a lot of middle school students have a problem. They feel they’re not as (73)___ to their parents as before. They even think their parents are unfair to them.

  Some students complain that their parents say a lot to them, but never (74)____ to them. Some of them even say it (75)____.

  “My parents don’t allow me to play computer games,(76)____ other classmates are doing that”.

  Others say, when they’re (77)____ phone calls to friends, their parents like to ask if they’re speaking to a boy or a girl. These make them very (78)____. Some students even decide to leave home. But they don’t know running away may bring them some more problems. Show your parents you’re growing up. Then they’ll feel you’re no (79)____ a small child.

  (80 )____ you follow the advice, you’ll have a happy life and never think of running away.

  第二节 阅读表达(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)


  (1)Being a youth is one thing, and being a good one is another. A good youth should have these qualities(品德):First of all, health. A good body is the best riches. Without it, nothing can be done well. If you are poor in health, you will have to take medicine day after day. Even you can’t work, do sports and so on. Secondly, one must be of good quality. Always do something for others. Help those in trouble and care about the people around you. If everyone did the same,(2) what a wonderful world this would be! Thirdly, one must have the ability to work with others. Cooperation and communication(合作和交流) are two important keys to better human relations. Everyone needs friends because no one can live through life alone or do everything he wants to

  Besides the examples above , patriotism is the one we should never forget. Patriotism means a love for one’s country. It’s one of the highest qualities of human’s. Everyone should love his own country. But people sometimes think patriots(爱国者)must be fighters or that they live in a time of fighting for their country. That is wrong. A good youth’s work is not only fighting. A good youth will do the things his country asks him to do.

  I think a good youth of today should also have some training in art. If everyone can enjoy art and be able to make more of it for others, then people will live better and enjoy more.

  81. What are the two important keys to better human relations?


  82. What does the underlined “patriotism” mean in Chinese ?


  83. 将(1)处画线句子译成汉语。


  84. 写出(2)处画线句子的同义句。


  85. Give a title to the passage. _____________________________________________________

  第三节 写作(共1题,满分20分)


  As the saying goes,roses given,fragrance in hand.In our daily life,we will meet with a lot of trouble.



  1—5 BAABC 6—10 ABACB

  11—15 BBCAC 16—20 CBABC


  第一节 语法和词汇(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)

  21—25 ABBBC 26—30 DDCBC 31—35 BDAAA

  第二节 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

  36—40 CADCD 41—45 BDCAC

  第三部分: 阅读理解(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)

  46—50 DADCB 51—55 BBADC 56—60 DACCC 61—65 DCBDB

  第二卷(非选择题 共45分)

  第四部分 书面表达(共三节)

  第一节 词汇运用(共两题,满分15分)


  66. to finish 67. third 68. building 69. successfully 70. October

  (二) 综合填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

  71. important 72. Parents 73. close 74. listen 75. angrily

  76. but 77. making 78. unhappy 79. longer 80. If

  第二节 阅读表达(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)

  81. Cooperation and communication.

  82. 爱国精神

  83. 做一名青年是一回事,做一名好青年是另一回事。

  84. How wonderful the world would be!

  85. How to be a good youth

  第三节 写作(共1题,满分20分)

  One possible version

  As the saying goes,roses given,fragrance in hand.In our daily life,we will meet with a lot of trouble.So it is necessary for us to help those who are in trouble.

  I still remember I helped one of my classmates with his English when we were in the first term of Junior Eight.Li Hua,one of my classmates,was not good at English while I did well.One day,he asked me to help him.So from then on,whenever he had problems,he would ask me,and I was patient to explain them to him.Slowly,his English improved with my help.At the same time,I found my English improved too.

  Actually,helping others is helping ourselves.