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时间: 漫柔2 中考英语

  65.Some parents pay their children for doing housework because ______.

  A.children can learn how to make money for themselves

  B.their children tell them to do so

  C.they are rich

  D.they do by law


  As a doctor, I usually work about 10 hours every day. I have quite a busy life, but I also do some volunteering(志愿活动). I’m not saying it’s easy. In fact, it’s difficult. But what I get is much more than what I give. I never think it’s a waste(浪费) of time.

  I’m helping a young girl, Molly. She has a problem with her leg. We stay together for two hours once a week. I drive for about an hour to get to her house. I’m doing it for nine months. One of the things we often do is to go for a walk for more than an hour. It sounds easy to you and me, but for her, it’s a big deal. My sister also once had the same problem with her leg. I know this kind of problem will influence(影响)people’s life. I want to do something and she gives me a great chance. I hope she can get well, as my sister did.

  66. What does the writer do?

  A. She’s a teacher. B. She’s a driver.

  C. She’s a player. D. She’s a doctor.

  67. What does the writer think of doing the volunteering job?

  A. It’s a waste of time. B. It influences people’s life.

  C. It’s not easy. D. It makes her busy.

  68. What does the underlined word “deal” mean in the passage?

  A. game B. thing C. hill D. point

  69. What can we infer(推断) from the passage?

  A. The writer doesn’t like the volunteer job.

  B. The writer gets nothing from the volunteer job.

  C. The writer’s sister gets well now.

  D. The writer goes to Molly’s house by bus.

  70. The writer is mainly talking about_______.

  A. something as a volunteer B. something as a doctor

  C. her interest D. her family



  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

  11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

  21 22 23 24 25


  七、26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

  37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

  八、46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55

  九、56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65

  66 67 68 69 70

  十、任务型阅读。71完成句子;72、73回答问题; 74判断正误,如果正确在句后写T,错误写F;75翻译划线句子。(10分)

  An old man died and left his son a lot of money . But the son was a foolish young man, and he quickly spent all the money, so that soon he had nothing left . Of course , when that happened, all his friends went away from him. When he was quite poor and alone, he went to see Tom , he was a kind, clever old man and often helped people when they had trouble.

  “My money has finished and my friends have gone ,”said the young man ,“What should I do now?”

  “Don’t panic, young man,” answered Tom, “Everything will(将) soon be all right again. Wait, and you will soon feel much happier. ”

  The young man was very happy. “Am I going to get rich again then? ”

  “I meant that you would soon get used to (习惯) being poor and to having no friends.” said the old man

  71. The young man had a lot of when his father died.

  72.Why did all his friends go away from the young man.?

  73.Who often helped people?

  74.Tom believed the young man would become rich.( )

  75. .


  76. Mickey has a pair of ears.(著名的)

  77. Is the good. (服务)

  78. The had only ten dishes. (菜单)

  79. Tom       well in that movie .(扮演)

  80. A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your       .(内心)

  B. 选择词语适当形式填空,每词仅用一次。(5分)

  comfortable funny one housework decide

  81. It started raining so he       to take the train.

  82.You can sit the most there.

  83. In fact, she’s       than anyone I know.

  84. She often does on weekends.

  85.Mrs. White goes shopping       or twice a week.


  86. be how food the


  87. hardly TV ever she watch


  88. works hard than me her


  89. every night sl eep how hour many do you


  90. town in which is the bad store



  根据表格中提供的信息, 写一篇短文介绍你和你最好的朋友Eric的相同之处和不同之处。

  要求: 1. 包含表格信息, 可适当发挥;

  2. 不少于70个词。

  人 物 不同点 相同点

  Nancy 1. 比我高得多, 更外向

  2. 更擅长唱歌、跳舞`

  3. 喜欢去听音乐会 1. 喜欢运动

  2. 学习努力, 各门功课都学得好

  3. 喜欢阅读, 通常在周末一起去图书馆

  I 1. 喜欢上网

  2. 喜欢旅游





  七、(每小题1分, 共20分)


  八、(每小题1分, 共10分) 46-55 CAADD BCBCD

  九、(每小题2分, 共30分)56-70 DBADC BCDBA DCBCA

  十、(每小题2分, 共10分)

  71. money. 72. Because he spent all his money. 73. Tom.

  74. F. 75.你不久就会高兴起来的。


  76. famous 77. service 78.menu 79. acts\acted 80. heart

  81. decided 82. comfortably 83. funnier 84. housework 85. once


  86. How is\was the food?

  87. She hardly ever watches TV.

  88. She works harder than I.\I work harder than she

  89. How many hours do you sleep every night?

  90. Which store is the worst in town?


  Nancy is my best friend. In some ways, we are the same. Both of us like sports. We are both hard-working and good at our subjects. We both like reading, and we usually go to the library together on weekends. But in some ways we are different. She is taller and more outgoing than me. She is better at singing and dancing. She likes going to the concert. For me, I like surfing the Internet. And I love traveling. In fact, I don’t really care if my friends are the same as me or different from me.