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时间: 漫柔2 中考英语

  53. We can learn from the passage that_____.

  A.some cultures celebra te New Year in the morning

  B.4 cultures do special things to celebrate New Year

  C.people in Ecuador go to parties on December 31stor January 1st

  D.the Western people celebrate New Year only on New Year’s Day

  54. To have a happy new year,_____.

  A.friendssing to each other in special ways

  B.families make big dolls filled with new clothes

  C.some people get up early to watch the sunrise

  D.Europeans eat 365 grapes on New Year’s Day

  55. When eating black-eyed peas on New Year’s Day, people think_____.

  A.one pea brings one day of good luck

  B.black-eyed peas are the best medicine

  C.the peas are very black and taste bad

  D.the peas are helpful to count numbers


  It’s hard when a best friend isn’t around—maybe because she moved to a different school or a different class, or maybe she’s just sick at homefor the day. Break or lunchtime can be lonely without her. Will it ever feel the same? 56 , but how do you make them? Maybe it seems like everybody else alreadyhas their friends. But remember, there’s always room for more friends.

  Start by looking around your classroom—think about which one you’d like to play with at break.Look for chances to say hi to them, smile, and be friendly. Offer to share something or offer greetings. Invite someone to play with you or say “Do you want to sit here?” in the lunchroom. 57 , walk over tothe ones you want to play with,act friendly, and say “Hi, can I play, too?” or just join in.

  58 ,or if you’re feeling shy, ask your teachers to help you to make new friends. Teachers are usually pretty good at matching up friends. The best way to make friends is to be a friend. 59 .As a result, you’ll soon have one, or two, or even more new friends.

  You might still miss that special best friend. 60 , you can share something you didn’t have before she left: You can introduce her to your new friends!

  A. When you are at lesson break

  B. If you have trouble doing this

  C. You want to have new friends

  D. But when you see each other

  E. And you’ll be happy with them

  F. Be kind, be friendly, offer to help


  Spiderman is one of the most famous comic book heroes of all time. He was created by Stan Lee in 1963 and was first introduced to the world in the pages of Marvel comic books.

  Spiderman’s story is the story of Peter Parker, a child who lost his parents and lives with his aunt and uncle. Peter is a shy, quiet boy wearing glasses and has few friends. One day, on a high school class trip to a science lab, he gets bitten by a special spider. Soon Peter realizes he has amazing powers: he is as strong and quick as a spider and also has a type of sixth sense. He no longer needs his glasses and he can use his super power to fly through the city streets! Remembering something his Uncle Ben has told him, that “with great power, there must also come great responsibility (责任),” Peter decides to use his powers to fight enemies who do cruel things to people. And so, Spiderman is born.

  Life is not easy for Peter even though he is a superhero. He is in love with Mary Jane but cannot tell her about his amazing powers. Besides, his best friend Harry hates Spiderman! Peter is also short of money and time. He has to sell photos of Spiderman (himself!) to a newspaper and he keeps losing his other jobs because he’s so busy saving people! Yet he has to fight different kinds of cruel enemies.

  61.Who created Spiderman?

  62. Where does Peter go on his high school class trip?

  63. What happened to Peter after he was bitten by the spider?

  64. How is Spiderman born at last?

  65. What kind of life is Peter living?




  66. 你有过独自一人在家的经历吗?请根据你的亲身经历选择情况A或情况B完成短文。



  提示词:look after, have fun, miss, grow, worried, excited, surprised

  Home alone






  6-7BA8-9CA 10-11BC 12-13AC 14-15 BC


  16. Park 17. bike 18. 8:30 19. gate 20. apples


  21-25CCBAB 26-30 ABDCC




  41-43DAC44-47ABCD48-51ABCA 52-55 BACA


  56-60 CABFD


  61. Stan Lee.

  62. He goes to a high school class trip to a science lab.

  63. He has amazing powers.

  64. Spiderman is born when Peter decides to use his powers to fight enemies who do cruel things to people at last.

  65. He’s living a magical life with his amazing powers but life is not easy for him with difficult reasons.




  I’ve been home alone for several times and my first stay at home alone was memorable.

  When I was twelve, once both of my parents were away on business, and I had been all by myself for two days. They left early the first day, and I got up soon after they left. In the first evening I was a little scared, so I turned on all the lights. I actually kept the light on in my bedroom the whole night. For fear of getting up late the next morning, I put three alarm clocks near my bed. In order to prove that I could take care of myself, I washed my own clothes the second afternoon, though I could wait for mom to do it.

  I really felt proud of myself and thought I was a big girl.


  Up to now I’ve never had a chance to be at home alone. But if there’s one in the future, I guess Iwill take care of myself very easily.The reasons are as follows.

  First of all, I keep a good daily routine. That’s to say, I can get up and go to bed at usual time by myself. And I can cook simple food. The most important reason is thatI can balance my study and entertainment.

  Therefore, my parents won’t worry about me if they have to stay away for a few days.






  符合题目要 求,表达思想基本清楚,内容基本完整。语法结构和词汇满足文章需要,语言基本通顺,语意基本连贯。有一些语言错误,但不影响整体理解。



