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时间: 漫柔2 中考英语

  A. Those who like watching TV.

  B. Those who take exercise regularly.

  C. Those who study hard and play hard outdoors.

  D. Those who stay indoors studying all day.

  50. The word “minimized” in second-to-last paragraph probably means ______.

  A. reduced as much as possible B. made better use of

  C. taken little notice of D. attached much importance to


  There is a place on our earth where hot water and steam come up under the ground. It is on a large island in the Pacific Ocean. The island is North Island in New Zealand.

  The earth on which we live is a ball of very hot rock. It is a good thing for us that the outside shell is cold. If it were not, no one could live on the earth.

  The earth’s shell has cracks(裂缝) in it in some places. In New Zealand this shell seems to have more cracks than in other places on the earth. There are places where the ground is so hot that it burns the bottom of your shoes. In some places, hot water shoots into the air from time to time. In other places, you can see steam coming up from pools of hot water. The people who live in these places make use of the heat that comes from inside the earth. Some of them cook in the hot pools. They put food into basketball and then put it into the water. Washing clothes is done in much the same way.

  Many people bring the hot water from below the earth into their homes. They do this by putting a pipe a hundred feet or more into the ground. In this way they get hot water and steam for cooking and washing, and for heating their homes.

  51.What does the word “steam” mean in Chinese?

  A. 自来水 B. 大气 C. 冰川 D. 蒸汽

  52. Why do we know that people can live on the ea rth according to the passage?

  A. Because the earth’s shell has cracks in it.

  B. Because the earth is hot inside but cold outside.

  C. Because hot water and steam come up under the ground.

  D. Because the heat from inside the earth helps people with everything.

  53. Which of the following is not true?

  A. Our earth is a ball of very hot rock.

  B. Many people use baskets to get hot water.

  C. People make good use of heat in New Zealand.

  D. There are more cracks in New Zealand than in other places on the earth.

  54. Which of the following is not mentioned?

  A. Cooking B. Washing C Heating D. Surfing

  55. The best title for the passage is_________.

  A. Heat Under Your Feet B. The Earth Shell

  C. A Rock in New Zealand D. Water and Steam in the Pacific Ocean

  第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题, 共55分)



  Events Information

  My oldest friend Jeremy

  His first request (56) ________________________

  My answer (57) ________________________

  His characteristics (特点) He seemed to be (58)______________ in himself.

  My strong subject (59)___ .

  In France We (60) ______________ for holiday.


  阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。

  Mr. Clark (61)_______ (bear) in a small town of England. When he finished middle school, he (62) _______(find) work in the police station and he (63) ________(work) there for 42 years and he'll retire(退休)this autumn. He tried to work hard in the past 42 years but he wasn't a lucky man and never caught a thief. He was often sorry for it.

  Last weekend, when Mrs. Clarke (64)________ (cook) supper, she found there was no sugar. So she asked her husband (65) ______ (buy) some in the shop near their house. He came in the shop and found a young man (66) ______ (steal) some money from a woman's bag. He ran to the thief quickly, but the young man found and (67) _____(run) away at once. Mr. Clarke ran after him. The thief ran into a blind alley(死胡同)and Mr. Clarke (68) _______(catch) him at last.

  "Please give me a chance, sir, " said the young man. "I never stole before."

  "Who (69) _________ (give) me a chance?" said Mr. Clarke. "I'll soon retire and I (70)____________ (catch) a thief for the first time!"



  One day Harvey’s wife was cleaning out a cupboard.

  “Look at all these umbre llas,” Harvey’s wife said to him. “There are eight and they are all b_________ (71).”

  “I’ll take them all to the umbrella shop and have them r__________ (72),” Harvey said. “They are t__________ (73) good to throw away.”

  Harvey took the eight umbrellas to the shop and left them there. The shopkeeper said, “They’ll be ready tomorrow.”

  That evening Ha rvey went home from the office by bus as he usually did. He sat n_________ (74) to an old woman. She had an umbrella on the floor between the seats. When the bus reached his stop, he p________ (75) up her umbrella and stood up.

  “ Hey!” the woman said, “That umbrella b _________ (76) to me.”

  Giving it to her, Harvey said, “I’m so s__________ (77). Please excuse me for taking your umbrella by m__________(78).”

  The next day he collected the umbrellas f_________ (79) the umbrella shop and got on the bus. As he sat down, a voice behind said, “You have certainly had a successful day!” He turned around and saw the woman w_________ (80) umbrella he had almost taken the day before.

  七、阅读表达 (共5小题,计10分)


  Very often, new-born babies are not beautiful. They are wrinkled (多皱的) or hairless, or they have an angry look on their faces. They seem to say, “Get away! I hate everybody.” But to a parent, that hairless, wrinkled, angry-faced baby is the most beautiful and perfect child in the world. When th at proud father or mother asks you, “Well, isn’t she beautiful?” What are you going to say? Is this the time for the truth? Of course not!

  You look that proud father in the eye and say, “Yes, she is! She is really a beauty. (83) She is one in a million. She’s a s beautiful as a picture! I can tell!”

  In English this is a white lie. White lies don’t hurt people. They are not cruel (残忍的) or angry words. People use them to make a difficult thing a little easier. When people don’t want to meet someone, or eat something new that they really don’t like at their friend’s house. They tell a white lie. They are trying to be kind. They don’t want to hurt someone. (84)It’s important to be honest, but many people feel that being kind is sometimes more important.

  A. 根据短文内容简要回答下列问题:

  81. What does a new-born baby look like?


  82. Why are you going to tell a white lie when a parent asks what you think of their new baby?


  B. 将短文中划线的两个句子译成汉语。


  84. _________________________________________________________

  85. 请给短文拟一个适当的标题。¬________________________________


  某英文报纸以“我最尊敬的人(The person I respect most)”为题进行征文,请你投稿。 介绍一下你最尊敬的人是谁,你为什么尊敬他/她,你从他/她身上学到了什么。

  要求:1. 所给的英文提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出真实的校名和姓名。

  2. 字数:80-100 字左右。

  3. 提示词语:important, learn, help…


  一 ~ 三题


  1-5 AABBC 6-10 BCCAB 11-15 BBBCC 16-20ABBAD 21-25CBDAD

  26-30 CDBDB 31-35ACBDD 36-40CDBAD 41-45BBCAC 46-50 DBDDA



  1、1-35题,每小题1分 2、36-55题,每小题1.5分 3、与答案不符, 不得分。




  56. borrowed some money 57. no 58. confident 59.maths and science 60. went hiking






  61. was born 62. found 63. has worked 64. was cooking 65. to buy

  66. stealing 67. ran 68. caught 69. will give 70. have caught







  71.broken 72. repaired 73. too 74. next 75. picked

  76.belongs 77. sorry 78. mistake 79. from 80. whose






  81.It is wrinkled, hairless or angry-faced/ It is wrinkled, hairless or has an angry look on its face.

  82. Because a white lie doesn’t / won’t hurt the parent/ Because I don’t want to hurt the


  83. 我能判定她是万里挑一,像幅画儿那样美丽。

  84. 诚实固然重要,但许多人感觉善良有时更重要。

  85. A white lie.




  3.第85 小题,虽与答案表达方式不同,但与所给参考答案意思一致,无语言错误,



  (一)one possible version:

  My mother is the person I respect most. She plays an important role in my life, not only as a mother but also as a friend.

  As a mother, she takes good care of the family and she is never upset about my mistakes. She works hard in the company. She’s always warm--hearted and ready to help others. She sets a good example to me. I have learned to work hard and respect people around. As a friend, she knows a lot about me and gives me help whenever it’s necessary.

  My mother has a great influence on me and I respect her most.



  1、短文通顺完整,表达清楚, 语言基本无误,17-20分;

  2、短文较通顺完整,表达基本清楚,语言有少量错误, 12-16分;

