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时间: 刘惠2 高考英语


  Every year the months from November to March are the best time to travel to the Antarctic.Tourism in Antarctica makes it easier for people to appreciate its beauty.But some worry that the increasing number of visitors could affect the environment despite the regulations of tourist companies.Do you support tourism in Antarctica?

  29.Which is the best time if you set off to Antarctic?

  A.At Christmas. B.On Mid-Autumn Festival.

  C.On May Day. D.On Dragon Boat Festival.

  30.Who have the same attitude according to the passage?

  A.Mike and David. B.Mary and Jenny.

  C.David and Mary. D.Jenny and David.

  31.Which is not Mike’s concern about travel to Antarctic?

  A.Health problems. B.Damage to the environment.

  C.Money to be spent. D.Scientific research.


  Anderew Bereza,15,keeps a low profile(保持低调)at his school in New Jersey,US,but on the children’s gaming website ROBLOX, he’s the star developer of a game called Two Player Gun Factory Tycoon.The game has attracted nearly 9 million visits and earned him $50,000 since it came out last June.

  In the game,each player builds factories that make the resources needed to buy weapons to attack other players’factories.Corm Nykreim,a teenage player,called the game“something like the cross between a mock United Nations and James Bond business spy”.

  Andrew said he never expected to make real money from ROBLOX.a site he visited when he was younger.Rather,he put together his hit game when he was bored.“I started playing with Lua,the programming language on there.”he said.“I eventually got interested in making a game, spent a couple of weeks putting it together, and when it was released I was just surprised to see it in the charts.”.

  Despite his age,Andrew has a lot of programming experience.He learned it from his parents who both work in the programming field.

  After his mother bought him his first computer when he was 9,she taught him the basics of programming.By the time he was 12,he was good at programming,said his father,Pavel Bereza.“He has a kind of sharp,logical mind,”he said.

  Coding updates to the game has become a part-time job for Andrew.He spends a couple of hours each school night designing improvements to the game and then pushes out the updates on the weekends.Meanwhile,he is saving his money to pay for a computer science degree in college.

  “I want to take a serious direction with it and see what I can do,”he said about programming.He added that he likes being able to create something out of nothing.“My game started as an empty void(空虚)and turned into what it is today.”

  32.What is the basic rule for the game?

  A.Crossing America as soon as possible.

  B.Building factories to attack other factories.

  C.Using the resources to produce weapons.

  D.Updating the game to a high level.

  33.What is Andrew’s original purpose of designing the game?

  A.To apply for a computer science degree.

  B.To make money on his own.

  C.To show off his talent of programming.

  D.To get rid of boredom.

  34.Why can Andrew be successful in creating the game?

  A.He is a business spy. B.His character is very suitable.

  C.His parents gave him much help. D.He has much programming experience.

  35.What does the underlined part“out of nothing’’most probably mean?

  A.Not having anything. B.Using everything.

  C.Covering and containing something. D.Having the best of everything.



  When England’s most famous novelist died in 1870,he asked in his will that there be no public monuments to remember him by and that his body be buried in a small country churchyard.Instead.statues of Charles Dickens were built all over the land and he was laid to rest in Westminster Abbey.

  36 Recently,his home city of Portsmouth,where he was born in 1812,put up a statue of him.But to call Dickens the most famous English novelist is to tell only half of the story. 37 Think of the fame of a film star today and you’11 get a sense of what the name“Charles Dickens” meant back then.

  It’s said,for example,that Dickens invented the way Christmas is celebrated.His story A Christmas Carol,which tells of how mean,old Scrooge learns the real spirit of the holiday,is now an important part of the Christmas season.A modern British author,Peter Ackroyd,mentions a report of a child who was heard to say,on heating the news of Dickens’death:“What,Mr.Dickens dead? 38 ”

  Dickens was also the great conscience of 19th-century England.He lived during a time when England was becoming the world’s first industrial power.Those changes brought terrible conditions for the new poor,especially children. 39

  Today,Dickens’novels are still read and studied all the time.He wanted to be remembered for his work alone. 40 If he were to rise from the dead,although he might be disappointed that his wishes had not been ignored,he would certainly see that his writing has had a lasting power.

  A.Does that mean there won’t be Christmas anymore?

  B.The novelist never missed a chance to write about their conditions.

  C.In his day,Dickens may have been the most famous person in the world.

  D.The death of Dickens was a great loss to the world.

  E.And that’s why he hated the idea of statues.

  F.Today,Dickens’wishes are still being ignored.

  G.It’s not difficult to understand why people love Dickens so much.

  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)


  Last fall,a beaver(海狸)moved into the small stream beside our house.He immediately began taking down small trees,and within a couple of weeks our stream had turned into a 41 .Every day he added more to his dam and to his house.Now we 42 the saying“as busy as a beaver”when we saw the work that this beaver did over a very short 43 of time.

  We thought that would be the last of the beaver’s busy 44 as winter set in.To our amazement, 45 ,he started chewing on a very large maple tree,which was approximately 1.5 meters at the 46 .We were amazed at the 47 this beaver was attempting.All winter he chewed and chewed.He had difficulty as we 48 major winter storms and freezing weather.But 49 enough,when the weather allowed,he would come back and chew a bit more.

  As spring arrived,we went down to see the beaver’s 50 .The tree was about to fall.Our beaver had almost 51 chewed around and through the entire tree.

  The beaver’s 52 goal was survival—to build a home for the winter.Working every day with that particular 53 in mind,he successfully 54 that goal.But the large maple tree he 55 chewing on last fall was a future goal—he wanted the large tree for the spring,to 56 new food and branches.Even with the 57 he faced over the winter,he never gave up.

  Our beaver experience 58 us that we need to set goals for tomorrow.Sometimes just 59 seems to occupy au of our time.But,if you do just a little bit when time 60 and keep focused on your future goal,you will achieve it.

  41.A.sea B.pond C.ocean D.river

  42.A.praise B.support C.appreciate D.consult

  43.A.moment B.period C.while D.date

  44.A.arrangement B.story C.activity D.experience

  45.A.therefore B.however C.moreover D.otherwise

  46.A.base B.branch C.top D.trunk

  47.A.reality B.fact C.challenge D.wonder

  48.A.faced B.prevented C.regretted D.missed

  49.A.1uckily B.naturally C.surely D.hopefully

  50.A.fun B.work C.effort D.progress

  51.A.crazily B.eagerly C.noisily D.completely

  52.A.original B.common C.another D.distant

  53.A.possibility B.focus C.treatment D.strength

  54.A.applied B.achieved C.followed D.covered

  55.A.avoided B.started C.delayed D.enjoyed

  56.A.found B.introduce C.protect D.provide

  57.A.improvement B.view C.problem D.difficulty

  58.A.persuades B.reminds C.warns D.requests

  59.A.growing B.1earning C.suffering D.surviving

  60.A.allows B.expects C.replies D.accepts




  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)



  Even when he has lunch by himself,the loving husband never dines alone.Last week he headed to a California restaurant for a date with his wife,who 61 (pass)away five years ago.He placed a framed photo of his love on the table and enjoyed a burger 62 his late sweetheart.This was pictured by a twitter user and reported online.

  The two met when they were 17 years old—just 63 he went to war.They lost touch,but he never stopped 64 (think)about her.Ten years later he told his story of lost love to a barber in California.The barber thought the story sounded familiar, 65 he called his daughter,who 66 (immediate)recognized the man as the war-bound solider she met a decade ago.The two were quickly 67 (marry)and stayed together until her death 55 years later.

  “He takes her photo everywhere,”the twitter user said.“and goes 68 (show)you true love does exist.”

  The man left the user with a few lessons on love.“Tell your wife that you love 69 every day.And be sure to ask her, 70 I told you that I love you lately?’”

  第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

  第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)








  There are many hurricanes occur around the world every year.Knowing what to do during a hurricane is of great important to survive.

  Listening to the weather forecast so that you know when a hurricane is coming.If a hurricane warning is issued,stop doing whichever you’re busying with,which is always the most efficient way to avoid caught in a hurricane.If you were walking outside,stop and find a shelter under which can protect you from a hurricane.If you are in your car when a hurricane comes,remain in it and turn on the engine,waiting until the hurricane dies down.If you are inside your house,do remember to close the windows and doors until you are sure when the wind is not that strong enough to blow it open.


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